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Armand provides leadership in program and construction management for public, private, and partnership-based entities across and beyond U.S. borders from assessment to execution and everything in between. From multi-family housing, education, transportation, utilities, to full-scale community disaster recovery and resiliency programs, Armand partners with people to improve places through proven processes, and repeated performance.
Best Construction & ProgramManagement Company in USA - ArmandCorporation
ExploreOurMarkets Cultural and Entertainment Communityandculturalfacilities rangingfromlibrariesandtheatersto sportsstadiumsandperformance venuesarevitalindicatoReadMore
CommercialBuildingsOverview ArmandCorporation Armand excels at delivering commercial construction projects across a wide range of scales and building programs. From commercial office, mixed-use, and retail programs to fully occupied building renovations of government office properties and industrial facilities, Armand applies a thoughtful approach to commercial constructionassignmentsofmanyscopesand functions. Armand works closely with owners, designers, and engineers to assess project programs, challenges, risks, and opportunities to guide clients toward right-fit building solutions. Today’s high-performance, high-tech commercial buildings are designed to maximize operational efficiency, increase occupant comfort and functional performance, and keeptheworld’sworkforcemovingtowardthefuture.
CulturalandEntertainment OverviewArmandCorporation Communityandculturalfacilitiesrangingfrom libraries and theaters to sports stadiums and performance venues are vital indicators of a healthy neighborhood’squalityoflife.Armandhasaprofound respect for the important role public-facing facilities play in meeting societal needs and enlivening the community experience. From assessing existing conditionstorethinkingspaceinadaptivereuse opportunities and the meticulous work of historic preservation and restoration, Armand has helped clients better the quality of their assets to meet public needs and improve operational performance in a wide rangeoffacilities.Beyondthebasics,Armandhelps clientsthinkbroadlyaboutlong-lastingconstruction solutionsthatimprovetheuserexperience.
ExploreOurMarkets Education Now more than ever, educational environmentsareadaptingtothenew normal as we face a changing future. ArmandhasbeenbuildingReadMore
DisasterRecoveryOverview ArmandCorporation Disaster recovery construction and program management is a broad, complex, and challenging area of practice that requires acute expertise, diverse resources, and the ability to think long-term while acting quickly. Disaster recovery programs ofteninvolveclaimsmanagementrelatedtostateandfederal government funding to ensure complete compliance and secureandmanage disaster recoveryallocations followingany combination of natural or political events. The fundamental objectivesofArmand’sservicesin disasterrecoveryprograms are to support, restore, and revitalize communities that have beendevastatedwithcare,compassion,andappropriate urgency. From single-family home rehabilitation to vital infrastructureresiliencymeasures,Armandtakesaleadership positionincommunityrestoration.
EducationOverviewArmand Corporation Nowmorethanever, educational environmentsareadapting to the newnormal aswefacea changingfuture. Armandhas been building, rehabilitating, and reconsidering educational environments of every size and sort for most of our 30-year history.Fromtheneedtoinspect existingconditionsin aging k-12institutions to the creation of state-of-the-art sciencecentersinhighereducationsettings,Armandhas had a hand in rethinking the future of educational facilities throughout the tri-state area. From preconstruction services in assessment, cost estimating, and scheduling, to construction execution, commissioning, and close-out, Armand leads the wayineducational construction.
ExploreOurMarkets Infrastructure Beyondbuildings,Armandhasbeen heavilyinvolvedincivilinfrastructure constructionprogramsofmanytypes fromroadways,highReadMore
ExploreOurMarkets Transportationand Aviation Armandhasconsiderableexperiencein large-scaletransportationandaviation programsstretchingfromcommuter raillinestointeReadMore
ArmandCorporation- Leadership President and CEO Barbara Armand Kushner leads Armand Corporation fromtheexecutivelevelwith overall responsibility for firm operations, personnel, and performance.BarbarafoundedArmandinApril1991 with a passionforconstruction’s powerto realizethe dreamsofclientsandthecommunitiestheysupport. Shehasservedasthe President ofthe NewYorkChapter of Professional Women in Construction and received an Honorary Doctorate in Engineering from Rowan University(NJ).Inhermanagementofthe firm,Barbara strivestoexceed expectationsthroughthoughtful execution and maintains a strong personal focus on supporting other Women- and Minority-owned businessesthroughmentoringandteaming.
ContactUs NewJerseyOffice: OnePortCenter,Suite507 2RiversideDrive Camden,NJ08103 856.489.8200 856.489.8212 NewYorkOffice: 1350Broadway,Suite1901 NewYork,NY10018 212.542.4179 646.596.7093 PhiladelphiaOffice: 2LoganSquare 100N.18thStreet,Suite364 Philadelphia,PA19104 215.825.7556 267.207.3401 ForMoreDetailsVisitUs: https://www.armandcorp.com/