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This PPT provides a comprehensive overview of Construction Management Services, focusing on a comparative study between Construction Manager as Agent (CMA) and Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR). It covers definitions, roles, responsibilities, benefits, and challenges, highlighting key differences and decision-making factors.
COMPREHENSIVEOVERVIEWOF ConstructionManagementServices
Introduction to Construction ManagementServices Definitionand Importance:Constructionmanagementservices involve the planning, coordination, and control of a construction project from inception to completion. The primary aim is to meet the client's requirements in order to produce a functionally and financiallyviableproject. KeyObjectives:Deliverprojectsontime,withinbudget,and to the required quality standards. Scope of Services: Includes project management, cost management, time management, quality management, contract administration,and safety management.
RolesandResponsibilitiesin ConstructionManagement Project Planning:Developmentofdetailedprojectplans includingschedules,budgets,andresourceallocations. 01 Coordination:Ensuringall stakeholders, includingcontractors, architects,andengineers,work together effectively. Quality Control: Monitoring work to ensure it meets the required standardsandspecifications. Risk Management:Identifyingpotentialrisksand developing mitigationstrategies. Documentation:Keepingcomprehensiverecordsofallproject activitiesandchanges. 02 03 04 05
CONSTRUCTIONMANAGEMENT ASAGENT(CMA) In CMA, the construction manager acts as an agent for the owner, providing advice and managing the project on their behalf without taking on thefinancialrisksofconstruction. Advantages: OwnerControl:Theowner retains significant controlovertheproject. Transparency:Clear visibility ofprojectcosts andactivities. Expertise: Access to professional management expertise without directconstruction involvement. Responsibilities: TheresponsibilityofCMAincludes managing contracts, overseeing the projectschedule, ensuring compliance with specifications, and coordinating communicationsamongallparties. 01 02 03
CONSTRUCTIONMANAGEMENT ATRISK(CMAR) In CMAR, the construction manager commits to deliver the project within aguaranteedmaximumprice(GMP) and thusassumes the financialrisk forcostoverruns. Advantages: Cost Control: The CMAR model incentivizes the construction managerto controlcosts. Early Involvement: The construction manager is involved in the project from the design phase, leading to better planning and fewer changesduringconstruction. Single Point of Responsibility: Simplifies communication and accountabilityforprojectdelivery. Responsibilities: The responsibility of CMAR includes pre-construction services, constructionservices,andpost-constructionservices,managingboth cost andschedule.
COMPARISON:CMA VS.CMAR RiskAllocation: CMA:Ownerbearsmostfinancialrisks. CMAR: Construction manager bears significant financial risks. CostTransparency: CMA: High transparency, as all costs are visible to the owner. CMAR:Guaranteed maximumpriceprovidescostcertainty. OwnerInvolvement: CMA: Higher involvement in decision-making and project management. CMAR: Less involvement needed as the CM assumes more responsibilities. Flexibility: CMA: More flexible in managing changes and modifications. CMAR:LessflexibleduetothefixedGMP.
CONCLUSIONAND BESTPRACTICES KeyTakeaways: Understanding the differences between CMA and CMAR is crucial for selecting the right approach for a project. Both methodsofferdistinctadvantagesandcanbechosenbased on the specificneedsand risktoleranceof theowner. BestPractices: ForCMA:Ensurethoroughplanning,maintain transparency,andinvolveexperiencedmanagers. ForCMAR:Select areliableconstructionmanager, establishclearGMPterms,andinvolvetheCMearlyin thedesignphase. FutureTrends: Increasing use of technology in construction management, emphasis on sustainable building practices, and growing importanceofintegratedprojectdeliverymethods.
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