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multi-family housing, education, transportation, utilities, to full-scale community disaster recovery and resiliency programs, Armand partners with people to improve places through proven processes, and repeated performance
m a n r d A o C T o r e p m o r o a c t l i e o W n
OurServices-Armand Corporation Construction Managementat Risk Construction Managementas Agent Program Management Design-Build
ConstructionManagementatRisk Armand’ssuccessinCMARstemsfromourabilitytoharmoniouslyorchestrateasymphonyofdifferentmoving partssimultaneously.Beginningwiththeowner/agencyandencompassingtheentirearchitecture,engineering, and subcontracted construction team, CMAR necessitates a forward-focused approach to collaboration and communicationacrossallprojectvariablestocompelwin-winsolutionstoanychallenge. Leveraging a team-think process, the CMAR delivery method joins owners, designers, and builders in dissecting opportunities and obstacles to arrive at a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) based on the construction documents, plans and specifications, and appropriate contingency. Acting as a consultant to the owner, Armand drivesthepreconstructionprocessthroughbudgeting,estimating,scheduling,qualityassurance,safetyplanning, constructability,andsitelogisticsplanningbeforeestablishinganall-inclusive,not-to-exceedcosttocompletethe work. Once the GMP is agreed to, Armand manages subcontractor prequalification, bidding, and selection processestoestablishthefullsuiteofconstructionresourcesrequiredtodelivertheprojecton-timeandon-budget totheowner’ssatisfaction. From concept to completion, kick-off to close-out, Armand applies our 30+ years of experience and a lessons- learnedapproachtoprojectcollaboration,communication,andcontrolinCMARdeliveryeverystepoftheway.
ConstructionManagementasAgent Serving in an advisory capacity to the client, Armand’s success in Construction Manager as Agent stems from our deep appreciation for people, places, processes, and performance. Large-scale commercial constructionisenmeshedincomplexitiesofmanysorts.Fromfinancialandschedulecontrolstobest-value selections in means, methods, materials, and resources, strategic, holistic decision making is always the epicenter of successful execution. In institutional settings, where there are often long-range, ancillary variablesassociatedwithmasterplanning,facilityconditions,fundingpartners,andstakeholders,theneed forawell-roundedconstructionmanagementadvisorbecomesevermoreprudent. SUBSERVICES Inspection Pre-construction LEED®andSustainableDesign Procurement/Bidding Constructability Reviews ClaimsAnalysis
ProgramManagement Workingasanextensionofthecontractingentity,ArmandprovidescomprehensiveProgramManagement services to municipal, regional, and state government agencies faced with overwhelming workloads. Our rigorous, process-based experience in a diverse range of public-facing construction assignments allows us to provide flexible, adaptable Program Management services as an embedded consultant advisor and workforceresource. SUBSERVICES Financial Compliance ResourceManagement ProgramandProjectDocumentation
Design-Build Design-Build delivery requires consistent collaboration across all disciplines to synchronize owner expectationswithdesignachievabilityandtherealitiesofconstructionschedules,constraints,andlogistics. Armand serves as a vital advocate for excellence in all regards by unifying each project’s many diverse influences around maximizing owner and user benefits through strong communication and team orchestration. Design-Buildprojectstakeadvantageofasingle-point-of-accountabilityapproachthatumbrellasdesigners, engineering, and subconsultants under the design-builder’s authority to save time and money in project delivery by streamlining execution. Success in this methodology begins with assessing and assembling the right team and harmonizing owner expectations with design and construction perspectives from the project’s earliest interactions. The design solution and congruent cost and schedule tracking are advanced through owner approvals with deliberate intent. Opportunities to compel beneficial cost and time savings through early bid packages, prefabrication strategies, and tighter control of quality, safety, and logistics are allintegratedintodesignobjectivesfromtheonset.
ExploreOur Markets -Armand Corporation Commercial Buildings Cultural and Entertainment DisasterRecovery
ExploreOur Markets -Armand Corporation Government,NGOS, andNon-Profit Education Infrastructure
ExploreOur Markets -Armand Corporation Multi-FamilyHousing TransportationandAviation
ContactUs NewJerseyOffice: OnePortCenter,Suite507 2RiversideDrive Camden,NJ08103 856.489.8200 856.489.8212 NewYorkOffice: 1350Broadway,Suite1901 NewYork,NY10018 212.542.4179 646.596.7093 PhiladelphiaOffice: 2LoganSquare 100N.18thStreet,Suite364 Philadelphia,PA19104 215.825.7556 267.207.3401 ForMoreDetailsVisit Us: https://www.armandcorp.com/