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Armand Corporation takes responsibility for realizing dreams, rebuilding hope, and restoring faith in communities across America. Our acute expertise and process in construction and program management derive from specialized services tailored to specifics that bring out the best in ourselves, partners, participants, and the diverse range of client agencies we serve wherever there is a need.
Constructionand ProgramManagement CHANGINGLIVESFORGOOD
Armand Corporation takes responsibility for realizing dreams, rebuilding hope, and restoring faith in communities across America. Our acute expertise and process in constructionand program managementderivefromspecialized servicestailored to specificsthat bring out thebestinourselves,partners,participants,and thediverse range ofclient agencies weservewhereverthereis a need. KnowAboutUs Armand provides leadership in program and construction management for public, private, and partnership-based entities across and beyond U.S. borders from assessment to execution and everything in between. Working in a cross-section of community-facingsectorswithagenciesrangingfromtheNewYorkCityHousing Authority and the New Jersey Department of Transportation to the School District of Philadelphia,Armandleadsourclients throughplanning and decisionmakingwith data-backed analysis in cost, schedule, quality, safety, and feasibility to control variablesand achievabilityeverystepoftheway.Frommulti-familyhousing, education, transportation, utilities, to full-scale community disaster recovery and resiliencyprograms,Armandpartnerswithpeopletoimproveplaces through proven processes, andrepeatedperformance. Incorporated April 16,1991,Armand understands that client and community trust is earnedthrough reliability.Weappreciatetheweightofresponsibilityourclients entrust us with. We excel in complex, high-stakes community regeneration programs whereclient agencies aretaskedwithscopesand responsibilities ofallbut overwhelmingproportions.Armandguidesclients through acustomized suite of servicesintended to addresseachclient’sparticularneeds.Withover thirtyyearsof expertise,weprovidesupervisory services, program and projectmanagement, and administrative functions required for planning, assessment, execution, and reporting. Westrivetomaximizefundingtogoalsthroughintegratedcostestimates,scheduling, safety,qualityassuranceand controlmethodologiesforeveryassignment.
OurServices Construction Management at Risk Construction Management as Agent Program Management Design-Build
Know About ConstructionManagement atRisk Armand’ssuccessinCMARstemsfromourabilitytoharmoniouslyorchestrateasymphonyofdifferent movingpartssimultaneously.Beginningwiththeowner/agencyand encompassing theentirearchitecture, engineering, and subcontracted construction team, CMAR necessitates a forward-focused approach to collaboration and communicationacrossallprojectvariablestocompelwin-winsolutionstoanychallenge. Leveragingateam-think process,theCMARdeliverymethod joinsowners,designers,and buildersindissectingopportunities and obstaclestoarriveataGuaranteedMaximum Price (GMP)basedontheconstructiondocuments,plansandspecifications,and appropriatecontingency.Actingas a consultant to theowner, Armand drivesthe preconstruction process through budgeting, estimating, scheduling, quality assurance, safety planning, constructability, and site logistics planning before establishing an all- inclusive, not-to-exceed cost to complete the work. Once the GMP is agreed to, Armand manages subcontractorprequalification,bidding, and selectionprocessestoestablishthe full suite of construction resourcesrequiredtodelivertheprojecton-time and on-budget to theowner’ssatisfaction. The great benefitsoftheCMARdeliverymethod comparedtoa Bid-Builddeliveryare succinctly summarized by communication and control. In establishing a mutually beneficial partnership around projectsuccessbetweenthedesignand construction team,theCMARprocesslargely eliminatesthe potentialforadversarialrelationships thatcanpredominatenon-negotiated constructionprograms. When impediments tosuccessarise,Armandworksside-by-sidewitharchitects,engineers, and owners to understand challenges and holistically assess solutions that balance cost, schedule, quality, and constructabilityforthegoodofthewhole. Theowner’sriskislimited throughArmand’sadvocacyin best- value decision making prior to GMP and through precise project management and performance measurement processesonceconstructionbegins.
Know About Construction Management as Agent Servingin an advisorycapacitytotheclient,Armand’ssuccessinConstructionManager asAgent stems fromourdeepappreciationforpeople, places,processes, andperformance.Large-scalecommercial construction is enmeshed in complexities of many sorts. From financial and schedule controls to best- value selections in means, methods, materials, and resources, strategic, holistic decision making is always the epicenter of successful execution. In institutional settings, where there are often long-range, ancillary variables associated with master planning, facility conditions, funding partners, and stakeholders, the needfor a well-roundedconstructionmanagementadvisorbecomesevermoreprudent. Armand’s role in CM as Agent execution is applied from the intersection of experience, expertise, and the abilitytojudiciouslymanagemanypersonalities and occasionallycompetinginterests.Workingasthe Owner’s Representative, in CM as Agent our job is to assess situational specifics and assimilate varying perspectivestowarda commoncenterof mutualsuccessforallinvolved.ForArmand,eachCMas Agent program begins withassigninga single point-of-contactprojectmanager.Theproject manager will shepherdtheclient,consultants, andstakeholdersthroughthedesign andconstruction processesas an owner-investedexpertinthebigpicture and fine-graindetailsofprojectdelivery.Astheneeds, expectations, challenges,andopportunitiesoftheprojectrevealthemselves,theprojectmanagerwilltap intoArmand’sextensivebankofsupplementalprofessional resources. Ourabilitytoaddexpertisein architecture, engineering, construction, cost estimating, schedule management, safety management, construction inspection, construction administration,and contractcompliancewhereneeded,allows Armand toapplytherightexpertise andresourcestotheclient’sbenefitregardlessofcircumstance. Whetherasanagentoran at-riskcontractor,inconstructionearningtheclient’strustisjobone. Operating from a platform of integrity, Armand advises CM as Agent clients through sound, data-backed situational recommendationsasprojectconditionsnecessitate.Ourcomprehensiveprojectanalysisis greatlyenhancedbyalearnedabilitytounderstandtheparts andpiecesaswellasthepeople and processes that intertwinetomakeeachprojectwhollydistinct and uniquely important tothe clients thathire us.
KnowAboutProgramManagement Working as an extension of the contracting entity, Armand provides comprehensive Program Management services to municipal, regional, and state government agencies faced with overwhelming workloads. Our rigorous, process-based experience in a diverse range of public-facing construction assignments allows us to provide flexible, adaptable Program Management services as an embedded consultantadvisor and workforceresource. Change management is a critical constant for many public sector agencies faced with daunting, large- scale, multi-project communityrecoveryorinstitutional rehabilitationprograms. Whilemunicipal agencies often have internal construction management professionals, many are underprepared to manage the depthandbreadthof assignmentsinvolvedina federallyfundingdisasterrecoveryprogramwhentime is of the essence and execution requires stringent compliance, control, and reporting. Beginning with assessment and extending through project prioritization and construction realization, Armand supports clients with dedicated, seasoned construction administrators who help quantify situational specifics and providelong-rangerecommendations onbest-valueprojectinvestments andmanagement. Program Managers are tasked with financial compliance, resource management, program and project documentation in strict compliance with funding agency requirements. Armand’s team is presently overseeing construction execution on an array of assignments ranging from heavy civil infrastructure and institutional rehabilitation to single-family home recovery in times of urgent need and significant community impact. In all this work, time management is imperative, as is our ability to change gears on a moment’s notice in response to a myriad of continually changing variables that frequently surround these projects. Appreciating both the micro and the macro objectives of a particular program is the starting point. Learning the workflow and specific personalities involved on the client level and tailoring the application of our services to agency and individual needs and expectations set the stage for smooth, efficient, effective program management services. Armand earns trust and respect while building relationships that blossom into partnerships while advancing a multi-project delivery in synchronicity with time-sensitive funding, compliance,and reporting.
KnowAboutDesign-Build Design-Build delivery requires consistent collaboration across all disciplines to synchronize owner expectations with design achievability and the realities of construction schedules, constraints, and logistics. Armand serves as a vital advocate for excellence in all regards by unifying each project’s many diverse influences around maximizing owner and user benefits through strong communication and team orchestration. Design-Build projects take advantage of a single-point-of-accountability approach that umbrellas designers,engineering,andsubconsultantsunderthedesign-builder’sauthoritytosavetimeandmoney in project delivery by streamlining execution. Success in this methodology begins with assessing and assembling the right team and harmonizing owner expectations with design and construction perspectives from the project’s earliest interactions. The design solution and congruent cost and schedule tracking are advancedthroughownerapprovalswithdeliberateintent.Opportunitiestocompelbeneficialcostand time savings through early bid packages, prefabrication strategies, and tighter control of quality, safety, and logisticsare all integratedintodesignobjectivesfromtheonset. Armand drives design-build success as a prime contractor or key consultant with meaningful expertise in budgeting, estimating, scheduling, quality assurance, safety planning, constructability, site logistics, subcontractor selection, and oversight. Well-established project controls begin with a resolute commitment to process-based, data-driven determinations that balance cost, schedule, quality, and constructability for the good of the whole, which ultimately translates to achievability and benefit maximization. The client’s expectations are met through Armand’s ability to critically control the project’s movementthroughprocessmanagement. From start to finish, Armand earns client confidence by clearly defining project expectations around program, functionality, sustainability, and operational performance and actively leading the project to fruition. Armand earns the team’s respect by closely tying the costs and schedule implications of design determinations on materials and systems with actionable logistics and advantageous sequencing to improveprojectperformanceindesign-builddelivery.
ThankYou 1350BroadwaySuite1901 NewYork,NY10018 www.armandcorp.com 212.542.4179