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Demko – Defining Nation, State, & Country & Japan. What is a Country?. Geographic Principles 3 Confusing and Overlapping terms Country State Nation plus Nation--State. Country. Least Useful term
What is a Country? Geographic Principles 3 Confusing and Overlapping terms • Country • State • Nation • plus Nation--State Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Country • Least Useful term • Typical Definition: A nation or state. The territory of a nation or state; land http:// www.answers.com/topic/country • We will ignore this term Demko - nation, state, and Japan
STATE State has: • Specific Territory -- boundaries • Permanent Population • Government and Political System exercising sovereignty • Organized economy policed by the Government Hence Stability, Control, and Security based on Rules Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Supposed “states” • Places with quasi-sovereignty • Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus -- only recognized by Turkey and completely dependant on Turkey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ESVKNVbE-4 Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Creation of New supposed “states” Demko - nation, state, and Japan
South Ossetia Result of 2008 Russian-Georgian War Recognized only by Russia, Venazuala, Nicaragua, & Nauru Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Non-States • Unorganized territories – Antarctica • Colonies – Puerto Rico Demko - nation, state, and Japan
NATION George Demko's Definition Nation has: 1. Defined Territory • Stationary Population • With a common • culture • language • history… Hence Place and People – relates to Ethnicity with a space Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Limitations • Territorial occupation may be historical, Chechens did not cease to exist even though exiled by Stalin • The Cherokee Nation was also displaced • Likewise regarding the Jewish Diaspora • Point is refugees do not cease being a nation • Chinese speak more than one language but consider themselves one nation, likewise India • Germany has two state recognized religions (Luterhan & Roman Catholic) but are one nation Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Note Nation stresses PEOPLE while State stresses POLITICAL structure If we put these together we get either a Nation-State or Multinational-State Demko - nation, state, and Japan
VIABILITY A Nation-State or Multinational-State is viable if it has: 1. Spatial Interaction (exercises & controls activity across space) • Money or mobile monetary units • Credit -- banking • Free transfer of Goods and People Hence a benefit from spatial association No benefits and the place collapses Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Nations without States • Kurds • Palestinians http://www.kokhavivpublications.com/help/maps/images/special/kurdistan_map.jpg Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Palestine Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Nations with multiple States • North and South Korea • Burundi and Rwanda Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Japan As An Example of a modern Nation-State Demko - nation, state, and Japan
What is Japan • Write down the top three things that come to your mind http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2007/10/20/world/20japan.xlarge1.jpg Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Japan as a Place • Rugged Physical Geographic Environment created local and international isolation • Human Geographic Factors that created a unified state and nation Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Japan as a Physical Place • Volcanic Physical Origins • Relative Isolation from Asia • Internal Isolation between basins • All impact on creation of a Place called Japan Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Human Geographical Look at Japan • How did Modern Japan come into existence • What factors lead to the modern nation-state Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Ancient Japan 300 BC-300 Yayoi The introduction of rice agriculture begins the development of a social hierarchy and hundreds of small countries that started to unify into larger countries. 300-538 Kofun 300 Japan is for the first time more or less united. Large tombs (kofun) were built for the deceased leaders. 538-710 Asuka 538/552 Introduction of Buddhism. 604 Prince Shotoku's Constitution of seventeen articles is promulgated. 645 The Taika reform is introduced. The Fujiwara era starts. 710-784 Nara 710 Nara becomes the first permanent capital. 784 The capital moves to Nagaoka. 794-1185 Heian Era 794 The capital moves to Heian (Kyoto). By the end of the first millennium Japan had common: • language & literature, religions, culture, history … • some government institutions on three islands • sizeable population • – but does not remain unified as a state Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Nation • Certainly by this time there is a “nation” of Japan • But center of political control varies over time • Meets Demko’s requirements for nation but not yet state https://eee.uci.edu/clients/sbklein/gender/timeline.jpg Demko - nation, state, and Japan
http://www.nigelspencer.co.uk/web-pages/old-map-pages/old-map-early.htmhttp://www.nigelspencer.co.uk/web-pages/old-map-pages/old-map-early.htm Creating a Unified State 1185 -- 1598 Medieval Age • Weak Emperor • Warrior class government • Era of Warring States • Three Southern Islands, certainly Nation • Government only in name • Drive for Unification terminates this period • Oda Nobunaga(1534--82) dies attempting • Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536--98) finishes unification then tries to conquer Korea (China) • Tokugawa Ieyasu solidifies the new nation-state Demko - nation, state, and Japan
1603--1868 Tokugawa Or Edo Era • Tokugawa Ieyasu Completes Unification • Continued weak Emperor System • Codifies regulations for governing • Oversees the Economy Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Tokagawa Ieyasu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayTNYQcsrtI&feature=related Demko - nation, state, and Japan
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AG7ojREcHZs Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Necessary Conditions for State Emerge • Specific Territorial – boundaries – Three Main Islands • Permanent Population • Government and Political System exercising sovereignty – control paramount • Organized economy policed by the Government – golden era Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Internal and External Controls • Closed to outside world Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Control over travel • Genius of this era was controlling far flung areas by controlling Spatial Interaction • Regional trade and travel controls • Elites required to travel to Edo • Foreign travel regulated Demko - nation, state, and Japan
How was it possible to control movement across space so easily? • Result of Physical Layout of Japan Two distinct features • 29% Basins or River Valleys • 71% Mountains • Note this physical structure is a result of Japans position on the edge of three tectonic plates = volcanoes and earthquakes Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Major Lowlands These are the place where people can live .Not yet part of Japan Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Meiji Era and Change • Internal Controls of Spatial Interaction worked for 250 years • External Control suddenly failed in 1853 Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Barbarians at the gates: Admiral Perry’s Black Ships Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Meiji Era & Empire Building Sovereignty was threatened 1868 -- 1945 Early Modern Period -- Oligarchy Rules • Emperor "restored" • Top down rule • Pursued Empire building, not just a nation-state Modernization = Industrialization = Militarization • Rich Country, Strong Military Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Meiji Era Outward looking developmental state – develop an empire If can’t keep barbarians out then beat them at their own game – protect Sovereignty Isolation Ended – Spatial Interaction Encouraged – Internal & External If we need resources to grow, then take them just like all Imperial Powers Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Post WWII (Pacific War) Era • Pax Americana • The US guaranteed Resources and Markets to the Japanese • US Markets open to Japan • Japanese Manufacturing flourishes • Imperial Empires not needed to become a wealthy state • Japan reverts to Nation-State Model Demko - nation, state, and Japan
Today • Japan world’s third largest economy • But manufacturing leaving for China & SE Asia • Japan now strives to control financial flows instead of goods flows Demko - nation, state, and Japan