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Helena Rantanen 04.02.2010. How to make a good business plan?. www.turkuamk.fi. What is a Business Plan? (Liiketoimintasuunnitelma). Comprehensive, well-argumented description of a company´s operating environment, operating principles, resources and their development
Helena Rantanen 04.02.2010 How to make a good business plan? www.turkuamk.fi
What is a Business Plan? (Liiketoimintasuunnitelma) Comprehensive, well-argumented description of a company´s operating environment, operating principles, resources and their development Emphasis on the company´s orientation for the future A good business plan is able to answer the following questions Where are we presently? Where are we headed and why? How do we reach our set goal?
When is it needed? useful when establishing a company essential document in finance negotiations gives a complete picture of the business to the concerned interest groups existing company plans to enter new business markets (e.g., a new product, customer group) company is facing dramatic changes in operations (operational crisis, change of ownership etc.) in strategy development
The Stages in Business Planning When establishing a company, the business plan concentrates more on limiting and defining the business idea and specifying the company´s own and outside resources. what… why…. when… where… to whom… how….
The Stages…. The business plan of a company currently in operation starts by taking a synthesis of the analyses on the company´s present internal operations and operating environment along with goals/objectives in order to define the business strategy. Where are we now? What do we want to do? What happens around us? Where are we going to? ……
The Structure and Contents of the Business Plan there are many kinds of business plans a good business plan should proceed in logical fashion and cover all the essential business dimensions The business plan for a new company is likely to include more uncertain predictions about future prospects The business plan of a company already in operation shows its historical development Business Plan Company
Stucture: 1) Abstract includes company’s basic information (name, location, field of business), history, business idea, strategy, description of technology, products/services and competencies the size of the market, company’s estimated market share economic forecasts, the most notable investments and a plan for financing investments
2) Analysis of the Starting Point and the Current Situation Operating company: stregths and weaknesses areas to be developed from the company’s internal operations give answers to questions: how are the products to be priced? how should sales, product development, production and logistics to be organized? the starting point descriptions should present the company’s whole operational chain from ordering a product/service to delivery to the customer
2) Analysis…… Newly established company: business idea and the background how it got started entrepreneur’s objectives and motives potential customer base entrepreneur’s resources (background, education, work experience, competence supporting the operation of a business) general outline of how the financing will be handled
3) Market summary and its assessment for development Analysis of operating environment and its changes as well as opportunities and threats PEST – analysis, also extended versions PEST – analysis P = political factors E = economic factors S = social factors T = technical factors PESTE – analysis E = environmental factors PESTEV – analysis V = values
PESTEV Political factors the development of legislation, societal support measures, taxation policy, political outlooks, development of the political atmosphere domestically and internationally Economic factors economic growth, money markets, inflation, monetary policy, development of income policy Social factors lifestyle changes, consumer protection, leisure time, changes in the age structure, changes in the meaning of work, changes in income distribution and level of education
PESTEV Technological factors production technology, product technology, information technology Environmental factors environmental protection, air and water purity, noise, land use and waste disposal Values ethical issues (environmental aspects, child-labour, use of animals in the product development etc.)
The areas of investigation in external competitor and immediate environment analysis: Development of the field of business - locally, nationally, internationally Level of competition in the field Demand the size of entire market, its development and the company’s own share of the market 4) Competitors - core, marginal, needs and potential competitors 5) Suppliers - ABC-analysis 6) Market development in the future
Summary analysis one popular means of analysis is SWOT-analysis S = strengths W = weaknesses O = opportunities T = threaths Internal Operations Business Environment
4) Goals and Objectives Goals: derive from the company’s vision are expressed in more general terms than objectives Objectives: are more explicit and bound to time lend themselves to measurement a goal often includes specific objectives that help define it
5) Strategy set of methods, basic solutions and guidelines with which goals and objectives for the future can be reached competitive strategies: (Porter) Cost management cost effectiveness in relation to the competition Differentiation making products/services different from those of the competiton Focusing concentrating on a specific market segment in operations
6) The Marketing Plan presents a description of how the marketing will be organized in order to reach the objectives presents a company’s sales objectives and how they are to be implemented in practice as marketing techniques sales objectives can be classified according to different customer groups, product groups or market areas the main part is the plan of how the marketing competitive tools will be developed tools: 1) product/service 2) price 3) sales channels 4) communication
7) Product/Service Development Plan describes the procedures with which products and services can be renewed in order to meet changing customer needs main principles in product development development of current products/services development of new products, product development projects product protection (patents, design protection)
8) Production plan (producing services) describes the flow of the production process including its main phases, the production framework and the procedures and principles deriving from the business strategies describes also the development of working methods and know-how related to production and investments required to develop production
9) Human Resource Plan is derived from the company’s goals/objectives and business strategy main contents: know-how core competencies division of tasks changing needs of operational organization other areas: development of the wage system development of the learning in the organization tools and organization to develop work motivation human resource needs and possible organization of personnel hiring
10) The Financial Plan illustrates the business-strategy-based effects of the procedural plan on the company’s profitability, liquidity, solvency also describes the company’s financial monitoring, reporting and their organization
11) Risk Assessment the aim is to be able to recognize risks within the company’s whole operational system and to provide the risk management tools so that risks can be reduced, transferred to another party to bear or to be eliminated completely
Websites http://www.jdc.fi/fi/index.php?id=1469 Planning Your Business Business Plan Workbook Economical Calculations http://www.liiketoimintasuunnitelma.com
How to make a good business plan? By answering properly to three questions: 1) Where are we presently? 2) Where are we headed and why? 3) How do we reach our set goal?