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Enhancing Nutrition Environment in Restaurants & Stores

This study evaluated a community intervention promoting healthier food choices in restaurants and stores. It utilized the Nutrition Environment Measures Survey to measure changes in the food environment pre- and post-intervention.

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Enhancing Nutrition Environment in Restaurants & Stores

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  1. Using the Nutrition Environment Measures Survey to Inform & Evaluate a Restaurant and Food Store Community Intervention Josie Golembiewski, MPH Candidate Ana P. Martínez-Donate, PhD Department of Population Health Sciences University of Wisconsin, Madison Bev Hall, BS CD Waupaca County NuAct Coalition Healthy Food for All Summit Neenah, WI - 3/27/14

  2. Background Community nutritionenvironment: Consumer nutrition environment: What consumersencounter when they buy food, such as availability, cost,and quality of healthful food choices • The number, type, location, and accessibilityof food outlets in a community

  3. ANEWC Project Assessing and Improving the Nutrition Environment in Wisconsin CommunitiesFunded by UW School of Medicine and Public Health Wisconsin Partnership Program 2010 - 2013

  4. Assessing the Nutrition Environment in Wisconsin Communities (ANEWC) ANEWC Dissemination & Policy Implications Surveillance Intervention

  5. Assessing the Nutrition Environment in Wisconsin Communities (ANEWC) ANEWC Dissemination & Policy Implications Surveillance Intervention • Aim: To develop and test a pilot intervention to improve the nutrition environment in restaurants and grocery stores

  6. Our intervention:Waupaca Eating Smart (WES) • Two nutrition and physical activity coalitions • 10 months: Oct 2011- July 2012 • 7 restaurants & 2 stores in each community • Broad strategies: • Offer, label, and promotehealthier foods Waupaca Stevens Point

  7. Activities in Restaurants • Offer more healthy items • WES-approved meal: <700 calories & 1 cup fruit or vegetables • Label & promote healthy items • Materials, signs, wait staff

  8. Activities in Stores • Offer more healthy items • Recipes for bundled family meals: <700 calories & 1 cup fruit or vegetables • Label & promote healthy items • Promote fruits, vegetables, & family meals • Displays & samples • Signs & flyers

  9. WES Promotion in the Community Where’s Jim Eating?articles in Waupaca newspaper Local media pieces Facebook Blog

  10. Our Process

  11. Methods • Assessment tool: • Nutrition Environment Measures Survey (NEMS) • Goal: • Measure changes in the food environment attributable to the intervention • Evaluation design: • Before and after the intervention • Intervention community • Comparison community

  12. Assessment Tool: Nutrition Environment Measurement Survey • Restaurants • Stores • Convenience Stores • Vending machines • Other tools • Perceived nutrition environment • Grocery store promotions (GroPromo) • Online training • Free, 20 hours www.med.upenn.edu/nems/ Karen Glanz et al. at the University of Pennsylvania and Emory University ‎

  13. NEMS for Restaurants • Availability • Cues, signs, & information • Price • Total score: -27 to 63 points

  14. NEMS for Stores • Availability • Quality • Price • Total score: -9 to 54 points 10 food categories that contribute the most fat and calories to the American diet AND those that are most recommended for healthful eating • Fruits, vegetables, milk, ground beef, hot dogs, frozen dinners, beverages (soda, 100% juice), baked goods, bread, chips

  15. Discussion • NEMS-restaurant • Availability • Cues, signs, info • Price • NEMS-store • Availability • Quality • Price • Adapt NEMS? • Use other tools? Offer, label, and promote healthy items

  16. Future directions • Analyze statewide data • Disseminate toolkits • Sustain WES • Partner with Thedacare • Expand WES through a larger study

  17. Acknowledgments Community Partners: • Bev Hall • Anne Menzies • Marilyn Herman • Gary Garske • Waupaca NuAct • Portage County CAN • Thedacare • Wisconsin Partnership for Physical Activity and Nutrition (WIPAN) • Wisconsin Department of Health Services Nutrition and Physical Activity Coalition UW-Madison Team: • Ana Martinez-Donate • Josie Golembiewski • Amy Meinen • Kristen Malecki • Anne Escaron • Norma-Jean Simon • Anne Roubal • Dan Fisher • SahraKahin • Natalie Rhoads • Jen Valdivia • Natalie Guerrero • Susan Nitzke • Javier Nieto • And many others Questions? Please contact Dr. Ana Martinez-Donate: martinezdona@wisc.edu

  18. Questions

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