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A Digital Hadron Calorimeter with Resistive Plate Chambers. Jos é Repond Argonne National Laboratory. Arlington Linear Collider Workshop University of Texas Arlington January 9 – 11, 2003. Goals. ‘Short term’ Develop technology for HCAL Chamber design Readout schemes.
A Digital Hadron Calorimeter with Resistive Plate Chambers José Repond Argonne National Laboratory Arlington Linear Collider Workshop University of Texas Arlington January 9 – 11, 2003 J Repond DHCAL
Goals ‘Short term’ Develop technology for HCAL Chamber design Readout schemes ‘Long term’ Prototype HCAL section: 40 layers of 1m2 1cm2 lateral segmentation 1m3 with 400000 readout channels Prototype chambers Prototype readout Tests in CERN particle beams in 2004 J Repond DHCAL
Collaboration Argonne National Laboratory I Ambats, G Drake, V Guarino, J Repond, D Underwood, B Wicklund, L Xia Boston University J Butler, M Narain University of Chicago K Anderson, E Blucher, J Pilcher, M Oreglia, H Sanders Fermilab (M Albrow), C Nelson, R Yarema, (A Para, V Makeeva) Europe et al. France, Korea, Russia J Repond DHCAL
Goals: Next 6 months Test chambers Various geometries: up to 4 gaps glass in hand Application of resistive layers minimize thickness maximize longevity Test readout scheme Build multi-channel ADC readout system (done) Build test readout pads with 1 cm2 segmentation (initiated) Improve cosmic ray test stands Add scintillator hodoscope (ANL) Recommission test stand (Chicago) Tests and measurements Efficiencies, Noise-rates, Dark Current, Ratio Avalanche/Streamer Cross-talk, Geometrical Efficiency J Repond DHCAL
Goals: This year (2003) Develop chambers Large chambers with minimal dead areas: e.g. 0.33 x 1.00 m2 Gas distribution system Easy construction technique Quality assurance procedure Develop readout system 400000 channels Overall structure: Front-end Data concentrator Data collector Initial ideas by G Drake J Repond DHCAL
Front-end Consisting of readout pad and FE ASIC Specification of ASIC possibly different for Prototype and LC (adapt to test beam situation) One ASIC for all DHCAL efforts? talk to me Readout pad designed to minimize cross-talk Need 3125 – 6250 ASICs for 1m3 prototype FNAL interested in ASIC development 64 – 128 channels J Repond DHCAL
Data Concentrator Located on the side of the HCAL prototype Use of custom chip (195 – 390 for 1 m3 Prototype)? 5 – 10 chips per plane Reduction by factor 16 J Repond DHCAL
Data Collector VME boards with 12 inputs each Need 17 – 33 boards for 1 m3 Prototype 2 VME crates J Repond DHCAL
Goals: Next year (2004) Construct chambers (of order 40 x 3) Build the readout system Later in the year: ship to CERN test in particle beams Compare to performance of the analog HCAL Goals: The year after (2005) Other possible test beams: FNAL (will exist, but lowest priority of lab) Protvino (has been proposed/offered) J Repond DHCAL
Test Beam Requirements Device: 1 m3 DHCAL section with ECAL in front Objectives: test approach of DHCAL and realization with RPCs Real estate: ~ 100 m2 Particle beams: Pions 5 – 100 GeV/c, Muons ~25 GeV/c Low intensity! (< 1kHz) DAQ: to be defined (coordinate with ECAL) Contact person: José Repond Dates: later in 2004 at the earliest Special requirements: beam telescope, momentum analyzer Location: CERN, possibly FNAL or Protvino J Repond DHCAL