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Functional programming with Lisp/Scheme. Comparative Programming Languages. Fundamentals of Functional Programming Languages. The objective of the design of a functional programming language (FPL) is to mimic mathematical functions to the greatest extent possible
Functional programming with Lisp/Scheme Comparative Programming Languages
Fundamentals of Functional Programming Languages • The objective of the design of a functional programming language (FPL) is to mimic mathematical functions to the greatest extent possible • The basic process of computation is fundamentally different in a FPL than in an imperative language • In an imperative language, operations are done and the results are stored in variables for later use • Management of variables is a constant concern and source of complexity for imperative programming • In an FPL, variables are not necessary, as is the case in mathematics CS 363 Spring 2005 GMU 2
Lisp • Lisp – based on lambda calculus (Church) • Uniform representation of programs and data using single general data structure (list) • Interpreter based (written in Lisp) • Automatic memory management • Evolved over the years • Dialects: COMMON LISP, Scheme CS 363 Spring 2005 GMU 3
Scheme • Scheme is a functional programming language and a dialect of Lisp. It was developed by Guy L. Steele and Gerald Jay Sussman at MIT • Use Programming Languages ->Dr. Scheme here in the Comp Sys lab CS 363 Spring 2005 GMU 4
Common Lisp • Use: clisp for Common Lisp here in the systems lab CS 363 Spring 2005 GMU 5
Scheme (dr scheme, guile) (define (gcd u v) (if ( = v 0) u (gcd v (remainder u v)) ) ) (define (reverse l) (if (null? l) l (append (reverse (cdr l))(list (car l))) ) ) CS 363 Spring 2005 GMU 6
Scheme (dr scheme, guile) Using guile (gnu scheme): (load "slides.scm") (gcd 56 108) --> 4 (reverse '(2 3 556)) --> (556 3 2) CS 363 Spring 2005 GMU 7
Common Lisp (clisp) (defun mygcd (u v) (if (= v 0) u (mygcd v (rem u v)) ) ) (defun myreverse (l) (if (null l) l (append (myreverse (cdr l))(list (car l))) ) ) ;; (load "slides.lsp"), (mygcd 56 108) --> 4 ;; (myreverse '(2 3 556)) --> (556 3 2) 8
Scheme (define (gcd u v) (if ( = v 0) u (gcd v (remainder u v)) ) ) • Once defined in the interpreter: • (gcd 25 10) • 5 9
Scheme/Lisp expression → atom | list atom → number | string | identifier | character | boolean list → ‘(‘ expression-sequence ‘)’ expression-sequence → expression | expression-sequence expression 10
In C: 3 + 4 * 5 (a = = b) && (a != 0) gcd(10,35) Scheme Expression vs. C In Scheme: (+ 3 (* 4 5 )) (and (= a b)(not (= a 0))) (gcd 10 35) 11
Evaluation Rules for Scheme Expressions • Constant atoms (numbers, strings) evaluate to themselves • Identifiers are looked up in the current environment and replaced by the value found there (using dynamically maintained symbol table) • A list is evaluated by recursively evaluating each element in the list as an expression; the first expression must evaluate to a function. The function is applied to the evaluated values of the rest of the list. 12
* Scheme Evaluation To evaluate (* (+ 2 3)(+ 4 5)) • * is the function – must evaluate the two expressions (+ 2 3) and (+ 4 5) • To evaluate (+ 2 3) • + is the function – must evaluation the two expressions 2 and 3 • 2 evaluates to the integer 2 • 3 evaluates to the integer 3 • + 2 3 = 5 • To evaluate (+ 4 5) follow similar steps • * 5 9 = 45 + + 4 5 2 3 13
Cond statement: (cond (( = a 0) 0) ((= a 1) 1) (else (/ 1 a)) ) Scheme Conditionals If statement: (if ( = v 0) u (gcd v (remainder u v)) ) (if (= a 0) 0 (/ 1 a)) 14
Example of COND (Scheme) (DEFINE (compare x y) (COND ((> x y) (DISPLAY “x is greater than y”)) ((< x y) (DISPLAY “y is greater than x”)) (ELSE (DISPLAY “x and y are equal”)) ) ) 15
Example of COND (Lisp) (defun compare (x y) (COND ((> x y)(format t “x is greater than y”)) ((< x y)(format t “y is greater than x”)) (t (format t “x and y are equal”)) ) ) 16
Predicate Functions (Scheme) EQ? takes two symbolic parameters; it returns #T if both parameters are atoms and the two are the same e.g., (EQ? 'A 'A) yields #T (EQ? 'A '(A B)) yields () • Note that if EQ? is called with list parameters, the result is not reliable • EQ? does not work for numeric atoms (use = ) 17
Predicate Functions (Lisp) EQ takes two symbolic parameters; it returns #T if both parameters are atoms and the two are the same e.g., (eq 'A 'A) yields #T (eq 'A '(A B)) yields nil 18
Predicate Functions (Scheme) LIST? takes one parameter; it returns #T if the parameter is a list; otherwise() 3. NULL? takes one parameter; it returns #T if the parameter is the empty list; otherwise() Note that NULL? returns #T if the parameter is() 4. Numeric Predicate Functions =, <>, >, <, >=, <=, EVEN?, ODD?, ZERO?, NEGATIVE? 19
Predicate Functions (Lisp) LISTP takes one parameter; it returns #T if the parameter is a list; otherwise nil 3. NULL takes one parameter; it returns #T if the parameter is the empty list; otherwise nil Note that NULL returns #T if the parameter is() 4. Numeric Predicate Functions =, <>, >, <, >=, <=, EVENP, ODDP, ZEROP 20