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Review 1930’s

Review 1930’s. Questions:. 1. What date did the stock market crash? October 29, 1929 2. This date became known as: Black Tuesday 3. The three presidents of the 1920’s were all from which political party? Republican 4. Shanty towns that were high in crime and poverty were called:

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Review 1930’s

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  1. Review 1930’s

  2. Questions: • 1. What date did the stock market crash? • October 29, 1929 • 2. This date became known as: • Black Tuesday • 3. The three presidents of the 1920’s were all from which political party? • Republican • 4. Shanty towns that were high in crime and poverty were called: • Hoovervilles

  3. Questions: • 5. Who was elected president in 1932? • Franklin D. Roosevelt • 6. What political party was he from? • Democrat • 7. What was the name of the programs he tried to have to help with the Depression? • New Deal • 8. What were the three R’s? • Relief, Recovery, Reform • 9. The fear of the spread of communism is called the: • Red Scare

  4. Questions: • 10. What was the Dust Bowl? • A drought that happened in the Midwest that dried out the soil and caused dust storms • 11. When you borrow money to buy stock it is called: • Buying on Margin • 12. Taking a risk in the stock market is called: • Speculation • 13. What amendment repealed the ban on alcohol? • 21st Amendment

  5. Questions: • 14. How did the Great Depression affect women? • They were harassed for taking jobs from men • 15. How did the Great Depression affect the family? • Families had to live together, dad might leave looking for work • 16. How did the Great Depression affect African Americans? • Racism and discrimination increased • 17. How did the U.S. Great Depression affect the rest of the world? • It led to a worldwide depression

  6. Questions: • 18. The New Deal program that helped give electricity to farms in the Tennessee and Georgia was called: • TVA-Tennessee Valley Administration • 19. Which New Deal Program helped the elderly and retired? • Social Security • 20. Name a New Deal Program that helped farmers. • 21st Amendment, AAA, FCA • 21. How were banks effected by the depression? • Bank runs-people took their money out, people could not pay back loans • 22. If you were young and unmarried during the depression what New Deal program helped you? • CCC-Civilian Conservation Corps.

  7. Questions: • 23. What were the Fireside Chats? • FDR talked to the people over the radio • 24. What happened at the Bonus March under President Hoover? • The president called out the army and violence erupted • 25. How did FDR react to the Second Bonus March? • The first lady helped set up campsites and gave them blankets, etc. • 26. The Scottsboro Boys cased showed: • Discrimination against African Americans in the courts

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