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Atmospheric. Analysis. Lecture 6. Energy balance of soil-plant-air system. Q* = Q H + Q E + Q G + Q S + Q P + Q A Q S - physical storage change due - absorption or release of heat from air, soil or plant biomass Q P - biochemical energy storage due to
Atmospheric Analysis Lecture 6
Energy balance of soil-plant-air system Q* = QH + QE + QG +QS + QP + QA QS - physical storage change due - absorption or release of heat from air, soil or plant biomass QP - biochemical energy storage due to photosynthesis QA - horizontal sensible and latent heat transport (later)
Water balance of soil-plant-air system p = E + r + S S – net water storage of air, soil and plants (internal and external) Photosynthesis, P: 6CO2 + 6H2O + sunlight C6H12O6 + 6O2 Respiration, R: C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
Surface Radiation Balance for a Plant Canopy
Heat Storage by Photosynthesis The net rate of CO2 assimilation (kgm-2s-1) P = P – R Heat storage by net photosynthesis is, therefore: QP = P where is the heat of assimilation of carbon (Jkg-1) Values are very small compared to other fluxes - up to ~10 Wm2 during the day - about -3 Wm2 during the night
Transpiration through stomata • increases the QE flux • prevents overheating • induces moisture and nutrient transport • Stomata • - open during the day for gas exchange • - closed at night • - stomata open when there is enough • light, and appropriate levels of moisture, • temperature, humidity and internal CO2 • concentration • - 10-30 m long, 0-10 m wide • - 50-500 stomata mm-2
Stomate (wheat) Degree of opening depends on light intensity, moisture availability, temperature, humidity and internal CO2 concentration
Stand Architecture and the Active Surface Position of active surface lies at the zero plane displacement: d 2/3 h Modified logarithmic wind profile equation: uz = (u*/k) ln (z-d/z0) For simplicity, energy exchange is considered at a plane at the top of the system (‘big leaf’ approach)
Plant canopies elevate the position of the active surface
Wavelength Dependence of Leaves Leaves absorb photosynthetically-active radiation (PAR) effectively for carbon assimilation Better absorption in blue and red bands than in the green band Leaves reflect and transmit near infra-red radiation (NIR) This helps limit heating Leaves are very efficient emitters of longwave radiation due to their high water content (absorb L too) This helps the leaves shed heat effectively
Leaf Radiation Balance Q*leaf = [(Kin(t) + Kin(b))(1--)]+ [(Lin(t)-Lout(t))+(Lin(b)-Lout(b))] = K*(t)+K*(b)+L*(t)+L*(b) = K*leaf + L*leaf
Leaf Energy Balance Q*leaf = (QH(t)+QH(b))+(QE(t)+QE(b)) = QH(leaf) + QE(leaf)
Sensible Heat Flux and Leaf Temperature • QH = Ca (T0-Ta)/rb • - rb is the diffusive resistance the laminar sublayer • rb value higher for larger leaves as laminar layer grows • higher resistance during calm conditions • T0 = Ta + rb/Ca(Q*leaf – QE leaf) • Air temperature is important for leaf temperature • Leaf may be warmer or cooler than the air • If rb is large, Q*leaf – QE leaf determine T0-Ta • Hot, dry environments: plants develop small leaves, with • high albedo,or orient leaves vertically near solar noon • -Very cold environments: leaves grow close to ground, • have large rb, and, in the arctic, touch the warmer ground
Number of degrees by which the leaf temperature exceeds the air temperature during the daytime
Evapotranspiration from a Leaf • Depends on vapour pressure deficit and diffusive resistance • of the laminar sublayer • E = (*v(To) - va)/ (rb + rst) • - rst is a variable stomatal resistance • at the canopy level, we can think of a canopy resistance, • vdd/E, which varies with rst/LAI and an aerodynamic • resistance describing the role of turbulence in evaporation • Carbon flux from a Leaf • Fc = (ca - ci)/ (rb + rst)
Carbon dioxide must travel from atmosphere, through mesophyll to chloroplasts cuticle upper epidermis palisade mesophyll spongy mesophyll lower epidermis
Leaf-level net photosynthesis modelling (Thornley and Johnson, 1990)
Photosynthesis vs. Elevation Miconia sp. 1450 masl Net photosynthesis (molm-2s-1) 2150 masl PAR (molm-2s-1)
The short-term influence of increased CO2 concentration. Also: Stomatal conductance tends to decrease (enough CO2), leading to increased water use efficiency
Plant Canopies and Carbon Dioxide Flux At night: - flux directed from canopy to the atmosphere - respiration from leaves, plant roots, soil Daytime: - CO2 assimilation rate exceeds respiration rate Seasonal Variation in Temperate Environments Spring: Assimilation increases with leaf area index and increasing solar radiation availability/day length Midsummer: Fc drops despite sun, due to soil moisture depletion – flux higher in morning Winter: Small, negative flux
Vertical flux of carbon dioxide (FC) over a prairie grassland What causes the Midday minimum in August?
Canopy Radiation Budget - Incident light greatest at crown and decreases logarithmically with depth in the canopy - Approximated by Beer’s Law for canopy extinction K(z) = K0e-kLAI k is a canopy-specific extinction coefficient (0.4-0.9) (‘a’ in Oke) LAIis the leaf area index (m2 leaf m-2 ground) accumulated from the top of the canopy to the level in question (‘A1(z)’ in Oke)
Q* influences the temperature and humidity Structure within a canopy
cloud cover Energy balance over an English barley field QE dominated in dissipating radiative surplus Leaf temperature remained cool due to evaporation Decreasing light intensity or increasing water stress Dew present
Net canopy photosynthesis (Pc) Charles-Edwards (1986)
There is a much easier way to assess productivity… A micrometeorological solution: Eddy correlation
NEE = A + R A = Gross Photosynthesis (-) R = Total Ecosystem Respiration (+)
Night-time NEE = Total Ecosystem Respiration Mer Bleue Bog, Eastern Ontario NEE (mol CO2m-2s-1) Soil Temperature at 5cm depth (C)
Daytime NEE Gross Photosynthesis – Total Ecosystem Respiration NEE (mol CO2m-2s-1) Photosynthetically-active radiation (molm-2s-1)
Fluxnet-Canada Carbon Flux Stations Balsam fir Coastal conifers Eastern peatland Southern boreal conifers and hardwoods Western peatland Boreal mixedwood