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REPAIRING A BROKEN RELATIONSHIP. PROVERBS 18:19. A Broken Relationship. Prevention is better than cure Maintenance is better than restoration Sin breaks relationships frequently Eph. 6:4 anger Col. 3:21 discouragement 2 Sam. 13:22 silence (Absalom toward Amnon )

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  2. A Broken Relationship • Prevention is better than cure • Maintenance is better than restoration • Sin breaks relationships frequently • Eph. 6:4 anger • Col. 3:21 discouragement • 2 Sam. 13:22 silence(Absalom toward Amnon) • 2 Sam. 6:20-23 inmarriage • Gen. 27:41 Esau toward Jacob • Proverbs 18:19 A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city

  3. Repairing a Broken Relationship • Proverbs 18:19 A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city, and contentions are like the bars of a castle. • Difficult or impossible? Luke 18:24-27 • What not to do: (1)continue offending • (2) perpetuate by contentions Prov.17:9 • What to do: (1) forgive • (2) demonstrate changeGen. 43-45 • (3)controlyouremotionsProv 16:32; Jm 1:19

  4. God Repairs a Broken Relationship • Gen. 27:41 Esau plans to kill Jacob • Jacob makes a vow to God Gen. 28:20-22 • God blesses Jacob 29-31 • Jacob returns to Canaan 20 years later • A kind message for Esau 32:3-5 • Esau coming with 400 men! 32:6 • JacobpraystoGod 32:9-12 • Takes precautionary measures 32:13-21 • Jacob & Esau reunited 33:1-11

  5. God Repairs a Broken Relationship • We broke our relationship with Him by sinning Isaiah 59:2 • God sent His Son to reconcile us to Himself 2 Cor. 5:18-19 • Requirestrust I John 4:16; Rom. 10:9 • Requires achangeof heart v.16-17 • We must be in Christ v.17 (requires baptism into Christ Rom. 6:3-7) • Requireschangeof conduct v.17; Rom. 6:4 • God is pleading with you now v.20

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