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RFID. Technology Applications Risks Security Privacy. RFID Radio Frequency IDentification. Replaces the ubiquitous bar code Electronic Wireless Contains much information Very flexible Very powerful. RFID . NIST SP800-98 GAO Report “Is Your Cat Infected with a Computer Virus?”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RFID • Technology • Applications • Risks • Security • Privacy

  2. RFID Radio Frequency IDentification • Replaces the ubiquitous bar code • Electronic • Wireless • Contains much information • Very flexible • Very powerful

  3. RFID • NIST SP800-98 • GAO Report • “Is Your Cat Infected with a Computer Virus?” • Melanie R. Rieback

  4. Components of an RFID • Antenna • CPU/Chip, i.e. Computer • Substrate • Chip Reader – Interrogator • Middleware – Communications and Database • Analytic System

  5. Gillette’s Razor RFID Close to actual size Chip Antenna

  6. RFIDWhat is it? Small!

  7. Hitatchi’s Answer Human Hair Tiny Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips, 64 times smaller than current devices, have been developed by Hitatchi in Japan. Little bigger than a grain of sand at 0.05 x 0.05mm, the chips come with a 128-bit memory capable of storing an identification number of up to 38 digits

  8. RFID’s • Size is about the dot on an “i” or larger • Antenna can be up to several inches • Usually copper foil • Now can be conductive printer ink. • When the label is printed the RFID can be printed at the same time with sticky chip attacked

  9. RFID Tag Printer Tag Printer

  10. RFID Interrogators • Hand held for inventory etc. • Fixed • Can read up to palette load of items • Overhead in a toll booth • Interrogation distances can be from a few centimeters to many meters • Subject to design considerations

  11. Hand Held Interrogator

  12. Fix Interrogator

  13. RFID Placement • On the back of a Label • In the spine of a book • As part of the item • Within the person/animal

  14. Active RFID’s • Active RFID’s will have a battery • Can have multiple sensors attached • Temperature • Humidity • Impact – Accelerometer • Radiation dosimeter • Verifies proper shipping/storage specs • Used mainly for large shipments

  15. Antenna Types

  16. Examples • Passports • EPC’s – Electronic Bar Codes • Toll Roads • Baggage Tickets • Later • Smart Shelf – Smart Store • Later • Operating Room Items • NAIS • Later

  17. The Smart Shelf • Shopper photographed when item is selected • Each RFID has a unique ID Number • Quantity selected is known • Items are tracked throughout the store • Theft risk assessment is made • At checked out undeclared items are known

  18. Gillette’s Razor RFID Close to actual size Chip Antenna

  19. NAIS • National Animal Identification System • “Recommended” by USDA • States are the enforcers • State by state data bases • Non-compliance fines up to %5,000 per animal • Purpose • Track disease • Feed lots are exempt • Recommending Committee • Agri-Business • Chip Companies

  20. Risks • RFID • Corruption/Compromise • RFID chip • Middleware • Data Bases • Interrogator • Impersonator • Middleware • Analytic System

  21. Security • RIFD corruption • Baggage routing exploit • “Does your cat have a virus?” • Backend database compromise • Subject to the latest vulnerabilities • Subject to the latest exploits • Evesdropping • Passports in an Airport • Redesign

  22. Virus Infection • Scenario • Baggage check in at the airport • Each bag gets an RFID • These RFID’s are printed at the check in counter • Routing info • All baggage handling equip read the RFID • Route correctly • A Bad RFID is put on the bag • This one corrupts the routing data base • SQL Injection vulnerability

  23. Virus Infection • When the bad RFID is read the data base is corrupted • All new tags will have the same virus • As the tags move through the system all routing DB’s will become corrupted

  24. Privacy • Evesdropping • ID Association • Personality Profiling • Life Style Profiling

  25. PrivacyEvesdropping • RFID contains personal information • Could be compromised • One card at a time • RFID contains serial number to a data base • Fairly secure from evesdropping • However • If the data base is compromised then the entire system is compromised

  26. PrivacyID Association • A RFID is associated with you • Your credit card is associated with you and you have aand RFID on your clothing. • Your activities are tracked • In a smart store all of the merchandise you look at is logged.

  27. PrivacyPersonality Profiling • Shopping history • Travel patterns • Profiling is based on an RFID assigned to you • Credit card • Smart card • etc.

  28. PrivacyLife Style Profiling • RFID tracks • Cell phone travels • Tower by tower • GPS • Credit card purchases

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