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ACCESS for ELLs (ACCESS) and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs (Alternate ACCESS

ACCESS for ELLs (ACCESS) and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs (Alternate ACCESS. Dr. Cathy McNeal Director, Assessment and Accountability. March 11, 2013. Why do we have to administer ACCESS for ELLs?.

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ACCESS for ELLs (ACCESS) and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs (Alternate ACCESS

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  1. ACCESS for ELLs (ACCESS) and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs (Alternate ACCESS Dr. Cathy McNeal Director, Assessment and Accountability March 11, 2013

  2. Why do we have to administer ACCESS for ELLs? • This assessment is administered by the State of Alabama in response to the NCLB Act of 2001 mandate which states that all K-12 English Language Learners MUST be assessed annually for English proficiency growth and academic progress.

  3. March 17 – April 11, 2014

  4. April 14 – 25, 2014

  5. April 28 – May 2, 2014

  6. May 5 – 9, 2014 ACT EOC and ACT Aspire (Make Up ACT with Writing)

  7. May 12 - 23, 2014

  8. HCS Elementary Assessments Spring 2014


  10. Alert 1 - HCS Primary Contact for ACCESS for ELLs Assessment • Dr. Cathy McNeal – HCS Research and Development is your primary contact at 428 6966. • To report missing materials, • To request for additional materials contact • Dr. Cathy McNeal by April 17, 2014

  11. ACCESS for ELLS Alert 2 - 3 • 2. The testing window for ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is • March 24 – May 2, 2014 (25 days). • 3. For spring 2014, ALSDE will pay the cost of ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs for each English Learner (EL) student tested.

  12. Alert 2 25 Testing Days for ACCESSThe testing window for ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS is April 1 – May 3, 2013.

  13. ALERT 4ACCESS ordered Online • ACCESS is ordered online by grade-level cluster (K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12) and by tier. Alternate ACCESS is also ordered online by grade-level cluster only (1-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12). • Note: Alternate ACCESS is not tiered. There is no kindergarten test for Alternate ACCESS. • In general, Tier A is for first year students, and Tier C is for students who are nearly proficient in English and who are expected to exit. • The majority of English Learner (EL) students will be appropriately placed in Tier B. When in doubt, place the student in the higher tier. • The window for ordering test materials is January 27 – February 21, 2014.

  14. Alert 2 ACCESS is ordered online by grade-level cluster and by tier • ACCESS is ordered online by grade-level cluster (K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-9, and 9-12) and by tier. • In general, Tier A is for the first year students, and Tier C is for students who are nearly proficient in English. • The majority of ELL students will be appropriately placed in Tier B. • When in doubt, place the student in the higher tier.

  15. ALERT 3-4 Alternate ACCESS for ELLs • Alternate ACCESS will be administered for the first time during the 2012-13 school year. • This test is for those students with significant, cognitive disabilities and who would not be able to demonstrate English language proficiency on ACCESS even with accommodations. • The same procedures that are used with ACCESS are also used with Alternate ACCESS. • These procedures include training, online ordering of materials, packing, shipping, and delivery of materials from MetriTech, and packing and shipping materials back to MetriTech.

  16. ALERT 5 -7 • 5. Materials will arrive by March 17, 2014. Additional material orders must be consolidated by the LEA and submitted to MetriTech by April 18, 2014. • 6. Test Administrator training for ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs will be conducted through the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) Web site at www.wida.us . • Test Administrators who did not complete online training for ACCESS for ELLs or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs prior to the spring 2013 test administration must complete online training in order to become ACCESS for ELLS Test Administrators. • Only test administrators who have been trained to administer ACCESS for ELLs or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs and have received a passing score of 80% on all domains may administer these assessments. • Test administrators who do not have a user name or password can contact Susan Beard for more information. • 7. All test administrators must participate in annual system training conducted by the STC or the Building Test Coordinator (BTC) regarding test security, administration, and logistics.

  17. Alert 8 – CHANGE to Listening Domain • The Listening domain of ACCESS for ELLs will be media-based for the first time beginning spring 2014. • This means that all listening items for all tiers and for Grades 1-12 are pre-recorded. Rather than listening to the test administrator read the scripted items, the students will listen to a recording. • The Listening test will be delivered via a CD or streamed online from the MetriTech Web site at https://www.metritech.com/WIDA/Listening/login.aspx. • The CD may be played on a standard CD player or a computer with a CD/DVD drive with speakers. • Test materials will include one CD for every 8 test forms at each grade level and tier. • Sample listening items can be found on the MetriTech, Inc. Web site that can be used for test administrator review and to check equipment and sound levels prior to testing. • These samples can be shared with students to familiarize them with the new format prior to testing. • The Web site URL is https://www.metritech.com/wida/listening/login.aspx. • With this change in the listening domain, test administrators who will administer the listening component of ACCESS for ELLs MUST participate in WIDA online training at www.wida.us and attain a score of 80%.

  18. Alert 9 – Change to Reading Domain • There has been a timing change to the Reading domain of ACCESS for ELLs. • Previously, the Reading test provided a fixed time of 35 minutes with 5 allowable minutes for students who were still working. • Beginning spring 2014, the timing guidelines provide an overall range of how long the test should take (35-45 Minutes) and allow test administrators more discretion. • Test administration guidelines have been updated in the Test Administrator Manual (TAM) and in the test materials. This change also requires that test administrators who will administer the Reading domain MUST participate in WIDA online training at www.wida.us and attain a score of 80%.

  19. Alert 10 – NO Change to Speaking or Writing Domain • There are no changes to the Speaking or Writing domains of the ACCESS for ELLs assessment, therefore it is not necessary for test administrators to participate in online training for these two domains. • There are also no changes to the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs assessment.

  20. Alert 11- 14 • 11. For spring 2014, WIDA will provide the Reading and Writing Tier B test of ACCESS for ELLs in Braille for Grades 1-12 (not kindergarten). The cost will be $160 per Braille form. If you have a student who will require the Braille format, contact Susan Beard at 334-242-8038 for further guidance. • 12. All testing materials will be returned to the STC after the test administration is completed at each school. No materials will be retained in the school after the conclusion of testing. • All materials will be returned to the STC (Butler HS – Assessment and Accountability) no later than the close of business on May 2, 2014 (3:00 pm). • 13. Please call UPS by May 2, 2014, to arrange pickup of materials to meet the shipping deadline of May 8, 2014, to MetriTech, Inc. • 14. Ship ALL materials to MetriTech as soon as possible after testing is complete. All materials must be shipped to MetriTech no later than May 8, 2014.

  21. The ACCESS for ELLs testing window March 31 – May 2, 2014 • The testing window for administration of the ACCESS for ELLs is • March 31 – May 2, 2014 • All testing materials will be returned to the HCS Assessment and Accountability after the test administration is completed at the school. • No materials will be retained in the school after testing is completed. • All materials will be returned to Assessment and Accountability / Butler HS no later than 3:00 pm on May 2, 2014.

  22. Alerts 15-18 • 15. At the close of scanning for Alabama, MetriTech will post the demographic data captured for each student on MetriTech’s secure web site. LEA’s will have an opportunity to update the demographic information June 10 – 20, 2014 for their students who took the assessment. Information regarding data validation will be provided in an e-mail prior to the validation period. • 16. LEA superintendents will receive ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs test results by July 10, 2014. • 17. The LEA student data file for both ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs will be provided on a CD Rom to the system at no charge. This data may also be accessed electronically using MetriTech's secure FTP site. Directions on how to access this data electronically will be included in the shipment of reports to be received no later than July 10, 2014. • 18. Growth Reports for ACCESS for ELLs are now available for systems and schools. Growth data is available for all students with two years of test scores for multiple two-year spans (2009 to 2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, and 2012-2013) for every domain and at every grade level. The cost is $200+.15 cents per student for a 1-year subscription. Visit www.metritech.com/wida/growthReport/login.aspx?widaaccessgrwothreportpreview (using the password: preview) to view sample reports. For more information contact MetriTech Customer Service at wida@metritech.com or 800-747-4868.

  23. Ordering Information • As noted in the Alerts, the window for ordering test materials for ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is January 27 – February 21, 2014. MetriTech will send an e-mail to all STCs a few weeks prior to the ordering window with information, including a password, so that materials may be ordered online. • Materials for both ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs can be ordered online. Additionally, large-print and Braille materials can also be ordered at this time. • For spring 2014, the ALSDE will pay for the cost of ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs for each student tested. • Each system will receive a 10% overage of materials. The STC should store any extra materials in the secure central storage area. • There is a penalty for every test booklet the system orders over the exact number scored plus 15%. The system may be responsible for paying any penalty assessed for excess orders.

  24. Receipt of Test Materials • Systems having 10 or more schools testing will receive boxes labeled for each school. Systems with fewer than 10 schools testing will receive materials grouped together for the entire district. The School Packing List should be used to assist in separating materials for each school. • The packaging of your test materials will depend on your district size. • For Systems with 10 or more schools testing: • Test materials will be packaged by school. Boxes labeled with the district name will contain paperwork for the STC. All other boxes will be clearly marked for the appropriate school site and will contain the materials ordered for that school.

  25. ACCESS Make-Up Tests • The State Dept uses the Overall or Composite scores to determine whether or not we meet our Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO). • This is similar to our AYP reporting, but for ELLs. • In addition, students need to earn a 4.8 or better to exit the ESL program. We cannot obtain the proper student data without all parts (listening, reading, writing, and speaking). • Please do your best to make-up tests for absent students.

  26. Who takes ACCESS? • ALL students identified on I -NOW as LEP Year 1 or LEP Year 2, or LEP Waived Services must take ACCESS for ELLs. • This includes ELLs with an IEP for special education. • Students who have exited the ESL program (Former Limited English Proficient)  DO NOT take ACCESS for ELLs, and are monitored throughout the year.

  27. Test Security Plan for Each School for Training Personnel on Test Administration and Test Security • VII. Procedures for Training System Personnel on Test Administration and Test Security • Training sessions on test administration and test security will be conducted prior to all test administrations. The system-level training will be conducted approximately one to three weeks before testing. The school-level training will be conducted as soon as possible after system-level training by no later than one week prior to testing. All schools will receive a system-level digital copy of the PowerPoint presentation of the system-level training immediately after each test system-level training session to digitally disseminate to all test administrators and proctors. • The STC will be trained during the SDE workshops and will conduct training at the system level. Participants in the system-level training will be central office personnel (to include Special Education Coordinator, 504 Coordinator, and ESL Coordinator), monitors, and BTCs. • The BTCs will train principals, test administrators and proctors. • Documentation of training will be kept for the system-level and school-level trainings. Documentation will include an agenda for each training session, a sign-in sheet signed by all those in attendance, and a signed Test Security Policy for each individual. • All documentation of the system-level training and school-level training will be kept in the STC’s office. • All documentation of school-level training will be kept by the BTC at each school with a copy sent to the STC’s office.

  28. REMINDERS for Building Test Coordinators Training in each School for Test Administrators ACCESS • The BTC must count and sign for all testing materials when they are issued to the school, and the STC must count and sign for all testing materials when they are returned to Research and Development. • The TA must count and sign for all testing materials DAILY when they are issued for administration, and the BTC must count and sign for all testing materials when they are returned immediately following the test administration daily.

  29. Setting up the Testing Room • Preparing the testing room in advance will facilitate a smooth test administration. It will also help to ensure independent work on the part of the test takers. It is recommended that you: • Test in a classroom with desks that can comfortably accommodate the number of students being tested (indicated on the Test Session Roster). • Arrange the desks in rows, facing forward, where you, the test administrator, can see all students and circulate between desks. It is important that all students can see and hear you clearly. • Obtain enough sharpened pencils for students being tested. Have extra pencils available, as sharpening pencils during a test session could be a distraction. Have a plan for sharpening pencils between test sessions. • Make or obtain from your Coordinator a Do Not Disturb: Testing sign to be placed on the outside of the testing room door on test days. • Plan to have a table on which to lay out test materials. • It is not necessary to cover any print on the walls or on classroom materials. • Have reading materials on hand for students who finish early. • Have a watch on hand, or make sure there is a functioning clock in the testing room. The Test Administrator'sScript contains guidance on pacing the test. • Have equipment available in the room for the Listening Test; either a CD player and Listening CD or a computer with speakers connected to the Internet. See the Test Administration Manual for detailed information.

  30. REMINDERS for Building Test Coordinators Training in each School for Test Administrators • Distributes testing materials for the EXACT number of students being tested in each setting. • Distributes materials to collects material from Test Administrators DAILY. • KEEPS on file a record of daily attendance during the test window. • KEEPS on file documentation of training activities including attendance records.

  31. Pre-ID Labels • A state data file will be submitted to MetriTech to generate Pre-ID labels for students identified as LEP in InformationNOW (INOW). • Only those students will have a Pre-ID label generated. • If any student does not have a Pre-ID label, all required student demographic information must be hand-gridded on the front and back covers of the test/answer document.

  32. State Student ID Number = 10 Digit State STI number (SSID) • The unique, 10-digit State Student Identification (SSID) Number and the Social Security Number are included in the demographic section of the test/answer document. • The SSID is the 10-digit identification number that the state assigns to each student through the STI/Q-Now system. • For any student without a Pre-ID label, • the SSID must be coded in the box titled “STATE STUDENT ID” and • the social security number must be coded in the box titled “STATE DEFINED OPTIONAL DATA.”

  33. ACCESS for ELLs – Pre-ID STUDENT LABEL Check for Accuracy to Match STI Labels will be placed on the ACCESS for ELLs Answer Document by Building Test Coordinators or Test Administrators. If any student does not have a pre-ID label or errors exist on the label provided, the test/answer document must be coded by hand. DO NOT USE pre-ID LABELS WITH ERRORS. Return all Pre-ID Labels to R&D.

  34. ABS – Absent INV – Invalidate (SDE Approval Only) DEC – Student Refusal to Test SPD – Do not use this box.

  35. Coding Answer Documents • The ALSDE will submit a state data file to MetriTech in order to generate Pre-ID labels for all students identified as LEP 1 or LEP 2 in InformationNOW (INOW). Only those students will have a Pre-ID label generated. If any student does not have a Pre-ID label, all required student demographic information must be hand-gridded on the front and back covers of the test/answer document. • In the event a student’s test/answer document must be hand coded, the unique 10-digit State Student Identification (SSID) Number must be coded in the box titled “State Student ID” and the Social Security Number must be coded in the box titled “State Defined Optional Data”. • The language codes for Alabama are the same as those listed in INOW. Language codes can be found on page ACCESS-19. • Absences will be recorded by test domain. Instructions for this are found in the TAM. • If a Pre-ID Label is available for a student, it should be used. • Teachers must verify Pre-ID Label information prior to applying the labels. Pre-ID labels that have been provided for students that will not be tested must be destroyed according to the system’s test security policy. Pre-ID labels that are incorrect should also be destroyed according to the system test security policy. No student should be given a test/answer document with another student’s Pre-ID Label attached. Crossing out the information on the label does not change the information on the label.

  36. Pre-ID Labels that are INCORRECT • Pre-ID labels that are INCORECT, must be returned to ACMC. • NO student should be given a test booklet with another student’s pre-ID label attached. • Crossing out the information on the label does NOT change the information on the label.

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