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Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installation Challenges and Operational Management

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installation Challenges and Operational Management. David Worthington Fleet Manager County of Sonoma. County Installed EV Charging Stations To Date. 37 Charging Stations 17 Fleet Use Only 20 Public. 16 Different Sites 6 Fleet Use Only 10 Pubic.

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Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installation Challenges and Operational Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installation Challenges and Operational Management David Worthington Fleet Manager County of Sonoma

  2. County Installed EV Charging Stations To Date • 37 Charging Stations • 17 Fleet Use Only • 20 Public • 16 Different Sites • 6 Fleet Use Only • 10 Pubic • 74 Charging Ports • 34 Fleet Use Only • 40 Public • 8 Different Cities or Towns Total EV Charging Stations Located in the County To Date • 85 Charging Stations • 30 Fleet Use Only • 55 Public • 34 Different Sites • 9 Fleet Use Only • 25 Pubic • 150 Charging Ports • 60 Fleet Use Only • 90 Public • 10 Different Cities and Towns

  3. County Planned EV Charging Station Additions Fleet Use Only • 12 Charging Stations • 4 Different Sites • 24 Charging Ports

  4. Site Location Choice • Public or Fleet Use? • Location Needs Assessment • Voltage Available • Accessibility • Infrastructure Costs • Vehicle Designs

  5. Public or Fleet Use Only Challenges Public Fleet Use Only • Accessibility • Fee Structure • Hours of Operation • Ease of Use • Vandalism • Customer Service • Data Tracking • Driver Training • Sophistication of Equipment • Restricting Public Access

  6. Publically Accessible Fleet Use Only Typically Less Expensive on a Per Station Cost Average

  7. Location Needs Assessment 3 Charging Stations for 2 Spaces?

  8. How Much Voltage is Available?

  9. How Accessible is the Location?

  10. Public Accessibility Consideration In 2009 At One of Our First Sites

  11. Same Site in 2013

  12. Public Accessibility Challenges Is It a Fueling Station or a Parking Space? Federal -- American with Disabilities Act (ADA) State – Building Codes Local – Permitting

  13. Infrastructure Costs Vary Greatly Reasonable Cost of Installation

  14. High Cost of Installation

  15. 300 Feet of Trenching

  16. Through Two Parking Lots

  17. How Sophisticated is the Equipment? Do You Need Use Data?

  18. Vehicle Design Challenges Charging Port at Left Fender

  19. Charging Port at Right Quarter Panel If it is an “Accessible” Station the cord may not be long enough

  20. Charging Port in the Front

  21. Operational Management Challenges Plugged In? Software Locked? Cord Plugged Into Wrong Socket?

  22. Maintenance Challenges Circuit Breaker Turned Off and Forgot to be Flipped Back On……?

  23. Maintenance Challenges Curling and Uncurling Cords Every Day?

  24. Driver Training….. The Key to Everything…..

  25. Public or Employees Using Fleet Only Charging Stations

  26. EV Etiquette

  27. Help? You Are Not Alone in Figuring It Out California Office of Planning and Research Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Guidelines http://opr.ca.gov/docs/PEV_Access_Guidelines.pdf Plug-In Electric Vehicle Collaborative http://www.evcollaborative.org/ Bay Area Climate Collaborative Collaborative http://www.baclimate.org/

  28. Questions? David.Worthington@sonoma-county.org 707-565-2809

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