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REDCap Advanced Topics

REDCap Advanced Topics. University of Iowa Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) https://www.icts.uiowa.edu/confluence/display/ICTSit/REDCap#REDCap-REDCapAdvancedTopicsTraining. Linking to Projects and Sites.

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REDCap Advanced Topics

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  1. REDCap Advanced Topics University of Iowa Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) https://www.icts.uiowa.edu/confluence/display/ICTSit/REDCap#REDCap-REDCapAdvancedTopicsTraining

  2. Linking to Projectsand Sites Fred McClurg, fred-mcclurg@uiowa.eduHeath Davis, heather-davis@uiowa.edu https://www.icts.uiowa.edu/confluence/download/attachments/53149797/REDCap_Link_To_Sites.pdf

  3. Linking via REDCap Bookmarks REDCap now has the capability define a link on the navigation bar.

  4. Creating a Simple Link The “Link Label” specifies text of the link. The “Link URL/Destination” defines the address of the external web site. The “Opens new window” checkbox makes the page open in a separate window or tab.

  5. Project Bookmarks The newly created link is displayed on the navigation bar under the “Project Bookmarks” heading:

  6. Creating a REDCap Project Link Upon selecting the Link Type of “REDCap Project”, the following dialog is displayed allowing you to specify the project from a drop-down list. A link to another REDCap Project can also be created on the navigation bar.

  7. Editing a Link To modify a link, hover over the label. The text is edited in place.

  8. Using Field Notes toreference a footnote The Field Note can be used as a footnote. Using special characters (i.e. dagger) require the use of an HTML Entity.

  9. Code for Field Noteusing HTML Entity The following HTML snippet specifies using a HTML Entity in a Field Note: Choices: 1, Hispanic or Latino † 2, Not Hispanic of Latino Field Note: † Hispanic or Latino: A person having Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South/Central American, or other Spanish culture/origin.

  10. Creating Hover Title on Label A yellow fly-over text title can be created on most labels to provide context sensitive help.

  11. Code for hover title on label The following HTML snippet specifies using a yellow hover title on a radio button: Choices: 1, <span title="Defined as a person having Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South/Central American, or other Spanish culture/origin.">Hispanic or Latino</span> 2, Not Hispanic of Latino

  12. Linking via REDCap Field Notes It possible to reference another page within REDCap via a Field Note. This is an ideal place to provide context sensitive help in order to assist the end user regarding a specific field:

  13. HTML Code to Open a Page The following HTML snippet opens the Employee Directory in a separate page or tab: Enter Doctor's name as listed in the <a href="http://dnaapps.uiowa.edu/PublicDirectory/" target="_blank" title="Open help window or tab">employee directory</a>:<br /> <div style="font-family: courier, monospace; font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LastName, FirstName M</div>

  14. Popup Page via Field Notes Link It is also possible to popup a stand-alone browser window that references an external page via a Field Note. This window can be displayed without a menubar or toolbar.

  15. JavaScript Code forPopup Page Link The following HTML/JavaScript snippet opens Wikipedia in a 412x265 popup help window: For more information, see the <a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="javascript: openwin = window.open('http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodchuck', 'helpWin', 'menubar=no, width=412, height=265, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes'); openwin.focus(); " title="Open help window">Groundhog Wikipedia</a> page.

  16. Popup Page viaField Notes Icon It is also possible to popup a browser window to a new page by clicking a Field Note icon. The icon must be referenced from an external site.

  17. JavaScript Code for HelpPage via Browser Window The following HTML/JavaScript snippet opens a page in a 424x411 window upon clicking an image: <a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="javascript: window.open('http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_washington', 'helpWin', 'menubar=no, width=424, height=411, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes');" > <imgsrc="http://www.icts.uiowa.edu/sites/default/files/help.16x16.png" style="vertical-align: top" title="Click icon to open window" /></a> Information regarding George Washington is available.

  18. Popup Message Withina Browser Window It is also possible to popup a browser window to a new page by clicking a Field Note icon. The icon must be referenced from an external site.

  19. JavaScript Code for Help Message via Browser The following HTML/JavaScript snippet opens a custom message in a browser window upon clicking an image: Not Hispanic of Latino <a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="javascript: openwin = window.open('', 'helpWindow', 'menubar=no, width=324, height=200, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes'); openwin.document.open(); openwin.document.write('A person not having Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South/Central American, or other Spanish culture/origin.'); openwin.focus(); openwin.document.close();" title="Click link to open help window"><imgsrc="https://icts.uiowa.edu/sites/default/files/help.16x16.png" title="Display browser window"></a>

  20. Alert via Field Notes For small amounts of text, an alert can be displayed via a Field Note. The text is specified within the field note itself and does not need an external web site to function.

  21. JavaScript Code for Alert Dialog The following HTML/JavaScript snippet displays text via a standard Alert Dialog upon clicking a link. Notice that “\n” specifies a line break between the words “Electronic” and “Data”: For assistance, see <a href="javascript:void()" onclick="javascript:window.alert('REsearch Electronic\nDataCAPture');" title="Click for help">help dialog</a>.

  22. Simple jQuery Dialog A simple jQuery dialog can be specified to display help information.

  23. Code for Simple jQuery Dialog The following HTML/JavaScript snippet displays text in a simple jQuery dialog upon clicking an image: Not Hispanic of Latino <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript: newDiv = $(document.createElement('div')); newDiv.html('A person not having Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South/Central American, or other Spanish culture/origin'); newDiv.dialog();"><imgsrc="https://icts.uiowa.edu/sites/default/files/help.16x16.png" title="Display more info"></a>

  24. Robust jQuery Dialog Several options can be added to the jQuery dialog that add features like a title and an “Ok” button.

  25. Code for Robust jQuery Dialog The following HTML/JavaScript snippet displays text in a jQuery dialog containing a title and an “Ok” pushbutton: Not Hispanic of Latino <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript: newDiv = $(document.createElement('div')); dialogTitle = 'Help Dialog'; dialogMsg = 'A person not having Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South/Central American, or other Spanish culture/origin.'; newDiv.html( dialogMsg ); newDiv.dialog({ title: dialogTitle, modal: true, buttons: [ { text: 'Ok', click: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } } ] }); "><imgsrc="https://icts.uiowa.edu/sites/default/files/help.16x16.png" title="Display more info"></a>

  26. REDCap Newsletter • Monthly REDCap Newsletter • Upcoming Training • Walk-in Hours Schedule • Helpful Tips • New REDCap Functionality • Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) • REDCap Best Practices • REDCap LISTSERV Subscription: • https://list.uiowa.edu/scripts/wa.exe?SUBED1=REDCAP&A=1

  27. REDCap Documentation • Training within REDCap: • FAQs (Help & FAQ Tab): https://redcap.icts.uiowa.edu/redcap/index.php?action=help • Video (Training Resources Tab): https://redcap.icts.uiowa.edu/redcap/index.php?action=training • Local REDCap documentation: https://icts.uiowa.edu/confluence/display/ICTSit/REDCap

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