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A utonomous R egion in M uslim M indanao. Department of science and technology. Department of science and technology. Click to edit Master title style. 1 st quarter Accomplishment Report, CY 2014. Click to edit Master subtitle style. MYRA M. ALIH Regional Secretary.
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Department of science and technology Department of science and technology Click to edit Master title style 1st quarter Accomplishment Report, CY 2014 Click to edit Master subtitle style MYRA M. ALIH Regional Secretary
Four (4) major programs were implemented concomitant with DOST-ARMM’S Major Final Outputs (MFOs) and Programs, Activities, and Projects (PAPs) based on the Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (OPIF) of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). Development Administration provided for policy direction and plans and targets of the department for CY 2014. A Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) was developed as a guidepost in measuring employee performance levels. Technology Transfer and Commercialization Program, particularly the SETUP program, provided technology innovation support system to micro, small and medium enterprises to improve their productivity and competitiveness. Technology training as well as packaging and labeling and food safety were provided to individuals and entrepreneurs to enhance value-adding and skills development. Science and Technology Services were extended to support its technology transfer effort. The training of laboratory personnel on halal practices was rescheduled to 2nd quarter.. Other technical assistance were provided such as IEC on climate change adaptation and hazard management, website upgrading, dengue monitoring and other programs that would provide solutions to the pressing problems of poverty and vulnerability. Research and Development (R&D) Program were undertaken in health-related researchable areas consistent with the Regional Unified Health Research Agenda (RUHRA). Initiatives to organize a consortium in agriculture, forestry, aquatic and natural resources were also done in cooperation with SMARDEC. Under Special Programs, a project proposal covering 15 technologies Was developed for transfer to 15 target areas for the 1st quarter. Likewise, 15 GAD-related activities were undertaken for the period. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
I. DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION 1.1 MANCOM A MANCOM meeting was conducted on January 22-24, 2014 attended by all DOST-ARMM officials and employees. Regional Secretary Myra M. Alih issued policy statements and directions to serve as guidepost of programs, projects and activities for CY 2014. Plans and targets including timelines of PAP’s were also adopted for implementation concordant with DOST-ARMM’s MFOs and priority programs of the regional government.
I. DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION 1.2 Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) A training and orientation on Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) was conducted last January 22, 2014 at the DOST-ARMM RHSTL Building. DOST-ARMM employees were trained on the filling-up of OPCR and IPCR to serve as basis of performance evaluation. Director Dominador Gonzales of CSC-ARMM served as resource speaker of the activity.
I. DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION 1.3 Institutional Development Advocacy - Developed One (1) DOST Flyer-serves as compendium of DOST-ARMM programs and services
SALARIES/WAGES Payroll for the month of January 2014 (Regular Employees)
Payroll for the month of January 2014 (RSHTL Staff, DBM Funded)
II. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PROGRAM • Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) • Conducted 20 Technology Needs Assessment in BASULTA areas. • Monitored 2 Projects (Coco-Coir and Yakan Handloom Projects)
II. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PROGRAM • Technology Training • Conducted 4 Technology Trainings. • - Mushroom Production • - Soap Making • - Bamboo Furniture • - Coco Vinegar Making Coco Vinegar Production Mushroom Production Bamboo Furniture Soap Making
II. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PROGRAM • Packaging and Labeling • Assisted 7 food products on Labeling Design
II. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PROGRAM • Food Safety • Conducted 2 Trainings on Food Safety at Basilan and Sulu on February 5 & 13 • 2014 respectively, attended by 50 participants mostly entrepreneurs.
III. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY SERVICES • Halal Laboratory Upgrading • Local training of lab staff rescheduled due to unavailability of resource persons. • Training to Malaysia for halal analysis was also reset to a later date • Project NOAH • IEC activities conducted during the RDRRMC Provincial Contingency Planning in Jolo, Sulu last February 10, 2014.
III. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY SERVICES • Disaster Management and Mitigation Attended regional RDRRMC meetings and contingency planning.
III. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY SERVICES • Dengue Vector Surveillance Project • Conducted provincial monitoring activities and coordinators’ meeting.
IV. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT • ARMM Health Research Consortium • Three (3) health research proposals undergoing evaluation by the ARMM HRC • Health Seeking Behavior of Common Childhood Illnesses of Primary • Caregiver in Jolo. • Knowledge and Preventive Practices of Adolescent Secondary Schools in • Bongao, Tawi-Tawi in Malaria. • Randomized Control Trial on the Effectivity of Citronella Impregnated • Mosquito Net in Preventing Malaria.
V. SPECIAL PROGRAMS • Project HELPS • One (1) project proposal covering 15 technologies to be transferred to 15 target baranggays developed and ready for submission. • Gender and Development - Conducted Lecture on the Significance of Hijab on February 3, 2014 in celebration of World Hijab Day.
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Department of science and technology Department of science and technology Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style