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УНИВЕРЗИТЕТ У БЕОГРАДУ Проректор Проф. др Марко Иветић март, 2011.год. Копаоник. ТREND – GOMES Интеграција универзитета. UNIVERSITY COUNCIL (32=21+5+6) . Technical comm. STUDENTS PARLIAMENT. Univ. ombudsman. UNIVERSITY SENATE (44=1+ 4+31+4+4) . RECTOR. General Secretary.
УНИВЕРЗИТЕТ У БЕОГРАДУ Проректор Проф. др Марко Иветић март, 2011.год. Копаоник ТREND – GOMESИнтеграција универзитета
UNIVERSITY COUNCIL (32=21+5+6) Technical comm. STUDENTS PARLIAMENT Univ. ombudsman UNIVERSITY SENATE (44=1+ 4+31+4+4) RECTOR General Secretary vice-rectors and student vice- rector Council for Multidis. Studies Technical and technological sciences representative body Humanities and social sciences representative body Medical sciences representative body Natural sciences and mathematics representative body Institutes rep. body Experts committees for scientific areas 1-8 Cluster of faculties: Medical sciences 4 Cluster of faculties: Natural sciences and mathematics 6 Cluster of faculties Humanities and social sciences 10 Clusters of faculties Technical and technological sciences 11 Institutes 11
UNIVERSITY COUNCIL (32=21+5+6) STUDENTS PARLIAMENT Technical comm. RECTOR Univ. ombudsman University board: Pro-Rector (International Affairs) Pro-Rector (Education) Pro-Rector (Enterprise) Pro-Rector (student) Pro-Rector ((RESEARCH) DEPUTY RECTOR - MS DEPUTY RECTOR - NS DEPUTY RECTOR - HSS DEPUTY RECTOR - TS Council for Multidis. Studies General Secretary UNIVERSITY SENATE (44=1+ 4+31+4+4) Institutes rep. body HEAD or D.RECTOR HEAD or D.RECTOR HEAD or D.RECTOR HEAD or D.RECTOR Medical sciences representative body Natural sciences and mathematics representative body Humanities and social sciences representative body Technical and technological sciences representative body Cluster of faculties: Medical sciences 4 Cluster of faculties: Natural sciences and mathematics 6 Cluster of faculties Humanities and social sciences 10 Clusters of faculties Technical and technological sciences 11 Institutes 11
Правни основ за интеграцију • Aнализа нормативних аката • Закон о високом образовању – члан 48. • Статут Универзитета у Београду
STUDENTS PARLIAMENT UNIVERSITY COUNCIL Technical comm. Univ. ombudsman own revenues RECTOR Secretary General Rectorate vice-rectors and student vice- rector Salaries and benefits for staff UNIVERSITY SENATE own revenues Ministry of education Ministry of Science and Technological Developement Institutes 11 own revenues Salaries and benefits for academic staff Faculty of Medicine Clusters of faculties Technical and technological sciences 11 own revenues own revenues Faculty of Dentistry Salaries and benefits for academic staff own revenues Cluster of faculties Humanities and social sciences 10 Faculty of Pharmacy own revenues Salaries and benefits for academic staff own revenues Faculty of Vet. Med. : Cluster of faculties Natural sciences and mathematics 6 own revenues Salaries and benefits for academic staff
STUDENTS PARLIAMENT UNIVERSITY COUNCIL Technical comm. Univ. ombudsman own revenues RECTOR Secretary General Rectorate vice-rectors and student vice- rector Salaries and benefits for staff UNIVERSITY SENATE own revenues Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Developement Institutes 11 own revenues Salaries and benefits for academic staff Faculty of Medicine Clusters of faculties Technical and technological sciences 11 own revenues own revenues Faculty of Dentistry Salaries and benefits for academic staff own revenues Cluster of faculties Humanities and social sciences 10 Faculty of Pharmacy own revenues Salaries and benefits for academic staff own revenues Faculty of Vet. Med. : Cluster of faculties Natural sciences and mathematics 6 Salaries and benefits for academic staff own revenues
Правни основ за интеграцију • Детаљнија анализа подзаконских аката ради употпуњавање правног основа: • Стратегија развоја високог образовања у Србији • Финансирање • Правилника – разрађују детаљније одредбе Закона и Статут
План рада • На основу анализе направити План рада • Тренутне идеје: • Веће групација као buffer тела • Интеграција института • Стратегија УБ усклађена са националном стратегијом високог образовања • Преуређивање постојећих аката