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First principles modeling with Octopus: massive parallelization towards petaflop computing and more. A. Castro, J. Alberdi and A. Rubio . Outline. Theoretical Spectroscopy The octopus code Parallelization. Outline. Theoretical Spectroscopy The octopus code Parallelization.
First principles modeling with Octopus: massive parallelization towards petaflop computing and more A. Castro, J. Alberdi and A. Rubio
Outline Theoretical Spectroscopy The octopus code Parallelization
Outline Theoretical Spectroscopy The octopus code Parallelization
Theoretical Spectroscopy • Electronic excitations: • Optical absorption • Electron energy loss • Inelastic X-ray scattering • Photoemission • Inverse photoemission • …
Theoretical Spectroscopy Goal: First principles (from electronic structure) theoretical description of the various spectroscopies (“theoretical beamlines”):
Theoretical Spectroscopy Role: interpretation of (complex) experimental findings
Theoretical Spectroscopy • Role: interpretation of (complex) experimental findings • Theoretical atomistic structures, and corresponding TEM images.
Theoretical Spectroscopy The European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF)
Theoretical Spectroscopy • The European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF) • Networking • Integration of tools (formalism, software) • Maintenance of tools • Support, service, formation
Theoretical Spectroscopy • The octopus code is a member of a family of free software codes developed, to a large extent, within the ETSF: • abinit • octopus • dp
Outline Theoretical Spectroscopy The octopus code Parallelization
The octopus code • Targets: • Optical absorption spectra of molecules, clusters, nanostructures, solids. • Response to lasers (non-perturbative response to high-intensity fields) • Dichroic spectra, and other mixed (electric-magnetic responses) • Adiabatic and non-adiabatic Molecular Dynamics (for, e.g. infrared and vibrational spectra, or photochemical reactions). • Quantum Optimal Control Theory for molecular processes.
The octopus code • Physical approximations and techniques: • Density-Functional Theory, Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory to describe the electron structure. • Comprehensive set of functionals through the libxc library. • Mixed quantum-classical systems. • Both real-time and frequency domain response (“Casida” and “Sternheimer” formulations).
The octopus code • Numerics: • Basic representation: real space grid. • Usually regular and rectangular, occasionally curvilinear. • Plane waves for some procedures (especially for periodic systems) • Atomic orbitals for some procedures
The octopus code Derivative in a point: sum over neighbor points. Cij depend on the points used: the stencil. More points -> more precision. Semi-local operation.
The octopus code • The key equations • Ground-state DFT: Kohn-Sham equations. • Time-dependent DFT: time-dependent KS eqs:
The octopus code • Key numerical operations: • Linear systems with sparse matrices. • Eigenvalue systems with sparse matrices. • Non-linear eigenvalue systems. • Propagation of “Schrödinger-like” equations. • The dimension can go up to 10 million points. • The storage needs can go up to 10 Gb.
The octopus code • Use of libraries: • BLAS, LAPACK • GNU GSL mathematical library. • FFTW • NetCDF • ETSF input/output library • Libxc exchange and correlation library • Other optional libraries.
Outline Theoretical Spectroscopy The octopus code Parallelization
Objective Reach petaflops computing, with a scientific code Simulate photosynthesis of the light in chlorophyll
Target systems: • Massive number of execution units • Multicore processors with vectorial FPUs • IBM Blue Gene architecture • Graphical processing units
High Level Parallelization MPI parallelization
Parallelization by states/orbitals Assign each processor a group of states Timepropagation is independent for each state Little communication required Limited by the number of states in the system
Domain parallelization Assign each processor a set of grid points Partition libraries: Zoltan or Metis
Low level paralelization and vectorization OpenMP and GPU
Two approaches OpenMP OpenCL Hundreds of execution units High memory bandwidth but with long latency Behaves like a vector processor (length > 16) Separated memory: copy from/to main memory • Thread programming based on compiler directives • Innode parallelization • Little memory overhead compared to MPI • Scaling limited by memory bandwidth • Multithreaded Blas and Lapack
Supercomputers • Corvo cluster • X86_64 • VARGAS (in IDRIS) • Power6 • 67 teraflops • MareNostrum • PowerPC 970 • 94 teraflops • Jugene (image) • 1 petaflops
Laplacian operator Comparison in performance of the finite difference Laplacian operator CPU uses 4 threads GPU is 4 times faster Cache effects are visible
Timepropagation Comparison in performance for a time propagation Fullerene molecule The GPU is 3 times faster Limited by copying and nonGPU code
Multilevel parallelization • Clorophyll molecule: 650 atoms • Jugene Blue Gene/P • Sustained throughput: > 6.5 teraflops • Peak throughput: 55 teraflops
Scaling (II) • Comparison of two atomic system in Jugene
Target system • Jugene all nodes • 294 912 processor cores = 73 728 nodes • Maximum theoretical performance of 1002 MFlops • 5879 atoms chlorophyll system • Complete molecule of spinach
Tests systems • Smaller molecules • 180 atoms • 441 atoms • 650 atoms • 1365 atoms • Partition of machines • Jugene and Corvo
Profiling • Profiled within the code • Profiled with Paraver tool • www.bsc.es/paraver
One “inner” iteration Ireceive Isend Iwait
Poisson solver Allgather 2 xAlltoall Allgather Scatter
Improvements • Memory improvements in GS • Split the memory among the nodes • Use of ScaLAPACK • Improvements in the Poisson solver for TD • Pipeline execution • Execute Poisson while continues with an approximation • Use new algorithms like FFM • Use of parallel FFTs
Conclusions KohnSham scheme is inherently parallel It can be exploited for parallelization and vectorization Suited to current and future computer architectures Theoretical improvements for large system modeling