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Edward Bickersteth 1786-1850

Edward Bickersteth 1786-1850. God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in him our God and Father, we, thy sinful children, approach now thy throne of grace. In the name of thy only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, the firstborn among many brethren, the head of the family

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Edward Bickersteth 1786-1850

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  1. Edward Bickersteth 1786-1850

  2. God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in him our God and Father, we, thy sinful children, approach now thy throne of grace. In the name of thy only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, the firstborn among many brethren, the head of the family who is now in thy courts above for us, we come unto Thee.

  3. Help us to come and pour out our hearts before Thee with the same confidence and affection with which children go to an earthly parent. Enable us to repose on thy love, to tell Thee all our cares and desires, and, from the heart, to thank Thee for all thy goodness to us. What manner of love is this, that we should have the privilege and right, in Jesus Christ, of calling Thee our Father! Preserve us from all evil. Give unto us all that Thou seest good for us.

  4. O heavenly Father, look upon this thy family, for which thy Son Jesus died, and to which thy Spirit is promised, and give unto us more and more of the spirit of adoption, that we may look to Thee as our Father, and cry Abba, Father, and have entire confidence of heart in Thee, and fervent glowing love, and unreserved devotedness to Thee. Amen.

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