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Discover how Artcamp's Language Learning Technology empowers rural women artisans in Taxco, Mexico, through innovative methods and digital tools. Learn about their mission, vision, and success stories in preserving cultural traditions.
Mayo 2003 Language Learning • TECNOLOGIA APRENDER IDIOMAS art camp méxico Say Romantic E-Novels Visual Audio Prompt Decir Digital Typing Tutor Typing Drills Ear Audio Tape Feedback Leer Audio Feedback CDROM Product Inventory Hear Revolutionary Method Digital recording It Works Publicity Escuchar Traducciones Escribir Service Tongue Beta Academia en Tecalpulco Read Audio tape training Audio Digital Technology Vowels Write Recording Studio TAXCO, MEXICO Typing drills Direct Distribution
Language Learning Academia de Idiomas 4.- Who are Artesanas Campesinas? 5.- What is Artcamp’s Mission & Vision? 6.- Hola, yo soy Alma... 7.- Artesanas Campesinas 8.- Language Learning Course 9.- Novelas Digitales de Artcamp 10.- Romantic E-Novels Project 11.- Buenos Días! 12.- Questions 13.- Dos Módulos 14 .- Now let us go to the other level 15.- Nohemi's letter part 1 16.- Nohemi´s letter part 2 17.- Summary of Language Learning 1 18.- Summary of Language Learning 2 19.- HEAR-SAY * OIR/DECIR 20.- READ/WRITE * LEER/ESCRIBIR 21.- Audio Feedback 22.- Visual Audio Prompt 23.- TYPING TUTOR 24.- Hear/Say Module 25.- Basic Typing Instruction 26.- Visual Feedback
Language Learning Academia de Idiomas 27.- Voice Tuned Vowels 28.- Drilling on Descriptive Text 29.- Pronunciation of Vowels 30.- Language as Idea 31.- Language in Practice 32.- Velocity Reports, Accuracy Reports 33.- Spoken Language 34.- Spelling, usage, verb forms in practice 35.- Drill Drill Drill Drill Drill Drill Drill 36.- Drill Drill Drill Drill Drill Drill Drill 37.- Reports for Study and Motivation 38.- “It Works!” 39.- Technology Enterprise Network 40.- The Market 41.- The Prospects 42.- The Product 43.- THUNDERBIRD
who are artesanas campesinas? Artesanas Campesinas (Artcamp) is a for profit enterprise with a social mission. Artcamp is a rural women artisans cooperative from the Municipality of Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico (southwest of Mexico City), specializing in handcrafted jewelry production. Language Learning Technology 2 http://www.bizpresenter.com http://www.lumika.org/mexico.htm
What is artcamp’s mission & vision? Artcamp’s La misión es unir su rica tradición artesanal de su comunidad con los mercados mundiales actuales. Entonces, ellas serán capaces de proveer un sustento e ingreso a una región que ha sido abandonada por muchos hombres que abandonan la comunidad para buscar trabajo en Estados Unidos de América. visionis to be a model for other low cost native craft enterprises both in Mexico and abroad. Their goal is to share their knowledge in inventory and distribution management, technical infrastructure, and marketing with other artisans so that too can become more creative, efficient, and productive. TECNOLOGIA APRENDER IDIOMAS 3
Hola soy Alma; vivo en Tecalpulco, tengo 16 años; trabajo en la cooperativa de Artcamp. Hi, I am Alma; I live in Tecalpulco, I am 16 years old; and work in Artcamp's cooperative. Estoy muy orgullosa de ser parte de este grupo de mujeres trabajadoras, con ellas he aprendido a valorar el trabajo que hago y a sentirme orgullosa de lo que producimos. I am very proud to be part of this hard working women group, with them I have learned to appreciate the work I do and to feel proud of what we produce. No es facil decidir continuar produciendo artesanias en estos tiempos dificiles para todos, sin embargo, he aprendido que podremos lograr exito si persistimos y trabajamos duro y realmente creo que asi sera. It is not easy to decide to keep ongoing producing artcrafts during this hard times for everyone, however, I learned that we can succed if we persist and work hard and I really believe this to be true. Nuestras condiciones no son faciles, pero creo que todo lo que vale la pena cuesta trabajo, ademas como mujer he aprendido que logramos sobrevivir a traves de los años generacion tras generacion a pesar de cualesquier circunstancia y de alguna manera siempre hemos logrado mantener vivas nuestras tradiciones y artesanias, asi que creo que esto continuara asi en la medida en que yo y ellas asi lo decidamos. Our current conditions are not easy, but I think that everything that is worth requires effort to do, furthermore, as woman I learned that we have survived through the years, generation after generation despite any circustances and somehow we have always managed to keep our traditions and handcrafts alive, so I think that this will keep ongoing to the degree that myself and them decide that it would be. Nuestro exito depende de que persistamos trabajando y valorando nuestro trabajo y el valor cultural que contiene. Eso es algo que mientras estemos aqui, nunca morira. Y si no es mi generacion la que logre el exito, vendra otra y despues otra mas, pero en tanto tengamos nuestra atencion en preservar lo valioso de lo que nuestras artesanias representan, triunfaremos. Our success depends on us persisting working and giving to our work the value it deserves as well as the cultural value that it contains. This is something that as long as we are alive, will never die. And if my generation does not succeed, well... Another will come and another ... but as long as our attention is kept on how worth is to preserve what our values and handcrafts represent, we will succeed. Hola, yo soy Alma
Artesanas Campesinas • Artcamp is a Mexican WORKER-OWNED COOPERATIVE of mostly women craftspeople from village of Tecalpulco and other small towns in the environs of Taxco. • This locality has a long tradition of handicraft and silver jewelry making. The MISSION of the group is to provide the conditions for the rebirth of the once-flourishing craft industry of their community. They are generating new timely designs and commercial prototypes that can be produced in the family workshops in the villages. • ARTCAMP leads its community BY INITIATING FAR REACHING PROJECTS AND LOOKS towards finding a way to stop being the unknowns that they are. • THE WOMEN try to promote the fashion jewelry and .925 STERLING SILVER products of which they are the creators and inheritors of crafts tradition. • Current Needs include: • How to produce a CDROM with self-taping feature for language drill • How to integrate Typing Teacher software with text from the Romantic Novels of Artcamp • How to package the two programs described below so they can be a saleable product to support the Cooperative • Language learning technology • PROGRAM ONE Read/Write Training • Translation • Typing • PROGRAM TWO Hear/Say Training Audiotape • vowel • word • phrase • verses
TECNOLOGIA APRENDER IDIOMAS Language learning course Buscamos ayuda, para nuestro proyecto, para crear un curso de aprendizaje de idioma basado en un método de enseñanza efectivo que hemos creado en nuestra área. El curso consta de 2 partes: 1.- Leer/escribir basado en un programa de escritura, de autor. Y 2.- Escucha/habla basado en un mecanismo de audio para computadoras. Ambos sistemas usan, como materia prima, el texto de una novela romántica , “Azucena”, sobre una joven pueblerina pobre quien se enamora de un apuesto montador de toros. Escrito de una forma amena, una linea en ingles y otra en español. Necesitamos asistencia técnica para desarrollar estos proyectos, lo cuales creemos que tienen un alto valor educativo así como un alto valor comercial para nuestra cooperativa. We seek help in our project of making a language-learning course based upon an effective learning method we have developed in the process of our work. The language learning course has two features 1. read/write based upon a Typing-Tutor/type of software and 2. hear/say based upon an audio feedback mechanism in one's computer. Both systems use as base material, the text of a romantic novel "Azucena", about a poor village girl who falls in love with a good-looking bullrider. Written in spanish/english in-line translation. We need technical assistance to realize these projects, which we believe have educational value as well as potential commercial value for our cooperative.
c El Projecto de Novelas digitales de Artcamp • El proyecto de novelas románticas de Artcamp ayuda a producir una herramienta de aprendizaje de idioma basado en una serie de historias de amor sobre mujeres del campo mexicano escrito en un formato a líneas ingles/español intercaladas. • Esta literatura, con valor por si mismo, trabaja con repeticiones tipo tutor para enseñanza de lectura y escritura, los versos poéticos también trabajan con el sistema escucha /habla para reforzar la practica. • El curso de enseñanza de idioma es interesante y de eficiencia extraordinaria; aumentando, enormemente, las posibilidades de aprender un lenguaje extranjero • Las novelas románticas de Artcamp tienen, también, un valor comercial para financiar la Cooperativa Artcamp de Tecalpulco, Guerrero, México. • Esta tecnología para aprendizaje de idiomas de Artcamp puede ser vendido a través de Internet y a través de los revendedores de las artesanías de La cooperativa. AZUCENAZENAIDAMARISOL
c The Artcamp Romantic E-Novels Project • The Artcamp Romantic E-Novels Project aims to produce a language-learning tool based upon a series of love stories about Mexican village women written in Spanish/English in-line translation. • The literary product, of value in itself, supports Typing Tutor-type drill for read/write training also the poetic verses support audiotape exercises to enforce hear/say cognition. • The language training course is interesting and of extraordinary efficiency; greatly increasing the facility by which a foreign language can be learned. • The Artcamp Romantic E-Novels Project is also a commercial enterprise to underwrite the Artcamp Cooperative of Tecalpulco, Guerrero, Mexico. • An Artcamp Language Technology Course can be sold for good profits over the internet and through the Retailers of Artcamp’s handcrafted fashion jewelry. AZUCENAZENAIDAMARISOL
Buenos Dias! • Buenos Dias! Receive greetings from Guerrero Mexico. • Our stories are part of a language learning process • that we have used to teach ourselves English. • Las novelas romanticas de Artcamp se originan en cursos • de aprendizaje del idioma involucrando ejercicios • con traducciones y ensayos literarios • The romantic novels of Artcamp originate in language training • courses involving translations and creative writing exercises. • Estas son historias verdaderas, transformadas por el arte, en las • cuales cada mujer se forma siguiendo los sentimientos de su corazon. • These are true stories, transformed by art, of the ways in which • every woman*s destiny is formed by the movements of her heart. • Azucena es la Mexicana que siguio a su corazon en el camino • a su destino donde quiera que este la lleve. • Azucena is the Mexican woman who followed her heart on the road to • her destiny wherever that way leads. • This is an experimental literary process born in translation • exercises associated with the language learning courses • of Mexican village women in their handcrafts production cooperative. • This is an epic love story that is also a story about love itself. • Azucena is one of a trilogy of romantic novels that is being readied; • this writing began years ago by the transcription of anecdotal stories • in crude English prose; the coarse prose was then assigned to stdents • as homework in the self-teach language school, innovated by the Co-op. • So, the students dutifully translated the English into native Spanish • and that has proved an effective way to learn vocabulary • and basic grammar and practical syntax. • The students usually start from scratch • by looking up the English words up as they go along • in an English- Spanish Dictionary. • Then another year, perhaps, these translations were given • to another group of students for them to translate them into English; • so the stories' verses have been forged by translating back and forth. • The story itself is constructed to present on a scene-a-day basis • the world of a country girl and that of her macho bullrider boyfriend. • It is a true story, transformed by art; the story of one woman's heart
TECHNOLOGY ENTERPRISE NETWORK STOCKHOLM SWEDEN Technology Enterprise Network Stockholm Sweden Questions * Preguntas • How are you financed/funded and for how long?Your yearly turn over? • In 2001 our cooperative gross sales unofficially were $128,000usd$ • This was audited by the Fair Trade Organizatie of The Netherlands. • Our funding has only ever been from the sales of our handcrafted product. • Who are your partners? • Fair Trade Organizatie • Shared Interest • Global Marketplace • What are your measurable results over a period, (6 months - one year) • The project we seek support for is the language-learning course • Based upon the epic poetic romance novels we have written in • Spanish and English in-line verse translation. We seek technical • assistance in creating the Typing Tutor software –also- the Tape • Feedback feature for audio-drilling of verbs words phrases verses. • in ways of amount of customers/users, products sold or other measurable items. • Again, our handcrafts business is a separate thing. We want to develop a language training technology that we know will work because we have experimental evidence. This course can be sold over the internet or by the Retailers of our jewelry products. It can also be sold to students, to schools, immigrants, businesspeople, and tourists. This seems to be a stable market so to complement our very volatile fashion market • Your reach, scope? Do you interact internationally, to what extent? • Our cooperative has customers in America Australia Europe and Japan; • We intend to translate our language-trainer novels into many languages. • Your impact on society, local or global. • Our cooperative is the primary source of economics for the village • of Tecalpulco and the vehicle for connecting the handcrafts tradition • to a hopeful future for ourselves as women and for our children. • The language learning technology is effective because the student learns • by method of imparting **ideas** and graphic **images**; the Typing • Tutor makes the hands and brain go so fast that the meaning sinks in. • When the student learns by **idea** instead of by rote, the brain does • NOT go to sleep and slow down - it excites as it leaps ahead and learns. • Thorough and effective language learning technology is a valuable tool. • Sustain ability. What are your chances to survive a three year term? • One hundred percent
Dos Modulos English • 1. HEAR-SAY * Escuchar-hablar Hearing-saying is to train the student’s ear and tongue and accustom them to the sounds of language. Escuchar-hablar es un sistema para entrenar los oídos y lengua de los estudiantes y acostumbrarlos a los sonidos del idioma. • 2. leer-escribir * read-write Reading-writing is to experience meaning as a cognitive function – it is to *get* an **idea**. Leer-escribir, es una experiencia que incluye una función cognitiva – es para *tener* una **idea** The student drills on these two modules concurrently. El estudiante hace ejercicios en uno y en el otro modulo.
Now let us go to the other level where we all want to be because we are building up the new world in this way even though it seems like an impossible challenge there is the hope of self-developing intelligence in humanity. Language tapes are an excellent method even though falling in love may be still, the most efficient way to learn a language. otherwise, audio laboratory training is the most productive system of learning the heard and spoken language. • The student must simply expose him or herself to hundreds of hours of concentration and repeating. Typing Tutor training is a complementary dimension of the Language Course. Not only will the student learn the language, he or she will learn to typewrite. • Young Nohemi who had never even seen a computer underwent and intensive course in Typing Tutor and that proved extremely effective in merely fifteen months she learned to read and write effective English. This is a fifteen year old campesina girl with NO language training whatever. . • There were two aspects to Nohemi’s training • 1. Typing Tutor • 2. translations to Spanish of Leonardo's notebooks Nohemi never took the HEAR/SAY portion of the Language Learning course. TECNOLOGIA APRENDER IDIOMAS
Nohemi’s letter Hola friend, greetings from Guerrero Mexico Algunas de nosotras estudiamos ingles en los Estados Unidos (las jóvenes que se fueron con sus papas mientras ellos trabajaban de braceros por allá). Gracias a ellas, ahora tenemos mas facilidad para aprender y usar este idioma. Some of us studied English in the United States (as youth going with their parents who worked as bracero laborers there) Thanks to them we have the facility to learn and use the language. Nosotras estamos aprendiendo a base de traducciones que hacemos como ejercicios en nuestras casas y ellas nos corrigen y así poco a poco vamos todas mejorando en esta difícil tarea. We are learning based upon translations that we make as exercises in our homes they correct us and little by little we do improve in this difficult task. Nos cuesta mucho trabajo y es muy difícil, pero sabemos que si queremos tener éxito, esto va a ser primordial manejarlo, así que pues ni modo, lo tenemos que hacer cueste lo que cueste. It costs us a lot of work and it is very difficult, but we know that if we wish for success, this is necessary to work for it, therefore we do what we must do. Hace años nos dijeron que debíamos utilizar el Internet para poder dejar de ser desconocidas que somos. Years ago we were told that we ought to utilize Internet to stop being the unknowns that we are. Algunos de los miembros de nuestra cooperativa han trabajado por casi tres años en aprender HTLM y los programas necesarios para poder crear nuestro sitio web. Contratamos algunos maestros de computación para que nos ayudaran. Some members of our cooperative have worked for nearly three years to learn the HTML code and the programs necessary to be able to be able to create our web site We hired some teachers of computation to help us. Finalmente creamos nuestro sitio web pero todavía estamos tratando de hacer que funciona para nosotras Finally we created our web site and we are trying to make this work for us. Confiamos en que Dios nos va a ayudar porque tenemos mucho que ofrecer y porque sabemos producir nuestras artesanías y constantemente buscamos cada día nuevas formas para crear lo que nos indican que el mercado de hoy quiere. We believe that God is going to help us because we have much to offer and because we know how to produce our handcrafts and constantly we seek each day new forms to create what the markets of today desire. After 15 months of Typing & Translation training Nohemi composed this letter in Spanish & English languages Después de 15 meses de practicar traducción y mecanografía, Nohemi compuso esta carta en ambos idiomas
Nohemi’s letter Quiero darte la dirección del sitio web que creamos (este es el tercer intento mejorado) de Artcamp (esto es una abreviación de Artesanas Campesinas), y es el nombre de nuestra cooperativa. I want to give you the address of our website that we created (it is the third attempt to improve it) of Artcamp (this is an abbreviation of Artesanas Campesinas which means in English, Rural Women Artisans. Me gustaría que lo visites y nos aconsejes sobre lo que debemos de estar haciendo para mejorarlo y poder obtener beneficios del mismo, como nos dijo el amigo que nos aconsejo hacer este proyecto. I would like that you visit it and advise us about what we should be doing to improve and to gain advantage of it like our friend said who advised us to do this project. La dirección es http://www.artcamp.com.mx Estaré esperando tus comentarios. The address is http://www.artcamp.com.mx We will wait for your commentaries. Eso es todo por el momento, muchas gracias por reconocernos y esperamos estar en contacto. That is all for the moment, many thanks for recognizing us and we hope to be in contact. Sus amigas en Guerrero México, saludos todas las mujeres de la cooperativa de Artcamp: Your friends in Guerrero México, greetings from all the women of the Artcamp cooperative. Angelica Areli Tamara Gloria Maria Hilaria Luz Elizabet Araceli Juana Verónica Lourdes y las otras Ojalá que un día nos puede visitar aquí en México! We hope that one day you may visit us in Mexico! Atentamente, Nohemi After 15 months of Typing & Translation training Nohemi composed this letter in Spanish & English languages Después de 15 meses de practicar traducción y mecanografía, Nohemi compuso esta carta en ambos idiomas
Executive Summary of Language Learning Executive Summary of Language Learning • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The Artcamp Romantic E-Novels Project • aims to create new language-learning tools • English Spanish Language Training Technology Course CDROM • SUSTAINABILITY • Language-learning is something that is NOT going to go away no matter • WHAT happens to the economies. People need to learn a language for • School, for business, for work, for tourism, for curiosity, for love interest. • SOCIAL IMPACT • This product represents a modest revolution in language-learning because • it presents language in an engaging way that is extremely effective in • bringing the student to a degree of real fluency in a relatively short time. • VALUE STATEMENT • This is a good project because it address a real need to learn languages; • Everyone gains enormously from the success of the project because we • have discovered an interesting and efficient way to do language training. • HISTORY • The Romantic Novels of Artcamp were born a series of translation exercises • of village women. The first exercises were translations from Leonardo’d Vinci’s notebooks (Dover edition English and Italian on facing page) into native Spanish. • FUTURE STRATEGY • The Language Training Technology in the form of a CDROM product • will provide a permanent revenue stream to support further development. • TARGET MARKET • The Target Market is people who can be convinced to purchase a Language-Learning Technology; • we will create very quality textual and graphic presentation of the product for the market offerings.
OPPORTUNITIES • At the same time as we create the CDROM Language Training product, Azucena is presented as a scene-a-day E/novel to a subscriber list in order to get the word out about our fashion jewelry-producing cooperative. • THREATS • The biggest danger is that nobody wants to care about a poor village girl of Mexico. • STRENGTHS • The rural women's artisans cooperative of Artcamp transforms materials into products; as producers, the women provide a foundation for a renaissance of local light industry • WEAKNESSES • We are going to need help in the technical areas. And our financial resources are minimal. • FEATURES-BENEFITS • CDROM – Physical Product just like a Popular Music Album • Internet Download Version – Save Shipping Costs • Spanish/English In-line Translation – Learn *either* language • Audio/Recording System – Training the hear/say ability • Typing Tutor Software – Training the read/write ability • Vowel Color Coding – Trains for the sound of the Vowels • The Romantic Novels – Entertains as one learns • The Mexican Village Girl – A fresh fashion icon • MARKETING VEHICLE • The Artcamp Language Learning Technology Course can be • marketing alongside Artcamp’s handcrafted fashion jewelry. • Also, the Course is marketed on its own to targeted prospects. • MARKETING STRATEGY • The revolutionary nature of the Language Learning Technology; • The freshness of the authorship of a women's artisans cooperative. • FINANCIAL OBJECTIVES • To take the revenues from the sales of CDROM Language Training Technology Courses • and use it to underwrite the Artcamp Cooperative by providing language education opportunity • SUSTAINABILITY • Once the Language Training Technology Course has been developed, • then the cost of product is the cost to copy a CDROM and its delivery. • By identifying itself with the idea of Language Learning Technology, Artcamp • will have a consistent and growing source of revenue to support its operations.
HEAR-SAY * OIR-DECIR * • Audio Tape • Vocales DRILL DRILL DRILL repitir repitir repitir repitir • Palabras DRILL DRILL DRILL repitir repitir repitir repitir • Frases DRILL DRILL DRILL repitir repitir repitir repitir Versos DRILL DRILL DRILL repitir repitir repitir repitir repitir repitir repitir repitir
READ/WRITETRAINING Leer/Escribir Entrenamiento • Traducciones * Translations • Escribir a Maquina * Typewriting Translation into one’s own language is an excellent way to learn vocabulary and usage Typing training reenforces the words and usages the student has grappled with in the translation exercises. La traducción al lenguaje propio es una excelente manera de aprender el vocabulario y sus usos. Teclear refuerza lo aprendido por el alumno durante los ejercicios de traducción.
Audio Feedback Respuesta Digital Al ser un curso interactivo, incluirá un sistema de reconocimiento y respuesta de Audio, de fácil manejo y configuración; con el que se pretende mejorar la pronunciación y dicción de los alumnos, así el alumno escuchara la pronunciación debida y después de intentarlo el sistema de reconocimiento de voz de la computadora comparara el padron de la voz del estudiante con el modelo original en el programa digital de aprendizaje. Con esto, se pretende que el alumno escuche, asimile, y hable correctamente el idioma de meta. As an interactive course, it will include a system of recognition and audio response, easy to operate and configure; with which one tries to improve correct pronunciation and after the effort, the computer’s voice-recognition system will thereupon compare the student’s voice’s audio pattern with the original model of the learning program With this, it is hoped that the student listens, assimilates, and comes to correctly pronunces the target language. The student does NOT only learn correct pronunciation correctly. This audiotape feedback drilling will impart vocabulary, usage, and meaning. Los estudiantes no solo aprenderán la pronunciación correcta. El sistema de audio enseñara vocabulario, usos y significados.
Visual Audio Prompt Apuntador visual de audio Debido a que no existe una pronunciación uniforme en las vocales al menos en el ingles, esta parte del curso enseñara como pronunciar las vocales dependiendo del uso que se le de, basado en una interfaz ‘karaoke’ para identificar y pronunciar adecuadamente durante la lectura, todo esto de una manera entretenida para el alumno. Since there is not a uniform way of pronouncin the vowels in the English language, this part of the course will show how topronounce the vowels depending on the use they are given, based on a ‘karioki’ interface to identify and pronounce adequately during the reading; all of this in a way that is entertaining to the student.
TOUCH TYPING READ WRITE * TYPING TUTOR • An English-Spanish Typing Tutor on CDROM • The student drills and learns to type at same time • The student reads and familiarizes him or herself • With descriptive novelistic vignettes of a love story. • The students read the story and at the same time they • re-live the reading as they keep up with the streaming • words as they pass by before ones eyes as one is typing • faster trying to keep up with words flowing on the screen. • By going very fast like this, the brain becomes sharper • and intense, registering up all the words and phrasing • and spelling and usages; ideas appearing, ideas flowing. • Leer – Escribir * Tutor de tecleado • Un Tutor de tecleado será Ingles-Español incluido en CD-ROM • El estudiante repite y aprende a escribir rápido; al mismo tiempo El estudiante lee y se familiariza. • con viñetas novelísticas de una historia de amor • El estudiante lee la historia y al mismo tiempo revive la lectura mientras leen las líneas tratando de leer y escribir mas rápido antes de que termine la frase. • A esta velocidad, el cerebro se vuelve mas agudo y hábil, • registrando todas las palabras, frases y deletreando mientras los imágenes aparecen y los ideas fluyen.
HEAR SAY MODULE • ENGLISH SPANISH LANGUAGE TRAINING COURSE CD ROM • Ear/Mouth Training • Initial Exposure: tape training on vowel sounds, student repeats our loud ... • Advanced Course: tape training on words and phrases student repeats aloud... • The sounds come IN the ear and OUT the mouth • The ear learns to distinguish the sounds so the mouth can learn how to form the sounds. • The ear has to learn to hear before the mouth has a chance of making the right sounds. • The key is repetition something on the order of 10,000 repetitions in this phase of course. • The student must be motivated enough to do the reps or the rest of the course isn’t worth it • CURSO DE APRENDIZAJE INGLES-ESPAÑOL EN CDROM • Practica oído/boca • Contacto inicial: aprendizaje con voces, los estudiantes repiten en voz alta. • Curso avanzado: aprendizaje basado en audio para palabras y frases, el estudiante repite en voz alta... • Las palabras ENTRAN por el oído y SALEN por la boca • El oído aprende a distinguir sonidos, así la boca aprende a formar las voces. • El oído tiene que aprender a oír antes de que repita las voces correctas. • La llave es la repetición algo así como 10,000 repeticiones en esta etapa del curso. • El estudiante de be ser motivado lo suficiente para repetir o el resto del curso no servirá.
Basic Typing Instruction Standard Typewriting Training in the form of repetitive drills, beginning with instruction regarding finger placement on the keyboard and which keys each finger is dedicated to strike, when typewriting professionally. El aprendizaje de mecanografía estándar es en base a repeticiones, iniciando con las instrucciones con respecto a la colocación de las manos en el teclado y que dedo debe presionar cada tecla, así se escribirá profesionalmente. Basic Typing Instruction Standard Typewriting Training in the form of repetitive drills, beginning with instruction regarding finger placement on the keyboard and which keys each finger is dedicated to strike, when typewriting professionally. El aprendizaje de mecanografía estándar es en base a repeticiones, iniciando con las instrucciones con respecto a la colocación de las manos en el teclado y que dedo debe presionar cada tecla, así se escribirá profesionalmente.
Visual Feedback Respuesta Visual AudioTape master Espectro del audio maestro Student Espectro del estudiante 2 MODES • 1. The Student sees the pattern of his or her own voice on the screen while speaking • The student’s voice videotape can be played back later • In both cases, the Student’s voice is displayed with the corresponding AudioTape master voice pattern For purposes of study and insight into pronunciation, inflection, rythm, emphasis, color, tone, and volume. Para el estudio e introducción a la pronunciación, inflexión, ritmo, énfasis, color, tono y volumen. 2 MODULOS • 1. El estudiante ve el espectro de su voz en la pantalla mientras habla. • La voz puede ser guardada para analizarla después. • En ambos casos, la voz del estudiante será mostrada comparada con el espectro del audio maestro.
Respuesta Visual; Vocales Afinados Visual Feedback; Voice Tuned Vowels El estudiante escucha el sonido CDROM modelos vocales que salen de las bocinas del sistema de la computadora. The student listens to the CDROM’s digital sound of model vowels that emerge from speakers of the computer system. The student speaks into microphone; the student attempts to mimic and reproduce the vowel sounds of the recording. El estudiante habla al micrófono e intenta imitar y reproducir las voces de la grabación. The patterns are recorded, replayable for study and review. The student views the parallel pattern of sound in real time. Las grabaciones se reproducen para estudiar y analizar. El estudiante puede ver el espectro original en tiempo real.
Drilling on Descriptive Text Repeticiones con Texto Descriptivo • scene 1 ************************************************************** • Una bella joven indígena esta lavando ropa en un lavadero de piedra cerca de donde corre agua en el patio de una cabaña hecha con adobe. • A pretty young indían girl is washing clothes on a rough rock by a water trough in the dusty yard of an adobe brick cottage. • El ruido de la ropa contra la piedra se oye repitidamente, • golpeando, raspando y salpicando con el vigor del tallado. • The slap slap slap of the wet cloth smacks against the stone, • splashing, scraping, and rasping with the vigorous scrubbing. • Los movimientos del lavado son repetidos, fluidos, naturales; • mientras ella azota la ropa mojada con sus gestos expresivos. • The watery washing motions are repeated, fluid, natural; • she slaps the damp clothing down with expressive gesture. • Después de unos momentos, siguiendo el ritmo de su trabajo, • suavamente canta una canción de la radio de un amor perdido. • After a few moments, in tune with the rhythm of her work, • she softly sings aloud a poignant radio song of lost love. • La tonada le sale, manteniendo la melodía a la perfección; • en el sonido hay una autoconcentración y la soledad íntima. • The melody comes from her, she holds the tune perfectly; • a self-containedness and private solace is in her sound. • Ella esta cantando para ella misma y para nadie más; • incansablemente, ella continúa tallando un pantalon. • She is singing to herself, to nobody else; • she is tirelessly beating clean the pants. EXAMPLE OF THE TEXTUAL BASE MATERIAL EJEMPLO DE MATERIAL BASICO TEXTUAL
Pronunciation of Vowels The pronunciation of the vowels is of primary importance La pronunciación de los vocales es de primera importancia A primitive exercise is to drill on the vowel wounds. Un ejercicio primitivo es repetir las voces. Until the ear is trained to hear, the tongue can not say. Mientas el oído no aprenda a escuchar, la lengua no va a poder decir los sonidos. Training is by drilling with audio and visual feedbacks. El aprendizaje es por repeticiones y con ayuda del audio y ayuda visual.
Language as idea By Typing as rapidly as possible and concentrating to not make mistakes with one’s fingers allows the mind to relax and understand the way the words and phrases and Ietters and vowels work to compose something that will makes sense that becomes revealed little by little as a puzzle. Escribir a maquina lo mas rápido posible y concentrando en no cometer errores con los dedos permite que la mente descanse y a entender como trabajan las frases, letras y vocales para componer algo con sentido que se va revelando poco a poco
Language in practice as phrases and thought Language in practice is a matter of phrases and verbs creating transformation and development. En la practica, el idioma es asunto de frases y verbos que crean, transforman y desarrollan. The mind is so fast and active it can hear thought on the fly as it passes in language La mente es tan rápida y activa, que puede escuchar pensamiento en el aire y pasarlo al idioma
Reportes de Velocidad y Efectividad. Accuracy over Time Velocity over Time Velocity Reports, Accuracy Reports KEYBOARD DRILLING OF THE TEXT OF AZUCENA • The Typing Tutor Software displays very good reports: attractive and motivational. • * Velocity • * Accuracy • * Which keys are most missed, etc. • El programa de mecanografía muestra reportes de relevancia, atractivos y motivacionales. • * Velocidad • * Efectividad • * Errores comunes, etc.
Spoken Language Idioma Hablado The natural sound of the language as it is spoken… El sonido natural del idioma al hablar…. Aprender escuchando y repitiendo frases. One learns hearing and repeating phrases. Frases que se unen con verbos para hacer descripciones de personalidades y una vivaz historia de una muchacha. Phrases that join verbs to make descriptions of personalities and the vivid story of one young woman..
ENGLISH VOWELS Palabras VOWELS * VOCALES Spelling, usage, AND verb forms in practice Deletreando, usando, formas de verbos en la practica Phrases * FRASES By drilling on the descriptions of a young girl who is washing clothes in the dusty patio of an adobe cottage, the student’s mind becomes absorbed and as words and as phrases and vowels communicate images and ideas, the mind *learns* as the real work product of the student.. Phrases * FRASES Repitiendo las descripciones sobre una joven mujer quien lava ropa en un patio sucio de una casa hecha de adobe, la mente del estudiante es absorbida mientras las frases y las vocales comunican imágenes e ideas, mientras esto pasa la mente del estudiante en realidad aprende, lo que es la finalidad del curso. Phrases * FRASES
Audio Tape VocalesDRILL DRILL DRILL • DRILL DRILL DRILL VOWELS repitir repitir repitir repitir • Palabras DRILL DRILL DRILL repitir repitir repitir repitir WORDS • Frases DRILL DRILL DRILL repitir repitir repitir repitir PHRASES Versos DRILL DRILL DRILL repitir repitir repitir repitir repitir repitir repitir repitir
Drill Drill Drill Drill Drill Drill Typing Tutor Exercises Ejercicios : Escribir a Maquina
Accuracy over Time Velocity over Time Reports for Studyand Motivation Reportes para Estudio y Motivacion Each Student has his or her own file on the computer harddrive fed by the CDROM this person has bought from Artcamp Cada estudiante tendrá su propio sistema de archivos personalizados en el disco duro de la PC suministrado por el CD-ROM comprado de Artcamp.
The important Benefit of Artcamps CDROM Language-Learningis that **It Works!** Los beneficio de el curso de aprendizaje de idiomas de Artcamp es que **si sirve**. • As the student performs the exercises of the typing portion of the course he or she will learn 1000-2000 words, becoming familiar with their usage. • As the student indeed performs the hear/say portion of the course, his or her mind will become ingrained with the pronunciation of vowels, words and phrases. • The two training modules both employ the same text, so the two training exercise sets reenforce each other. HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE HEAR SAY READ WRITE OIR DECIR LEER ESCRIBIR OIR DECIR LEER ESCRIBIR OIR DECIR LEER ESCRIBIR OIR DECIR LEER ESCRIBIR • Mientras el alumno practique los ejercicios de mecanografía del curso el o ella aprenderá entre 1000 y 2000 palabras, familiarizándose con su uso. • Como el alumno practica la parte escuchar/hablar del curso, su mente se acostumbrara a la pronunciación de vocales, palabras y frases. • Ambos módulos del curso usan los mismo textos, así que ambos módulos se refuerza entre si. OIR DECIR LEER ESCRIBIR OIR DECIR LEER ESCRIBIR OIR DECIR LEER ESCRIBIR OIR DECIR OIR DECIR LEER ESCRIBIR OIR DECIR LEER ESCRIBIR OIR DECIR LEER ESCRIBIR OIR DECIR
TECHNOLOGY ENTERPRISE NETWORK STOCKHOLM SWEDEN I see the texts online but what other services or functionality do you have with them?The functionalities for Azucena and the other stories are 1. CDROM foto-novel using local characters as the actors2. The texts are written as screen treatments; 3. Scene-a-day presentation in Artcamp e-zine and other subscriber e-mail lists. 4. The text as the base for an audio-feedback language training course. 5. The text as the base of a Typing Tutor-type language learning program.We have applied for technical assistance in the last two areas: the language learning course.¿Do you have an instructional design for the programme or do you need someone to help you build that?No, it is not worked out, that is something that maybe we need to know more about to proceed.¿Quieres tener acceso al programa a través de nuestra pagina y bajarlo a tu computadora personal? Este es un producto en CD-ROM. Se ejecuta a través de una unidad de CD-ROM en cualquier PC.Los servicios de café-Internet pueden comprar una copia y ofrecer cursos de Ingles o Español
TECHNOLOGY ENTERPRISE NETWORK STOCKHOLM SWEDEN How will you link the student's attempts with the original textso they, or a tutor can tell whether they have it right? Two ways: 1. The common way you see in Typing Tutor where if one strikes the wrong key it changes color on the screen; the computer records errors shows a variety of accuracy and velocity reports. 2. In the language laboratory function, the machine hears the students pronunciation of a vowel comparing that audio image with the audio image of the standard pronunciation of that vowel, marking the screen with an interference pattern generated by the quality and degree of difference. Do you need the student's attempts to be stored online so that a tutor can review and comment on them? Oh no. This is a self-contained program on the CDROM. The program produces colorful and motivational graphs demonstrating progress in velocity, accuracy, etcetera.
TECHNOLOGY ENTERPRISE NETWORK STOCKHOLM SWEDEN The same applies with the hear/ talk practice. Do you havesections already recorded or does that need to be done?We have done some preliminary experiments. We are collaborating with a teacher in Californiawho teaches Mexican kids who come into her classroom without knowing any English. She uses a combination of language tapes all she does is intense drilling on the sound of the vowels. Other than that, she uses flash cards with pictures. Rayelan has offered us copies of her tapes. Of course we are going to have to produce our own audio tapes in English and Spanish What assumptions are you making about the bandwidth available to the student?This is a CDROM product that we can market to some of the same distributors and retailers and consumers who are customers of our handcrafted jewelry production. How will the work be evaluated and feedback provided to the student?Typing Tutor is the model for the program we need. The computer keeps track of velocityAnd accuracy even which keys are producing the most errors. Reports motivate the student tracking progress in typing speed and accuracy, and in the correct pronunciation of words.**********************************************************************We need someone who will help us develop the Typing Tutor portion of this program.We need someone who can help us integrate the Audio Feedback part of the program*****************************************************************************
The Market for a CDROM Language Learning Course • Business people • Students • Teachers • Schools • Travelers • Lovers • Would-be lovers • Life-long Learners
T H U N D E R B I R D DIGITAL DIVIDE “I begin with two words that all men have uttered since the dawn of humanity: thank you. The word gratitude has equivalents in every language and in each tongue the range of meanings is abundant.” (Octavio Paz – Nobel Lecture Nobel Lecture, December 8, 1990) This presentation was made in the Digital Partners Social Enterprise Laboratory (SEL). Along with the entrepreneurs, a student team from Thunderbird, The American Graduate School of International Management and a group of business industry advisors contributed to its development. Work on the presentation spans from December 2002 to April 2003. Without the assistance of Art Camp, this work would not have been realized: thank you.