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Discover the economic principles behind distributed computing with insights from Jim Gray of Microsoft Research. Learn the cost factors and benefits of projects like Seti@Home and Napster, why the Computational Grid can be uneconomic, and when computing on demand is effective. Explore the right level of abstraction and the potential impact of the Access Grid. Uncover the computing equivalents and consequences of distributed systems. Consider the outsourcing trends and potential market for supercomputers. Dive into the world of distributed computing economics and its implications for the future.
Distributed Computing Economics Jim Gray Microsoft Research gray@microsoft.com Presentation To Microsoft Venture Capital Summit 28 April 2004
Distributed Computing Economics • Why is Seti@Home a great idea? • Why is Napster a great deal? • Why is the Computational Grid uneconomic? • When does computing on demand work? • What is the “right” level of abstraction? • Is the Access Grid the real killer app? Based on: Distributed Computing Economics, Jim Gray, Microsoft Tech report, March 2003, MSR-TR-2003-24 http://research.microsoft.com/research/pubs/view.aspx?tr_id=655
Computing Is Free • Computers cost 1k$ (if you shop right) (yes, there are 1μ$ to 1M$ computers, but..) • So 1 cpu day = 1$ (computers last 3 years) • If you pay the phone bill, internet bandwidth costs 50…500$/mbps/m (not including routers and management) • So 1GB costs 1$ to send and 1$ to receive Caveat: All numbers rounded to nearest factor of 3.
Why Is Seti@Home A Good Deal? • Send 300 KB: Costs 3e-4$ • User computes for ½ day: Benefit .5e-1$ • ROI: 1500:1
Seti@HomeThe worlds most powerful computer • 67 TF is sum of top 4 of Top 500 • 67 TF is 9x the number 2 system • 67 TF more than the sum of systems 2...10
Why Was Napster A Good Deal? • Send 5 MB costs 5e-3$ ½ a penny per song • Both sender and receiver can afford it • Same logic powers web sites (Yahoo!...) • 1e-3$/page view advertising revenue • 1e-5$/page view cost of serving web page • 100:1 ROI
Computing Equivalents1$ buys • 1 day of cpu time • 4 GB (fast) ram for a day • 1 GB of network bandwidth • 1 GB of disk storage for 3 years • 10 M database accesses • 10 TB of disk access (sequential) • 10 TB of LAN bandwidth (bulk) • 10 KWhrs == 4 days of computer time Depreciating over 3 years, and there are about 1k days in 3 years.
Some Consequences • Beowulf networking is 10,000x cheaper than WAN networking factors of 105 matter • The cheapest and fastest way to move Terabytes cross country is sneakernet24 hours = 4 MB/s50$ shipping vs 1,000$ wan cost • Sending 10PB CERN data via network is silly: buy disk bricks in Geneva, fill them, ship them TeraScale SneakerNet: Using Inexpensive Disks for Backup, Archiving, and Data Exchange Jim Gray; Wyman Chong; Tom Barclay; Alex Szalay; Jan vandenBerg Microsoft Technical Report may 2002, MSR-TR-2002-54 http://research.microsoft.com/research/pubs/view.aspx?tr_id=569
Computational Grid Economics • To the extent that computational grid is like Seti@Home or ZetaNet or Folding@home or…it is a great thing • The extent that the computational grid is MPI or data analysis, it fails on economic grounds: move the programs to the data, not the data to the programs • The Internet is not the cpu backplane • An alternate reality: Nearly free networking • Telcos go bankrupt and price=cost=0 • Taxpayers pay your phone bill so price=0 and telcos receive a BIG government subsidy
IF instruction density > 100,000 instructions/byteAND remote computer is free (costs you nothing)THEN ROI > 0ELSE ROI < 0 When To Export A Task
Computing On Demand • Was called outsourcing/service bureaus in my youth. CSC and IBM did it • It is not a new way of doing things: think payroll. Payroll is standard outsourced service • Now Hotmail, Salesforce.com, Oracle.com,… • Works for standard apps • COD works for commoditized services • Airlines outsource reservations. Banks outsource ATMs • But Amazon, Amex, Wal-Mart, eTrade, eBay... Can’t outsource their core competence
What’s The Right Abstraction Level For Internet Scale Distributed Computing? • Disk block? No too low • File? No too low • Database? No too low • Application? Yes, of course • Blast search • Google search • Send/Get eMail • Portals that federate astronomy archives(http://skyQuery.Net/) • Web Services (.NET, EJB, OGSA) give this abstraction level
Access Grid • Q: What comes after the telephone? • A: eMail? • A: Instant messaging? • Both seem retro: text & emotons • Access Grid could revolutionize human communication • But, it needs a new idea • Q: What comes after the telephone?
Supercomputers You Use • Hotmail, Yahoo!, Google: ~10k servers • Amazon, Barnes&Noble • Expedia, Orbitz • Dell, HP,… • Service-oriented architectures • Not computing on demand, but information on demand!
Distributed Computing Economics • Why is Seti@Home a great idea? • Why is Napster a great deal? • Why is the Computational Grid uneconomic • When does computing on demand work? • What is the “right” level of abstraction? • Is the Access Grid the real killer app? Based on: Distributed Computing Economics, Jim Gray, Microsoft Tech report, March 2003, MSR-TR-2003-24 http://research.microsoft.com/research/pubs/view.aspx?tr_id=655
Poll • Is there a market for Supercomputers?Yes, Google, Expedia, Hotmail,… • Is Computing On Demand a high-margin business?I think not • Do you know the equivalent high-margin business?Information on demand
Take Aways • Computing on demand is a service business; probably not high margin; questionable economics; think LoudCloud • Distributed computing is coming,but it is probably via Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) • Web Services is the way to do SOA
Outline • Overview of Microsoft Research • Distribute Computing Economics • Q&A
The Cost Of ComputingComputers are NOT free! • IBM, HP, Dell make $billions • Capital Cost of a TpcC system is mostly storage and storage software (database) • IBM 32 cpu, 512 GB ram 2,500 disks, 43 TB(680,613 tpmC @ 11.13 $/tpmc available 11/08/03)http://www.tpc.org/results/individual_results/IBM/IBMp690es_05092003.pdf • A 7.5M$ super-computer • Total Data Center Cost: 40% capital & facilities 60% staff(includes app development)