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محمد نهيل محمد العثماني 120090151 كلية الهندسة /تشيد وانشاء

محمد نهيل محمد العثماني 120090151 كلية الهندسة /تشيد وانشاء. EXP:3 periodic motion. Idea :: Study harmonic motion :: Determination the gravity Elements :: simple pendulum to Study harmonic motion and Determine the gravity

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محمد نهيل محمد العثماني 120090151 كلية الهندسة /تشيد وانشاء

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  1. محمد نهيل محمد العثماني120090151كلية الهندسة /تشيد وانشاء

  2. EXP:3 periodic motion Idea :: Study harmonic motion :: Determination the gravity Elements :: simple pendulum to Study harmonic motion and Determine the gravity Steps :: we will move the pendulum and Determine the time period for 1 cycle

  3. If we take T=1s for 4 cycle thin for 1 cycle T=0.25 T L B C y Mg cos Calculations :: f=1/T t =1/f f=am =-gm sin =a=-g sin and when sin is very small sin =y/L a=-g y/L A Mg sin mg mg

  4. SHM : simple harmonic motion a=d²a/dt² =-g y/L =-g y=-w²L w²=g/L angular velocity a=w² L w²=(2П.L)/T T= (2П.L)/ w T= 2П(L/g) ½

  5. Practical experience and taking notes we got from

  6. y2 Slope = y2-y1/x2-x1 Slope=a П²/g T=2 П (L/g) ½ t²=4 П L/g ==(T/L) slope=4 П/g Slope =4 П/g g=4 П/ Slope . y1 L x1 x2

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