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Global ILL Framework (GIF)

Global ILL Framework (GIF). Teamwork between Japan and North America. Principles for Japan/US GIF Implementation from now. Japan  日本. North America  北米. NCC. JANUL. 国立大学図書館協会. 北米日本資料調整協議会. GIF Project (International Scholarly Communication Committee). ILL/DD Committee.

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Global ILL Framework (GIF)

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  1. Global ILL Framework (GIF) Teamwork between Japan and North America

  2. Principles for Japan/US GIF Implementation from now Japan 日本 North America 北米 NCC JANUL 国立大学図書館協会 北米日本資料調整協議会 GIF Project (International Scholarly Communication Committee) ILL/DD Committee Coordination Strategies運用連絡体制 (Troubleshooting through partially shared mailing lists, occasional face-to-face meetings etc. )

  3. Global ILL Framework (GIF) Project Team, Committee on International Scholarly Communication, Japan Association of National University Libraries (JANUL) 【主査】笹川 郁夫東京大学附属図書館事務部長 Ikuo SASAKAWA, Executive Director, University Library, University of Tokyo 早瀬均名古屋大学附属図書館事務部長 Hitoshi HAYASE, Executive Director, Nagoya University Library 栃谷泰文東京大学附属図書館情報サービス課長 Yasubumi TOCHITANI, Director, Information Services Division, University Library, University of Tokyo

  4. Japan Side pt.2 井上修東京工業大学学術情報部情報図書館課課長 Osamu INOUE, Head, Library Division, Academic Information Department, Tokyo Institute of Technology 熊渕智行東京工業大学学術情報部情報図書館課課長補佐 Tomoyuki KUMABUCHI, Deputy Head, Library Division, Academic Information Department, Tokyo Institute of Technology 森恭子東京大学附属図書館柏図書館情報サービス係 Kyoko MORI, Section of Information Service, Kashiwa Library, University of Tokyo

  5. NCC’s ILL/DD Committee List 1 (co-chair) Sharon Domier, East Asian Librarian, University of Massachusetts, Amherst - checks holdings information for non EAS members Hitoshi Kamada, Japanese Studies librarian, Arizona State University - provides training, develops holding program Lynne Kutsukake, Japanese Studies Librarian, University of Toronto - develops user guides, Keio liaison Chiaki Sakai, Japanese Studies Librarian, University of Iowa - EA Studies librarian support, communication with Japan, GIF mailing list

  6. NCC’s ILL/DD Committee List 2 Margaret Ellingson, ILL Team Leader, Emory University - ILL specialist, support and training for ILL staff Michelle Foss, ILL Librarian, University of Florida - ILL specialist, RLG support and contact (co-chair) Kathryn Ridenour, Head, Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst - OCLC contact, ILLiad specialist Yoko Okunishi, GIF Support, NCC

  7. GIF Participants (Feb. 2006) Japanese Libraries 125 DD 66 ILL/DD North American Libraries 50 DD 25 ILL/DD

  8. Global ILL Framework (GIF) Activity

  9. Top 5 Most Successful Requesters in North America

  10. Top 5 Most Active Fillers in Japan

  11. Top 5 Most Successful Requesters in Japan

  12. Top 5 Most Active Fillers in North America

  13. What Happened Last Year? Hitoshi Kamada developed a program to extract GIF members from Webcat Holdings List Link Between OCLC & NII Broken - June to Nov. 2005 ARL Relinquished Global Resource Network (GRN) to Center for Research Libraries NCC’s ILL/DD Committee became independent of GRN

  14. What’s New? • Brochure • Publicity / Poster sessions / Training • User Guides • Searching NACSIS Webcat & Webcat Plus • Verifying Holdings Information (no Japanese necessary) • Processing ILL/DD Requests

  15. Tips for Using GIF ILL/DD • Sending requests to Keio (慶應) - Keio has two library symbols - KUMMC is for GIF Project but - OCLC users, use KEI for normal transactions(faster for us, cheaper for Keio) Confirm holdings in their OPAC • Filling out ILL/DD request forms - Do not cut & paste bib info from other databases - Diacritics (macron and alif) often cause garbled character problem e.g. To?kyo? Ko?to? Gakko?

  16. Sneak Preview of New GIF Manual Package From users guide From ILL staff guide

  17. What’s Next? • Work with NII and our Japanese counterparts to make the Webcat Plus interface easier to use • Update the Holdings Software to work with Webcat Plus • Work with the Librarians doing training to make sure that GIF and verifying holdings info are included in all sessions.

  18. Please join the NCC GIF discussion group! • Closed list only for North American GIF members  No spam e-mails • Use this discussion group to - Ask your ILL/DD questions - Receive useful tips such as user guides, recent developments of GIF Projects, new GIF participants’ information - Be informed of system status • Please contact Chiaki Sakai to join the group! (chiaki-sakai@uiowa.edu)

  19. GIF Get It Fast!Make Document Delivery from Japan A Regular Part of Your Service.

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