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Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door.
Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior • appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. • To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door. • To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting. • Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling 980-7705 from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. • WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.
BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting • PULASKI COUNTY Monday, April 26, 1999 • BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7:00 p.m. • APPROXIMATE PRESENTED BY • TIME & ITEM • 6:30 p.m. • VDOT MEMORIAL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT DISPLAYS AVAILABLE • 7:00 p.m. • 1. Invocation Rev. Robert Owens, Bob • White Blvd. Church of God • 2. Additions to Agenda
7:00 p.m. • 3.Public Hearings • a. A rezoning initiative by the County of Pulaski to rezone from Industrial (I1) to Conservation (C1) to allow a major recreational facility, identified as Randolph Park, tax map no. 056- 001-0000-0112, 87.98 acres, located on the • north side of Alexander Rd. (Rt. 683), approximately 0.38 mile west of Cleburne Blvd. (Rt. 100), Draper District. – The Planning Commission recommends approval. See enclosed documentation. A presentation on Power Point showing the park plans can be shown.
b. A request by John B. & Joann P. Obenchain for an amendment of the Zoning Ordinance to add a use to allow No Wake Buoys where needed for safety of boat traffic in coves of limited width and/or length by Conditional Use Permit (CUP) only in the Claytor Lake Surface • District. – The Planning Commission recommends denial. See enclosed documentation. • c. An amendment to the Pulaski County Dogs and Other Animal Ordinance to delete an increase in license fees when purchased after January 31 of each year. – A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this amendment. Enclosed is proposed language for the ordinance, as prepared by the county attorney.
7:30 p.m. • 4. Highway Matters: • a. Follow-up from Previous Board meeting • The resident engineer may have information to share on the following matters from previous Board meetings, unless noted otherwise: • 1. Rt. 100, Cleburne Blvd., Rt. 1030 Bagging Plant Road Traffic Signal • 2. Status of One Grade Separated Railroad Crossing in Dublin in Lieu of Rt. 633, Powell Avenue, and Rt. 617, Ruebush Road, Existing Grade Crossings
3. Rt. 693, Julia Simpkins Road, Single Lane, Low Weight Limit Bridges - Enclosed is correspondence from Resident Engineer Brugh advising of some repairs on the second bridge. • 4. Rt. 600, Belspring Road, Widening Cost Estimate • 5. Replacement of Road Name Signs on Old Rt. 100 • 6. Rt. 601, Little Creek Road, Unpaved Section Maintenance
7. Traffic Signal Study – Rts. 100 & 1030, Bagging Plant Rd. - See enclosed correspondence from Resident Engineer Brugh advising a traffic signal study at the intersections. The signal installation will be placed on VDOT’s priority list and should be able to start work sometime in the spring of 2000. • b. New River Industrial Park Access Road Completion - An estimated completion date will be useful in planning the access for new industry in the park. The original estimated completion date was May 1, 1999.
c. Lavender Road Road Repairs – Supervisor White advised repairs are needed to broken pavement on Lavender Road.. Carl Smith of VDOT has advised Lavender Road is on the asphalt plant mix paving list for this year. • d. Request for Posting of Speed Limits – Sheriff Davis has requested speed limit postings on the following roads: • 1. Rt. 798, Falling Branch Road • 2. Rt. 787, Peak Creek Road • 3. Rt. 623, Gate Ten Road • 4. Rt. 640, Brookmont Road • 5. Rt. 690, Shelburne Road
e. Rural Addition Approval Update – It is recommended the following two rural additions be approved for construction. VDOT advises funds are now available to complete these additions. To our knowledge, all right-of-way necessary should be available for the additions. • Adjacent Year Date ROW Estimated • Public Road District Requested Viewed Location Recorded Cost___ • 100 Massie 12/2/95 12/2/95 Edgewood Dr.Available $34,750 • RAAP/1043 Ingles 6/2/97 12/6/97 Rolling Hills Needs confir-$5,750 • Connector Rd. mation • The Edgewood Drive project is the oldest request for which right-of-way is available. The Rolling Hills connector is a low cost project that will benefit a large subdivision. Enclosed is the latest rural addition status listing.
f. Paving Request, Rt. 663, Owens Road – Enclosed is correspondence from Mr. Dale Gordon, President, Lakeview Property Owners Association, requesting funding for paving of Owens Road. A paving and widening request was recently reviewed by VDOT and the Board at the request of Dr. Robert I. Felch. Widening would require addition to the six year improvement plan. The resident engineer can advise whether asphalt plant mix paving only is a maintenance or six year plan project. • g. Citizen Concerns • h. Board of Supervisors
7:40 p.m. • 5. Treasurer’s Report
7:50 p.m. • 6. Presentation by New River Health District • Dr. Hershey,New River Health • District Director
8:00 p.m. • 7. Citizens’ Comments
8:10 p.m. • 8. Reports from the County Administrator & Staff: • a. Key Activity Timetable - See enclosed update. • b. Budget Preparation – Any follow up needed on the budget preparation can be reviewed at this time. • c. Appointments • 1. PEP Steering Committee – As requested by the Board, enclosed is a list of county plant managers or other key executives. PEP Chairman Cook is surveying the PEP membership to seek recommendations at the May 6 meeting for additional industrial representation on PEP.
2. Clean Community Council – Mr. Charles Stafford has accepted the Board’s invitation to serve on the Clean Community Council. Appointment of Mr. Stafford is requested. • 3. New River Resource Authority – Since Chairman Sheffey is now serving on the NRRA Board, a replacement alternate is needed for Supervisor Cook. The current alternate for Mr. Sheffey is Supervisor Conner.
4. Local Emergency Planning Committee – Emergency Services Coordinator Crigger advises of the need for the LEPC to become active and suggests reorganization of its membership. Possible committee members could include: Charles Cook from PEP, The Board of Supervisors and the Chamber of Commerce; Ron Nichols from the schools or another school designee; Charles Maus from the NRRA and PFRWTA; Dan Arnold or Frank Stanley from Volvo; Keith Dickerson from Electro-Plate Rite; a BBA Representative; Roy Quesenberry from NRB Industries; Brec Avelar or Tom Picarillo from Synthons / Chermetic; Joe Weddle or his designate from AEP; a representative from both towns; David Smith from REMSI and the hospitals; and a Sheriff’s Department representative.
5. NRV Community Services Board - The terms of Harold Chrisley, Andy McCready and Linda Myers expire June 30, 1999. According to the clerk of the council, Mr. Chrisley is eligible for reappointment and his attendance at the Community Services Board meeting has been excellent. Mr. McCready does not wish to be reappointed. Ms. Myers is eligible for reappointment; however, we have been advised she has only attended two of the monthly meetings since July, 1998.
6. Office on Youth - Ms. Janet Nelson’s term expires June 30, 1999. She is not eligible for reappointment. Office on Youth Director Anthony Akers advised Mr. Brad Smith is interested in serving. • 7. Pulaski Encouraging Progress - The terms of Ed Barnes, Sue Berkley and Mark Buckland expire on June 30, 1999. All are eligible for reappointment. • 8. Planning Commission - Supervisor Fariss’s term expires on June 30, 1999.
9. Board of Zoning Appeals - The terms of Tony Nicolo and Melvin Reece expire June 30, 1999. • 10. NRV Highlands Resource Conservation Council - The term of Walter Paulson expires June 30, 1999. He is eligible for reappointment. The council reports his attendance at monthly meetings has been excellent.
9. Items of Consent: • a. Minutes of March 22 & 30, 1999 – See enclosed minutes. • b. Accounts Payable – See enclosed. • c. Appropriations and Transfers – The following appropriations and transfers are recommended for approval: • 1. Interoffice Transfers #10 - $42,795.41 – See enclosed. • 2. General Fund Appropriation #11 - $16,446.00 – See enclosed. • 3. School Fund Appropriation #16 - $21,658.08 – See enclosed. • 4. Internal Service Fund #2 - $25,000.00 – See enclosed. • 5. Capital Improvements Fund #5 - $1,800.00 – See enclosed.
d. Ratification • 1. Change Orders – There are no change orders at this time. • 2. Agreements, Grants, & Other – Ratification of the following is requested: • a. Virginia Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services Memorandum of Agreement – See enclosed grant award. The $1,875 will be used to pay an attendant for the Large Item Drop Site and Recycle Center at the County Garage. The attendant will serve the public in general, as well as the pesticide container recycling service for county farmers.
b. Virginia Delinquency Prevention & Youth Development Act Grant – Office on Youth – See enclosed notice of an additional state grant award of $582, which will require a match of $194. • c. YMCA Proposal – Harry DeHaven Park – See enclosed agreement for the YMCA to staff the swimming area at the Harry DeHaven Park. Ratification is requested subject to review and modification by the county attorney. Approval will be subject to confirmation that any equipment purchased will remain with the county, unless donation is approved to the YMCA by the Board.
e. Personnel Changes - Enclosed is an update of recent personnel changes from Management Services Director Nancy Burchett. • f. Internet Utilization Policy – Adoption of amendments to the enclosed policy, as indicated in italics, is requested. The amendments clarify that excessive personal use of the Internet is inappropriate. • g. Scheduling of Public Hearings: • 1. Jesse James Smith Property Clean Up – Enclosed is a notice to Mr. Smith advising of non-compliance with the county’s request to remove the unsafe structures, litter and unlicensed vehicles from his property. A public hearing to enforce compliance is requested.
2. Vacating of Right-of-Way Fair Acres Subdivision – The Planning Commission recommends a public hearing be held by the Board of Supervisors to consider the request for plat vacation. The request is for an undeveloped street leading to a dead end against the Pulaski Furniture Dublin Plant site. Enclosed is documentation regarding this matter. • h. Employee Evaluation Policy Change – It is recommended the personnel policies be amended to allow a two year interval for evaluation of employees at full pay. The sentence to be added is” “However, if an employee is at the top of the pay scale for his or her job classification, the evaluation shall be done every two years.”
i. Virginia Mountain Housing - Housing Proposal - Enclosed is a project description and sample letter of support, following-up to the April 9, 1999 weekly update item regarding development of moderate income housing by Virginia Mountain Housing. VMH hopes to qualify for a $500,000 HUD grant due April 30, 1999. Also enclosed is a tentative budget describing the use and source of funds as well as the number and type of housing unit proposed. VMH is asking for a letter of support for the project and hopes for the donation of an estimated $352,500 in waived building permit and utility connection fees as a means of showing local support for the project.
j. Purchase of Draper Tanker - Approval is recommended for an additional appropriation of $6,000 towards purchase of the Draper tanker. The low bid was received from 3D Manufacturing, Inc. at a cost of $238,817.00. The CIP has $220,000 budgeted for this purpose. Plans are to sell the old tanker and put that funding toward the purchase of a new truck.
12. Executive Session – 2.1-344(A) • Personnel • Legal • Land Acquisition/Disposition • Prospective Industry