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Subjects of post ban asbestos in Japan

Subjects of post ban asbestos in Japan. Sawada Shinichiro BANJAN. Viewpoint s of control against asbestos health damage. ① Reduction and ban of the asbestos application ② Relief and compensation for the asbestos victims ③ Prevention of the existing asbestos. Process to put the ban.

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Subjects of post ban asbestos in Japan

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  1. Subjects of post ban asbestos in Japan Sawada Shinichiro BANJAN

  2. Viewpoint s of control against asbestos health damage ① Reduction and banof the asbestos application ② Relief and compensation for the asbestos victims ③ Prevention of the existing asbestos

  3. Process to put the ban Mar, 2012 Putting a ban without exception (Ban on production and use of asbestos and currency of asbestos products) Sep, 2006 Putting a ban with exception (eg: Gasket for chemical industry, Packing for submarine boat) Oct, 2004 Prohibited in principle (Ban of production and use of asbestos and currency of a product that includes morethan1% asbestos against a total weight of the product other than crocidolite and amosite ) 1995Ban of production and use of asbestos and currency of crocidolite and amosite 1975 Prohibited sprayed asbestos in principle

  4. Increasing malignant mesothelioma in Japan People Increasing until 2030? 1400 people Putting a ban without exception Prohibited in principle Putting a ban with exception Year

  5. Change of number of compensation and relief of mesothelioma and lung cancer Number of malignant mesothelioma deaths Number of relief and compensation of malignant mesothelioma Number of relief and compensation of asbestos lung cancer

  6. Roll-back the collection fee on the relief foundation Including related asbestos and non-related asbestos company. The subject of roll-backing of collection fee Big asbestos related four company Local public body Fund of about 5 % Gov Fund of about 50 % AllJapanese employers Fund of about 40 % Special employers Fund of about 2% Workers’ compensation Fund of Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief Worker victims Non-workers’ victims or survivor’s

  7. Isn’t an exposure history important ? A lot of chrysotile exposure but … Over 10 years’ asbestos exposure ※Except for high level exposure eg) Textile, Cement production, Air-born Over 5000 asbestos bodies in lungs ※Dry lung tissue (/g dry) ※Including chrysotile

  8. Problem related relief of lung cancer victims Relief and compensation standard for lung cancer accreditation Exposure history <One side of the medical observation ・Decrease of the number of relief for lung cancer victims ・2 high courts ordered the authority to repeal the judgment on workers’ compensation Need to revise the standard for accreditation - Active utilization of exposure history

  9. Rare occupational injury • Health professionals • -The first worker’s compensation for a former nurse was approved in 2012 • -Japan Nursing Association called the participants attention • for asbestos disease • The second case was approved in 2013 • On asbestos relief law, 8 people of mesothelioma and 2 people of • lung cancer, who were former nurses and midwives, public health nurse, • were approved from 2005 to 2011 • Schoolteachers • -Only 1 schoolteacher was approved by Fund for Local Government • Employees’ Accident Compensation • -On asbestos relief law, 56 people of mesothelioma and 2 people of • lung cancer were approved

  10. Detection of environmental injury in new region News of TV and News paper

  11. Detection of new environmental injury in new region Many factories related Asbestos were concentrated in Osaka city, Osaka PREF -Nishinari area, Osaka City

  12. Compensation system for dockworkers’ • Private relief system for dockworkers’ based on fund • In June 2013, The Japan Harbor Transportation Association founded private • asbestos fund Demand of compensation Victim or family Harbor transportation inc Negotiation Agreement and payment Giving for the sake of support from the founds Asbestos fund • In August 2013, There was a first agreement during bereaved family and • company • The company paid ¥25,000,000 (about $250,000) to the bereaved family • 117 former dockworkers’ approved to workers’ compensation

  13. Court of waiting judgments from supreme court in Japan Referred back to Osaka high court in this summer

  14. Win of construction workers asbestos suit in Tokyo

  15. Formed of first asbestos victims association in Kyushu area North kyushu area Kyushu area

  16. Formed of first asbestos victims association in Kyushu area

  17. Network event of Korea and Japan’s Victims associations

  18. Asbestos scatter incident in high school Press report Field high school

  19. Movement of Prevention of health injury from stock asbestos Air Pollution Control Act and discussion of amendment against demolish work Preliminary surveyor Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry counseled a utilization of asbestos consultant. Asbestos consultant system was established by members of the Japanese Association of Asbestos-related Corporations.

  20. That’s all thank you

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