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The Civil War

The Civil War. Ch 11 Notes. Remember…. Confederate capital: Richmond, VA Border States: MD, MO, KY, DE All slave states DE had the fewest, stayed with the Union MD had more but stayed with Union even with much pro-Confederate support

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The Civil War

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  1. The Civil War Ch 11 Notes

  2. Remember… • Confederate capital: Richmond, VA • Border States: MD, MO, KY, DE • All slave states • DE had the fewest, stayed with the Union • MD had more but stayed with Union even with much pro-Confederate support • KY divided in opinion, people fought on both sides but the state gov remained under Union control • MO had fighting about which side to take for 2 years but remained with the Union • Fort Sumter: April 12, 1861

  3. 1st Battle of Bull Run/1st Manassas • North: named battles after rivers, mountains, etc… • South: named battles after nearby towns • McDowell in charge of Union army • 7/16/1861: McDowell took troops into southern territory • Up against Beauregard • Many spectators followed the troops to watch • 7/21/61: McDowell attacked

  4. Battle Begins • 1st the Union was winning • Then Gen. Thomas Jackson got there with his troops to reinforce the Conf troops • “Stonewall Jackson” nicknamed that because he never gave up during battle • Union advance stopped and eventually retreated • Retreated all the way the to Washington, DC • Conf could have attacked DC but they were also inexperienced and exhausted so they did not

  5. Lessons Learned • Both sides need more training • Battles are worse than expected and civilians do not belong there • This will not be a “quick” war (originally thought it would be over by Christmas) • Both sides need more preparations • McDowell was replaced by George McClellan

  6. North More railroad mileage More people to serve in the military and work in the factories Established government with a strong federal gov More industrial Balanced economy South Better military leadership Better military training Home-field advantage Strengths of Both Sides

  7. North “Anaconda Plan”: surround enemy and squeeze it to death Naval blockade of the southern coastline Take control of the Mississippi River and cut the Confederacy in 2 Capture Richmond, the Confederate capital South War of attrition Battle to wear down the enemy Gain a foreign ally (especially hoped for Britain) Wait and defend their territory Strategies

  8. Old All lined up to march into battle Concentrate forces, assault a position and drive enemy away Cannons and muskets (not very accurate) Long time to re-load weapons New Guerilla warfare (surprise attacks) Bullet shaped ammo not musket balls Fighting from further away from enemy Rifling used on inside of gun barrels Heavy artillery with rifled barrels, shells, and canister Tactics and Technology

  9. War in the West • Goal: control the Mississippi River • Targets: AK, LA, MS, and TN • Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant • Map p. 385 • Feb. 1862 Grant began to move south down the TN River • Objective: take Fort Henry and Fort Donelson

  10. Union Victories in the West • 2/6/1862: Grant attacked Fort Henry and forced it’s surrender • Then marched troops to Fort Donelson • 3 days of fighting until the fort surrendered • Grant’s nickname: “Unconditional Surrender Grant” • Grant continued south along the TN River to threaten AL and MS

  11. March 1862 • Conf Gen Johnston had his troops getting ready to fight Grant in MS • Grant stopped in TN to wait for Gen. Buell and more troops before moving into MS • Johnston was aware of these happenings

  12. April 6, 1862 • Gen Johnston attacks Grant by surprise • Called the Battle of Shiloh • At the end of the first day it looked like a Confederate victory • Johnston even sent a letter to Davis saying so • Buell got there with reinforcements for Grant and the next day the Union troops attacked Johnston’s by surprise • Battled ended up a Union victory • Very high casualties (some called Grant “the Butcher”) • Union: 13,000 • Confederate: 11, 000

  13. Also in the West • Admiral David Farragut was moving north on the Mississippi River • Late April 1862: captured New Orleans • Continued north to Baton Rouge, LA and Natchez, MS • June 6, 1862 seized Memphis, TN • There were only 2 more main ports to capture before the Union held the MS River (took about a year)

  14. Meanwhile in the East • Confederates created an ironclad ship • Under Union control it was the “Merrimack” but the Conf renamed it the “Virginia” • Union built the “Monitor” an iron ship • March 9, 1862: Merrimack and Monitor faced off • Neither was able to do much damage but the Merrimack withdrew for repairs • Union called this a victory • Merrimack was sunk on purpose by the South later • Monitor sunk in a storm

  15. Peninsular Campaign • 2nd attempt to capture Richmond (map p 386) • May 1862: McClellan was in charge of Union troops • Peninsula SE of Richmond • Plan was to move up the peninsula and take Richmond • At Yorktown they ran into Conf troops and McClellan decided to wait

  16. Battle of the Seven Pines • Part of Peninsular Campaign • May, 1862 • Union Victory • Very heavy casualties on both sides • Conf commander wounded so Robert E. Lee took over in June • Conf Gen Jackson took some troops and pretended to prepare to attack DC • Lincoln refused to send additional troops to McClellan to protect DC

  17. Seven Days Battle • Jackson rejoined Lee’s troops outside of Richmond • In late June, 1862 • Combined Confederate forces attacked McClellan’s weakened troops • McClellan retreated • Confederate victory • Casualties: 20,000 Union and 16,000 Confederate

  18. Results • Lincoln removed McClellan and chose Gen John Pope to lead the Union Army of the Potomac (army the protected DC that McClellan had led) • Lincoln ordered McClellan to return to DC

  19. Second Battle of Bull Run/2nd Manassas • Lee divided his army again • Late August Lee attacked Pope’s forces • Jackson’s forces attacked after surrounding Pope • Confederate victory • Lincoln was very upset • Removed Pope and returned McClellan

  20. South Changes Strategy • South shifted from defense to offense • Lee pushed forces into MD northwest of DC • McClellan’s troops found some plans and met him just after Lee crossed into MD • Major and crucial battle took place near village of Sharpsburg, MD at Antietam Creek

  21. Antietam • Union troops outnumbered Conf troops • Night of Sept 17, 1862 more than 22,000 men lay dead or wounded • Single bloodiest day of the Civil War • Casualties about even on both sides but McClellan had far more fresh troops available than Lee • McClellan did nothing, instead of attacking at dawn, and let Lee’s army walk away • Lincoln fired McClellan because though he won, he let a decisive victory slip away

  22. Politics of the Civil War

  23. Politics of the South • Confederacy: loose union of states with a weaker federal government than state governments • Created a constitution: similar to that of the Union – 2 main differences • 1. Slavery is legal • 2. More States Rights

  24. Mobilization Efforts to Use Limited Resources Efficiently • Confederate congress passed laws to increase support of warfare. • Farmers gave 10% of crops to the army • The army could take male slaves for military service and the owner was paid for the use of his slave • April 1862 – Draft Passed (Conscription) • All white men 18-35 serve 3 years • Age raised to 45 after Antietam • Later increased to 50

  25. More Confederate laws • Government would determine what and how much to produce. • Wool - Cotton - Leather • Seized control of railroads from private owners • Income tax created to raise money for the war effort • Had to do the best they could with fewer resources.

  26. Impact of States’ Rights • Not all mobilization efforts were successful • Harmed the war effort in many ways • Example: people avoided the draft • South sought help form Europe (Britain and France) • Failed to be recognized by either of them • Privateers: 11 British built ships that fought against the Union during the war

  27. Politics of the North • Much effort was given to keep public support of the war high • Tensions increased with Great Britain • The Trent: 1861 – President Davis sent two people to gain recognition from the British (boarded the Trent) • Union removed the 2 men from the ship • England threatened war if the Union didn’t release the men • Lincoln ordered the men released “One war at a time”

  28. Republicans in Control of Congress • Pacific Railroad Act (July 1862): supplied money for the building of the continental railroad • Homestead Act (1862): free government land in the west to people who were willing to live there • Government raised the tariff rate • Passed the first federal income tax (1861) • Internal Revenue Act of 1862: taxed medicine, tobacco, and newspapers • Nearly all taxes ended at the end of the war.

  29. Republicans (continued) • Reformed the banking system • 1862 – Congress established a new currency • Greenbacks • Value was established by the government - Fiat

  30. Northern Opposition to the War • Copperheads: Northern Democrats who sympathized with the South and opposed the war • Draft dodgers and draft riots happened throughout the North

  31. Keeping Control in the Border States • Delaware – Stayed Loyal • Maryland – If Maryland would leave the Union, Washington D.C. would be in Confederate territory. • Missouri – Supported action to overthrow a pro-Confederate state government. • Kentucky – Martial Law • In some areas of the Union, Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus: (can be held in jail without being charged with a crime)

  32. Emancipation and the War • Some people began to question if restoring the Union was enough (slavery became a question again) • Lincoln was hesitant at first to end slavery: He didn’t feel that it was a part of his job. • Eventually he used ending slavery as another method to end the war (a 4th strategy to hurt the South and bring the war to an end)

  33. The Emancipation Proclamation • Fall of 1862 after the battle of Antietam. • Lincoln issued the proclamation on January 1st, 1963 • Freed slaves in the states that had seceded • Very controversial, but it showed a shift in the mentality of the war • Had little impact on slavery since the areas affected considered themselves to be outside of the Union • Made sure that European countries did not get involved on the South’s side (they no longer supported slavery)

  34. What to do with slaves when the Union troops encountered them? • Some union commanders give them back to their slave owners when returning other possessions of theirs. • Others felt that they were contraband: it is generally accepted that during a war, property that is captured becomes the property of the enemy government. • With this idea, many slaves were freed.

  35. African Americans in the Army • In the North • Congress passed a law allowing African Americans to serve in the army in July of 1862 • Many joined after the Emancipation Proclamation • On warships, black and white men served together • As soldiers they served in separate regiments • The African American regiments had white commanding officers. • Until June of 1864, African Americans were paid less than white soldiers.

  36. GLORY!

  37. The Hardships of War • Dramatic changes in the lives of people in the North and South • Wives and mothers lived in fear • Both sides faced labor shortages, inflation, and other economic problems • By 1863 it was clear that the North was better prepared to meet the needs of the war than the South.

  38. The Southern Economy During the War • Food shortages (food production declined as the war continued) • Lack of men due to the draft: Women ran the farms and were in charge of the slaves • Food riots erupted in southern cities (most were led by women) because of the lack of food • Inflation: Shortages and a lack of goods, plus profiteers (those who bought up a bunch of goods and waited to sell until the price got really high) • Problems at home led to many desertions in the army

  39. The Northern Economy During the War • Industries heavily dependent on cotton were hurt • Most Northern industries boomed • Especially war related industries • Women filled critical roles in factories as more men went off to war. • Prices rose faster than wages during the war • Some northern profiteers: selling poor quality equipment to the military at high prices

  40. Prison Camps • Andersonville was the most notorious southern camp in Georgia • Many scattered throughout the North and South • In most cases officers were treated better than other prisoners

  41. Medical Care • ¼ of the soldiers didn’t survive the war, most from disease and not battle wounds • Poor nutrition and contaminated food led to dysentery and typhoid fever • Malaria and pneumonia were also killers • Union soldier was three times more likely to die in camp or in a hospital than he was to be killed on the battlefield • One in five Union soldiers who was wounded in battle later died from their wounds

  42. Women and the War Effort • Women on both sides helped to care for the wounded • Clara Barton “The angel of the battlefield” • Later began the Red Cross • Dorothea Dix organized the Union Army’s nursing Corps • 4,000 women served as nurses for the Union

  43. Sanitation • Non-existent in most camps • Garbage and rotting food littered on the ground • Human waste and manure polluted the water • Epidemics of contagious diseases swept through camps. • At times only half of the troops in a regiment were available • Unites States Sanitary Commission: Created in June of 1861, attempted to combat these problems • Inspected army hospitals and camps • Organized cleanups and provided advice about controlling infection, disease prevention, sewage disposal, and nutrition • About twice as many soldiers on each side died from disease as from enemy gunfire

  44. The Tide of War Turns

  45. Victories for General Lee • Battle of Fredericksburg (December 13, 1862) • The Union’s McClellan delayed after Antietam and was replaced with Ambrose Burnside • - Burnside marched directly towards Richmond. • Lee’s 79,000 met Burnside’s 122,000 at Fredericksburg, Virginia on Rappahannock River. • Burnside crossed the river without cover and wave after wave of Union troops were met with artillery fire • 13,000 Union Casualties to only 5,000 Confederate • Burnside asks to be relieved of his command

  46. Battle of Chancellorsville (May 1, 1863) • Lincoln appoints Gen. Joseph Hooker • Plans to move around Fredericksburg secretly and attack Lee from behind his defenses. • His forces were discovered by General J.E.B. Stuart. (a cavalry commander) • Lee sends troops after Hooker • After a brief skirmish, Lee’s forces under Jackson move into the thick woods and separate, attacking from several angles. • Jackson mistakenly shot that night in the dark, dies on May 10th. • Confederate army wins complete victory

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