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UK Trade & Investment Helen Foxley Director of International Trade Staffordshire 17 March 2010

UK Trade & Investment Helen Foxley Director of International Trade Staffordshire 17 March 2010. UK Trade & Investment : Government organisation Foreign & Commonwealth Office Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) Over 2300 staff & advisers worldwide

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UK Trade & Investment Helen Foxley Director of International Trade Staffordshire 17 March 2010

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  1. UK Trade & InvestmentHelen Foxley Director of International Trade Staffordshire17 March 2010

  2. UK Trade & Investment: • Government organisation • Foreign & Commonwealth Office • Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) • Over 2300 staff & advisers worldwide • Nine regional offices across England • British Embassies, High Commissions, Consulates & trade offices globally • We help UK businesses with all aspects of International Trade • We provide business opportunities, expert advice and practical support including funding and grants

  3. West Midlands Region: • UKTI delivery contract managed by West Midlands Chamber of Commerce LLP (a limited liability partnership of the regional Chambers of Commerce) • UKTI services delivered directly by 6 International Trade Teams based in Chambers of Commerce • Over 35 International Trade Advisers • Central Services Team • Agreed MoU with Business Link: UKTI – International Trade Advisers are :“The single source of specialist international trade advice for all West Midlands Companies” • Also Deliver:- • AWM International Cluster Project • ERDF Funded “SME Internationalisation Project”

  4. UKTI Products and Services • Passport to Export • Ideal for new and experienced exporters, the perfect step by step programme to get companies started through structured support • £500 fee but provides £500 towards an OMIS research report • 50% matched funding up to £1500 against internationally activity on an agreed action plan • Support towards international related training/skills development up to £1500 • Gateway to Global Growth • A comprehensive package of strategic international business support tailored to the needs of individual clients with 2 – 10 years export experience wishing to increase international market share • OMIS • UKTI’s Overseas Market Introduction Service, a shortcut to accessing new markets which will save clients time and money. • Heavily subsidised by UKTI with price bands from £500-£10,000

  5. UKTI Products and Services • EMRS • Export Market Research Scheme, funding and advice to support in house and external market research campaigns • 50% funding for in house projects (max £5k) and consultancy projects (max £15k) • 33% funding for pre-published research and desk research (max£5k) • Maximum per company £30,000 (£20k – USA, Canada, Europe) • ECR • Export Communications Review, providing assistance and guidance on specific language and cultural issues • Part funded by UKTI: £500 review only costs company £150 +vat

  6. UKTI Products and Services • TAP • Tradeshow access programme providing grant support to eligible companies for exhibiting at overseas trade shows • £1800/£1400 /£1000 grants depending on exhibition • MVS • Market Visit Scheme providing grant support to eligible companies for visiting overseas markets • Grants from £200 to £825 dependent on country

  7. AWM Clusters • Aerospace • Automotive • Building Technologies • Business & Professional Services • Environmental Technologies • Food & Drink • ICT • Interior & Lifestyle • Medical Technologies • Rail • Screen Image & Sound • Tourism & Leisure

  8. AWM Clusters • Funding for group activities such as visits to exhibitions or markets identified in the cluster plans • Individual support to companies up to £2500 (50% match) against an agreed action plan

  9. ERDF SME Internationalisation project - Grants of £1000 or £2500 for international activity on an agreed action plan - 2 days paid mentoring for general or innovative internationalisation projects - Travel grants of £200 to £825 depending on the country

  10. UKTI Regional Contacts www.chamberinternationaltrade.co.uk

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