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Unsupervised multi–word term recognition in Welsh

Learn about multi-word term recognition in Welsh, linguistic filtering, cost criteria, term variation, and how FlexiTerm provides flexibile term recognition and normalization in Welsh text.

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Unsupervised multi–word term recognition in Welsh

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  1. Unsupervised multi–word term recognition in Welsh Prof. Irena Spasićspasici@cardiff.ac.uk

  2. Terms • What are terms? • means of conveying scientific & technical information • linguistic representations of domain-specific concepts • e.g. tablet

  3. Multi–word terms • computer science recurrent neural network (RNN) • mathematics dot product • biology stem cell • chemistry fatty acid • medicine chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) • law reasonable doubt • economics quasi-autonomous non-government organisation (QUANGO) • intelligence weapon of mass distraction (WMD)

  4. Collocation • combination of words that co-occur more often than would be expected by chance

  5. Problems • potentially unlimited number of domains • dynamic nature of some domains • computer science: generative adversarial network • medicine: swine flu • dictionaries are not always up to date • user–generated content such as blogs, where lay users use non–standard terminology • medicine: full knee replacement  total knee replacement (TKR) • dictionaries are not always suitable

  6. Alternatives • automatic term recognition (ATR) • recognising terms in text without a dictionary • potentially distinctive properties • syntactic structure • frequency distribution • approaches • tagging/parsing + pattern matching • counting

  7. Linguistic filtering (Justeson & Katz, 1995) • preferred phrase structures • terms are mostly noun phrasescontaining adjectives, nouns, possessives and prepositions • ( JJ | NN )+ NN • e.g. mean/NN squared/JJ error/NN • ( NN | JJ )* NN POS ( NN | JJ )* NN • e.g. Zipf/NN 's/POS law/NN • ( NN | JJ )* NN IN ( NN | JJ )* NN • e.g. law/NN of/IN large/JJ numbers/NN

  8. Cost criteria (Kita et al, 1994) • collocations are recurrent word sequences • recurrence is captured by the absolute frequency • a simple absolute frequency approach does notwork! • frequency(sub-sequence) > frequency(sequence) • e.g. f('in spite')  f('in spite of') • cost: K() = (||  1)  (f() f()) • ,  ... word sequences,  = uv • || ... length (number of words in ) • f() ... frequency of 

  9. Multi–word term recognition • hybrid solution • linguistic filters are used to extract candidate terms • ... which are then ranked using cost–like criteria • C-value (Frantzi & Ananiadou, 1999; Nenadić, Spasić & Ananiadou, 2002) • e.g. anterior cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate ligament • the method favours longer, more frequently and independently occurring term candidates

  10. Term variation • C–value works well when terms are used consistently, i.e. when they do not vary in structure and content • however, terms may vary: • orthographic variation, e.g. posterolateral corner vs. postero–lateral corner vs. postero lateral corner • morphological variationinflection, e.g. lateral meniscus vs. lateral menisci derivation, e.g. meniscus tear vs. meniscal tear • syntactic variation, e.g. stone in kidney vs. kidney stone

  11. FlexiTerm:Flexible term recognition

  12. Method overview • FlexiTerm is an open-source, stand-alone application for automatic term recognition • similarly to C–value, FlexiTerm performs term recognition in two stages: • lexico–syntactic filters are used to select term candidates • term candidates are scored using a formula that estimates their collocational stability • major difference: the flexibility with which term candidates are compared in order to neutralise syntactic, morphological & orthographic variation

  13. Normalisation • in order to neutralise variation, all term candidates are normalised • treat each term candidate as a bag of words • remove punctuation (e.g. ' in possessives), numbers and stop words including prepositions (e.g. of) • remove any lowercase tokens with 2 characters(e.g. Baker's cyst vs. vitamin D) • stem each remaining token hypoxia at rest  {hypoxia, rest} resting hypoxia • add similar tokens to the bag of words (cont.)

  14. Token similarity • many types of morphological variation are effectively neutralised with stemming • e.g. transplant & transplantation will be reduced to the same stem • exact string matching will not link orthographic variants • e.g. haemorrhage & hemorrhage are stemmed to haemorrhag & hemorrhag respectively • easily identified using lexical similarity (edit distance) • phonetic similarity is also important in dealing with new phenomena such as SMS language, e.g. l8 ~ late

  15. Syntactic variation • termhood formula: • term candidate: order does not matter! solves the problem of syntactic variation!

  16. FlexiTerm in Welsh

  17. Title

  18. Evaluation • parallel corpora • languages: Welsh, English • domains: education, politics, health • size: 100 documents per corpus • source: Welsh Government web site • silver standard • compare Welsh output to English • manually map each term in Welsh to its equivalent in English and vice versa

  19. Evaluation • precision: for each Welsh term, check whether its equivalent appeared in the English output • recall: for each English term, check whether its equivalent appeared in the Welsh output • kappa: we compared the differences in ranking using weighted kappa coefficient

  20. Further insights • term candidate selection • rheoliad/NN y/DTcyngor/NN (council regulation) • data/NNbiometrig/? (biometric data) • term candidate normalisation • better performance of the Welsh lemmatiser required • stemmer needed • termhood calculation • ansawdd1 gofal2 iechyd3 quality1of healthcare2

  21. http://www.corcencc.org/

  22. Thank you! Questions?

  23. Title

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