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Here to know how to setup and activate your Roku device. In this post we will teach you how to set up and activate your Roku Device for the first time.
How to Activate Your Roku Device in Very First Time? Activate Roku Streaming Code Email: rokusubsribe@gmail.com Visit On Our Website: http://activaterokustreamingcode.com
Roku is an amazing online streaming device. It is pretty difficult to find an alternative to Roku. Because of this reason you have bought it. But here you are here to know how to setup and activate your Roku device. Well, you will be glad to know that we will teach you how to set up and activate your Roku Device for the first time.
You will get to know about the guide from scratch. So if you don’t ever setup anything or any other device then still you can try our guide as we have written it for people like you. Roku activation | Roku activation code
How to Setup Roku How to setup Roku is the biggest concern of anyone? Well, one can easily setup Roku by following the on-screen guide. But the problem is if it is that simple then you might be not here. We are not saying that’s Roku’s installation process has a problem. But as it is a technical thing error can be produced anytime.
Most of the people not able to process the Roku link code activation which is obviously the most important and crucial part. Without Roku code link you are not able to start the device. Anyways there are more thing that people are suffering with. If you don’t want to face any problem. Then feel free to read below troubleshoot that help you to setup and activate your Roku device. Still, it is not working for you then we have provided a better solution at the end.
First, you need to get started with getting Roku activation code. First, you need to plug-in Roku into mains and simply hook it up to your television. But before you need to prepare for something else before you coming to actual part. So you can access all the features without any problem.
Remember that don’t skip any step otherwise you might complete Roku account setup, but it might miss some features so read the tutorial carefully and follow as it is. First, you need to connect the device with the internet. When it connects, it may take some time as it is the first time and your device check for any latest update if available. Roku Code Link | Roku Link Code Activation
If there is any update, then it will take some time to download the update depending on the size of update. So stay calm here and if there no update then obviously it gets started.
On the first screen, it will tell you that setup is just a few simple steps, connect to the internet. Get the latest software and activate your Roku. On the bottom of the screen, it will guide you to Press OK to continue. Before pressing the OK button make sure that your Wi-Fi is already on otherwise you need to wait for a couple of more seconds.
Anyways jokes apart on the next screen you will get two options either you can connect Roku with Wi-Fi or direct LAN or Ethernet cable. Let’s choose the Wi-Fi option which you select it; it shows the list of Wi-Fi connections available same like your smartphone.
Select your Wi-Fi and to fill out the password you will get an on-screen keyboard that obviously takes some time if you have setup and activate your Roku really strong password as typing it using remote is a bit difficult. However, don’t worry this is a one time process in this whole Roku troubleshooting guide. After entering the password press ok button.
Meantime it checks for three things while checking the internet or Wi-Fi connection such as detecting Ethernet connection, connecting to your local network and connecting to the internet. Wait for a while till all the option gets a green signal.
Your Roku is now connecting to the internet. Now on the next screen, you need to set few time zone & clock namely Region, Time Zone, Clock format, and preview. You need to select the region and time zone correctly. If you choose another region then it might not show you channels according to your region. So choose the right one. Activate Your Roku | Roku Activation Issue
Apart from it, clock format option let you decide the format of the clock and preview will give you time preview. After setting this screen click on next where you will prompt to enter mentioned code on your system browser. You need to visit roku.com/link in your system or laptop and enter the mentioned code there. If your code not accepted, then you need to follow the below tutorial to solve Roku activation issue.
Before submitting the code make sure to link your device with Roku account. It has information like the device you are using, channels you subscribed to, preferences, settings and more. If you see any error when you enter the link code on the website, then give it a try once again. Check if you are entering the correct code or check the internet connectivity.
It might get disconnected. If all is ok, then go back to your Roku device and press the start button on your Roku remote. It will generate a new code for you. When the new code generated, enter the new code in the browser.
After this many people face another problem. When they enter the code, their screen gets stuck on the link code screen. Well in this situation you need to wait for a while as it has to verify your code but it continuous to long then try this troubleshoot. Check if you have missed any mentioned steps above.
If you have completed all the steps, then check the upper right corner of the TV and check if you see any “Error 001” with the message “not connected.” If yes then your Roku device is not able to connect to the network. Select try again and repeat the process.
If still your device is not get connected to the internet then take help of our Roku technical support. This is an exclusive service that we give to our special customers. If you are not a member of our services, then you don’t need to do anything apart from making just a single call. Our Roku support team will ensure that everything goes smoothly without any problem.
That’s not it if you are facing other issues with your Roku like you need to learn how to add Roku private channels, link code is not working, your subscribed channels are missing, etc. then feel free to call us. We promise you to solve your problem as soon as possible with any delay.