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Stay up to date with important reminders for upcoming assignments and exams. Includes information on synthesis analysis and practice prompts for AP World History.
Reminders: • TODAY: finish artifact presentations • Synthesis review • TODAY: World Wars Test debrief • Per 2 AP Registration in Cafeteria • WED 4/19: C 31 Q/V/A due (O/R/C/J), quiz • FRI 4/21: Practice/ Partner DBQ • Review Packet Units I-III due • ________________________________ • MON 4/ 24: C 32 vocab due (Quiz on vocab ONLY and Primary Source readings)
EC Practice Test Corrections DUE BY May 1 • Remaining Quizzes/Tests: • WED 4/19 = C 31 quiz • FRI 4/21 = Partner Planning DBQ • MON 4/24 = C 32 vocab quiz + primary source reading and MC questions • TH 4/27 = C 35 vocab/37 vocab quiz • FRI 4/28 = Partner Planning LEQ • Practice AP Test for everyone = TUES 5/2 (55 MC) • (yes there will be some sort of curve) • THURSDAY 5/11 am = AP World Exam AP World EXAM classrooms = Rm 214, 215, 217
World Wars Take Home Test Period 1: Owen, Chase, Paige, Will, Tori, Period 2: Abby, Mikayla, Evan, Joey, Dylan, Alana Period 6/7: Claire, Bennett Period 9: Lucy, Aaron V, Hayden
SYNTHESIS! You will need to analyze CORRECTLY for this TWICE (DBQ AND LEQ)
Practice Prompt 1: (LEQ) Analyze the extent to which the Industrial revolution was a major turning point in world history. Lisa’s Answer: I argue that the Industrial revolution is a turning point because new economic production dramatically transformed the way people are organized socially. It also led to an incredible increase in human population and demographic density. Synthesis Point? YES or NO Another turning point in history was the rise of the Internet. Like the Industrial revolution, it brought about new technologies that shaped people’s lives. NOT RELEVANT TO ARGUMENT Synthesis Point? YES or NO Like the Industrial revolution, there was another time in history when the population increased. During the Neolithic Revolution people discovered farming and the population went up. ANALOGY NOT SYNTHESIS
Lisa’s Answer: I argue that the Industrial revolution is a turning point because new economic production dramatically transformed the way people are organized socially. It also led to an incredible increase in human population and demographic density. • FOR SUCCESS: • Consider this argument! • IE: a change in economic production had such a profound social and demographic effect that it constituted a turning point in world history. • Synthesis is making THIS (YOUR) argument more persuasive (“extend the argument” ) by identifying ANOTHER time period in history in which a change in production affected social or demographic patterns so profoundly that it changed the course of history.
Lisa’s Answer: I argue that the Industrial revolution is a turning point because new economic production dramatically transformed the way people are organized socially. It also led to an incredible increase in human population and demographic density. There was another time in history when a change in production transformed social structures. When people changed from hunting and gathering to farming, it altered social structures. The Neolithic Revolution created social hierarchies that did not exist before. Those patterns changed the course of history just like the social changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution.
Practice Prompt 2: (LEQ) Analyze the effects and consequences of the rise of indentured servitude in the 19th and 20th centuries. Andrea’s Answer: The change in labor systems from slavery to indentured servitude created a change in global migration patterns and resulted in the exploitation of workers. Synthesis Point? YES or NO This is not the only time in history when a change in labor systems resulted in significant human migrations. During the Industrial Revolution, the need for factory workers led to a massive migration of populations from rural to urban environments in Europe and even migrations of Europeans overseas to the United States. In both cases the shift in labor systems that demanded more factory workers led to the migrations of thousands of people.
Practice Prompt 3: (LEQ) Using specific examples, analyze causes of imperial expansion and consolidation in the period circa 600 BCE and 600 CE. Lucas’s Answer: The Classical period empires consolidated and expanded because they were able to centralize power through the development of bureaucracies and through the utilization of superior military technologies. NOW: (Find a friend) and …… YOU write a synthesis statement that extends THIS argument It shouldn’t be surprising that improved military technology allowed the Han Empire to expand significantly between 600 BCE and 600 CE. It was a key cause of imperial expansion in other times as well. Fr example, in the 13th century the Mongols made superior bows and crossbows that allowed them to overrun much of Eurasia just as the Han were able to extend their empire to the west in previous centuries.
Practice Prompt 4: (LEQ) Analyze the changes and continuities in Indian Ocean commerce between 600 and 1750 CE. Tommy Boy’s Answer: A major change in Indian Ocean trade was a dramatic increase in commerce when new states or empires became involved in trade there. A continuity however, was the fact that Muslim traders played a dominant role in this trade. NOW: (Find a Friend) and……. YOU write a synthesis statement that extends THIS argument There were other trade networks where the involvement of new empires also increased the volume of trade. The rise of Mali in West Africa greatly accelerated the movement of salt and gold in the Trans-Saharan trade route. Just as Portugal and Ming China’s involvement in the Indian Ocean network added new markets and goods. The demand for Mali’s gold and salt greatly increased the frequency and volume of trade across the Sahara.