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vkfnoklh fodkl foHkkx ftyk&dksfj;k N0x0. ;qok dSfj;j fuekZ.k ;kstuk. D;k cuuk pkgrs gSa vki\. gels iwfN;s dSls!. fofHkUu dSfj;j ,oa ikB~;dze. Engineer. 2 . AIEEE ALL INDIA ENGINEERING / ARCHITECTURE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. 3. State PET Pre Engineering Test. 1. IIT JEE
vkfnoklh fodkl foHkkx ftyk&dksfj;k N0x0 ;qok dSfj;j fuekZ.k ;kstuk
D;k cuuk pkgrs gSa vki\\\ gels iwfN;s dSls!
Engineer 2. AIEEE ALL INDIA ENGINEERING / ARCHITECTURE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 3. State PET Pre Engineering Test 1.IIT JEE Indian Institute of Technology, Joint Entrance Examination Eligibility:-12th with Physics,Chemistry and Maths. Useful Website:- http://aieee.nic.in/aieee2010/aieee/welcome.html
Doctor Courses:-MBBS,BDS,BHMS,BAMS…. Exmas:- CPMT,State PMT and AFMC…. Eligibility:- 12th with Biology,Physics,Chemistry..
Veterinary Doctors Course:-BVSc.& AH EXAMS:-1.All India Pre-Veterinary Test 2.State LavelTests Eligibility:- 12th with Biology,Physics,Chemistry
NURSE COURSE:-B.Sc. NURSING/G.N.M. Eligibility:-12th with Biology Exams:-Through PMT/ Conducted by Various organisation
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Eligibility:-Graduation Exams:-Civil Services examination conducted by UPSC/State PSC
Police • Eligibility For D.S.P./S.P.:-……….Graduation in any subject • Exams:- ……………. Civil Services examination by UPSC/ State PSC • Eligibility for S.I.:-………..Graduation in any subject • Exmas:- ……………… State lavel test/CPOs exam by UPSC • Eligibility for Constable:-……..12th • Exmas:- ………..State lavel test/CPOs exam by UPSC
ASTRONAUT Eligibility:-First one should be Engineer/Scientist/Doctor etc….. Selecton:-The first U.S. astronauts were selected in 1959, before human spaceflight operations began. NASA asked the military services to provide a list of personnel who met specific qualifications. After stringent screening, NASA announced its selection of seven men, all pilots, as the first American astronauts. NASA has selected 20 more groups of astronauts since the “Original Seven.” The backgrounds of NASA’s latest group ofAstronaut Candidates include schoolteachers, doctors, scientist, and engineers.NASA selects astronauts from a diverse pool of applicants with a wide variety of backgrounds. From the thousands of applications received, only a few are chosen for the intensive Astronaut Candidate training program. Including the “Original Seven”, only 339 astronauts have been selected to date.The astronauts of the 21 st century will help lead NASA through the next steps of itsVision for Space Exploration as we explore the Moon, Mars, and beyond. Useful website:-http://nasajobs.nasa.gov/astronauts
SCIENTIST Eligibility:-P.G. in science[as nature of post] with good academic record / Ph.D. Exams:-……….Conducted by CSIR / Various organisation
TEACHER/PROFESSOR • Teacher:-12th/Graduate/Post Graduate in relavent subject with D.Ed./B.Ed./M.Ed. • Exams:-Conducted by state govt./Various organisation PROFESSOR:- P.G. in relavent subject with Ph.D./ NET Exams:-Conducted by state govt./ various university / organisations
CORPORATE/MANAGER Eligibility:- MBA with good communication skills Exams :- CAT/MAT/or other selection test conducted by any university/organisation
PILOT • Step1.To become a commercial pilot in India, one has to first possess a Student Pilot License (SPL). To get the SPL those with 10+2 with science and aged at least 16 years should register at a flying club which is recognized by Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Government of India. Registration requires a medical certificate, security clearance and a bank guarantee. Successful completion of the examination entitles you for an SPL certificate. • Step2.The second step is the Private Pilot License (PPL). PPL training includes sixty hours of flying of which about fifteen hours are dual flights, that is accompanied by the flight instructor and at least 30 hours of solo flights apart from five hours of cross-country flying. This makes one eligible for the PPL exam • Step3.A Commercial Pilot Licence may be obtained only after a PPL has been acquired. To obtain a Commercial Pilots License (CPL) 250 hours of flying (including 60 hours for the PPL) is necessary. Besides that you have to undergo a Medical Fitness Test which is held at New Delhi and an examination which consists of Air Regulations, Aviation Meteorology, Air Navigation, Technical, Planning, and communications in the form of Radio & Wireless Transmission. With the CPL, a pilot can take up any professional assignment. Useful website:- http://career.webindia123.com/career/options/travel_tourism/commercial_pilot/intro.htm
ELIGIBILITY The minimum eligibility for an airhostess-training programme is plus two/ or a graduate degree with a diploma/degree in Hotel Management or Tourism Management. The applicant must be physically fit with a pleasing personality and clear complexion. Also, the candidate must be eligible to hold an Indian Passport and should be below twenty-five years of age with a minimum height of 157.5 centimeters. The weight should be in proportion to height. Moreover, one must be unmarried, with normal eyesight of 6/6 uncorrected vision in each eye. Fluency in English, Hindi, and knowledge of an international language are the added advantages. The flight purser, male counterpart of the airhostess has to be a graduate below 26 years, and have a minimum height of 163 cm with proportionate weight. Course:-Airhostess/ Flight Steward Training Course College / Institute :- 1. Air Hostess Academy (AHA), C-33, 2nd Floor, Amar Colony Mkt, Lajpat Nagar-IV, New Delhi 24 2. Aptima Air Hostess Academy, J1/164, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi 110027 3. Frankfinn Management Consultants (FMC), 721, Suneja Tower-II, Distt. Centre, Janakpuri, New Delhi110058 4. Flyers Inc,33, Jangpura Road, New Delhi 110014 5. Pacific Airways, Pocket GH-6/35,PaschimVihar,NewDelhi 110087 6. Free bird Aviation & Management Services, TC-41/2454 Mancaud, Trivandrum-9, Kerala. AIR HOSTESS
Permanent Commission A Permanent Commission means a career in the Army till you retire. For a Permanent commission you have to join the National Defence Academy or the Indian Military Academy . The National Defence Academy, Pune You can take the NDA entrance exam right after class XI. Clear the UPSC exam and a 5-day Service Selection Board interview, pass your medicals, and you're in NDA. Three years in NDA and you will be a much improved person. Apart from providing graduation degrees, NDA has the finest infrastructure for professional training. You'll find phenomenal opportunities to develop your personality and cultivate new interests. There are 31 extra-curricular activities to choose from. You have aero-modeling, golf, gliding, sailing, wind surfing, astronomy, photography.. and many more. Indian Military Academy, Dehradum Indian Military Academy is yet another cradle of leadership. There are four main entries to get into IMA. In your final year of Graduation, you need to pass the Combined Defence Services Exams, clear the SSB, be medically fit and join IMA as a Direct Entry if you come in merit. The other entries are 10+2 Tech Entry where you apply after your 12th Exams, University Entry Scheme is for those of you who wish to apply for Army in Pre-Final/Final Year of Engineering. Those of you who have completed your BE/B Tech in notified streams can also join IMA in the Technical Graduate Course. The selection procedure is same as for IMA (Direct Entry) accepting that there are no written exams. The duration of training is 1 ½ years for IMA (DE), five years (one year at IMA and four year at Cadet Training Wings) for 10+2 TES (incl one year after commissioning) and one year for all other entries. The IMA trains you to lead from the front. You are trained in all aspects of combat and tactics using computers and other modern tools and technologies. The IMA has excellent facilities for all-round development. You can go for adventure sports like river rafting, para jumping, rock climbing, trekking and mountaineering. From the IMA, you're commissioned as a "Lieutenant" in the Indian Army, to go out into the world and live up to the IMA motto - "Valour & Wisdom".
Short Service Commission • You also have the option of joining the Army and serving as a Commissioned Officer for 10 years. At the end of this period you have two options. Either elect for a Permanent Commission or opt out. • Those not selected for Permanent Commission have the option of a 4 years extension. They can resign at any time during this period. • A Short Service Commission empowers you with analytical thinking, planning skills, administrative and organizational abilities. Qualities which will make you an invaluable asset for any organization that you join after the Army and there are opportunities to side step to an alternate career for which Army will also help you.. • Officers Training Academy, Chennai • Once selected for Short Service Commission, you go to the Officers Training Academy at Chennai. The selection process is a written exam followed by the SSB interview and medicals. For Technical (Engineering) graduates it is direct SSB interview and medicals. If you have done NCC Senior Division (Army) and obtained 'C' certificate with minimum 'B' grade, you can apply through your NCC Branch HQ/Zonal HQ to Recruiting Directorate for direct SSB interview. SSB qualified candidates undergo a medical examination. The duration of training is 49 weeks. OTA training provides you with opportunities to broaden your perspective and widen your horizon. Whether it's skeet-shooting, golf, riding or angling ... at OTA you can do it all. • Short Service Commission For Women (Officers) • The Indian Army also has women officers. You can take up the challenge of Short Service Commission and prove to the world when it comes to courage and leadership, you're second to none. • Women officers receive training at OTA, Chennai. You should be a Graduate/Post-Graduate to apply. After the written exam, there is the SSB interview followed by a medical examination.
Mode of Entry OfficersNational Defence Academy (NDA) • Vacancies Per Course -300 (Twice a year) Army - 195 Air Force - 66 Navy - 39 • Notify in Employment News and leading Daily news Paper -----Mar and Oct Notified by UPSC • Age-------16 ½ to 19 yrs • Qualification-----12th Class of 10+2 System of Edn of Equivalent for Army and with Physics and Maths for AF/Navy • Marital Status----Un Married • Application to be Received by10-15 Nov for Jan Course and 10-15 Apr for Jul Course • Likely SSB Date------Sep to Oct and Jan to Apr • Date Commencement of Trg------Jan and Jul • Training Academy-----NDA , Khadakwasla, Pune • Duration of Trg----3 Yrs at NDA and 1 Yrs at IMA
Indian Military Academy (IMA) • Vacancies Per Course-----250 (Twice a year)Notify in Employment News and leading Daily news PaperNotified by UPSC under the aegis of CDSE in Mar/Apr and Sep/Oct • Eligibility Criteria • Age----19 to 24 yrsBorn Between2nd Jan to 1st Jan for Jan Course. 2nd Jul to 1st Jul for Jul Course. • Qualification------Graduation from Recognised University. • Marital Status----Un Married • Application to be Received by----May and Oct • Likely SSB Date----Sep / Oct and Mar / Apr • Date Commencement of Trg----Jan and Jul • Training Academy-----IMA Dehradun • Duration of Trg-------1 ½ Yrs
Short Service Commission Non Technical Men • Vacancies Per Course……175 (Twice a year) • Notify in Employment News and leading Daily news PaperNotified by UPSC under the aegis of CDSE in Mar/Apr and Sep/Oct • Eligibility CriteriaAge19 to 25 yrsBorn Between2nd Jan to 1st Jan for Apr Course.2nd Jul to 1st Jul for Oct Course. • Qualification……Graduation from Recognised University. • Marital Status….Un Married / Married • Application to be Received by May and Oct Likely SSB DateOct / Nov and July / Aug • Date Commencement of Trg….Apr and Oct • Training Academy……..OTA Chennai • Duration of Trg….49 Weeks
Short Service Commission Non Tech Women • Vacancies Per Course…..175 (Twice a year) • Notify in Employment News and leading Daily news PaperNotified by UPSC under the aegis of CDSE in Mar/Apr and Sep/Oct • Age….19 to 25 yrs Born Between 2nd Jan to 1st Jan for Apr Course.2nd Jul to 1st Jul for Oct Course. • Qualification……Graduation / Post Graduation from Recognised University. • Marital Status……..Un Married • Application to be Received by May and Oct Likely • SSB Date……..Apr and Oct / Nov • Date Commencement of Trg…..Jan and Jul • Training Academy…..OTA Chennai • Duration of Trg………49 Weeks
Recruitment of other Ranks • Indian Army a Unique And Dignified Career • Recruitment in the Army is broad based. Every male citizen, irrespective of caste, class, religion and domicile, is eligible for recruitment in the Army, provided he meets the laid down age, educational, physical and medical standards. • Recruitment in the Army is carried out through out the year through an open rally system. The recruitment programme is published in local newspaper, two weeks prior to the conduct of the rally by the concerned ZROs. The process of screening and enrolment is as follows :- • (a) Checking of documents. • (b) Physical measurements. • (c) Physical fitness test. • (d) Medical examination. • (e) Written examination. • (f) Preparation of merit list. • (g) Enrolment and Despatch of selected candidates in order of merit to Centres. • Do Not be Misled By Touts. If You Wish to Join the Army,Attend Rect Rally Organized By Nearest ZRO/BRO • Bring following original documents along with three Photostat copies of each, duly attested:- • X th Class date of birth certificate. • X th/XII th Class marks sheet. • Character Certificate to be signed by village Sarpanch (not more than six months old). • Domicile Certificate. • Caste Certificate. • Dependent Certificate ( in case of son of Ex-servicemen/ War Widow/Widow ) signed by record office. • Certificate of Outstanding sportsmen. • NCC Certificate (A/B/C Certificate).
For more details logon to:- http://joinindianarmy.nic.in/
JOIN AIR FORCE AS AN OFFICER 1.After 10+2 • You can literally touch the sky by joining the Air Force, not to mention that you'll be inside a supersonic jet, going at an incredible speed while doing that. Apart from the thrill and adventure, Air Force offers a fulfilling career for life to you. • The Basic ProcessCandidates, short-listed for Air Force after the initial selection procedure, go through a rigorous three-year training regimen at the National Defence Academy, followed by specialised training at the Air Force Academy. Thereafter, they are commissioned as officers and posted as pilots at any of the Air Force Stations. • To be in the National Defence AcademyYou can join NDA by taking the exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). This exam is conducted twice a year in all major cities throughout India. To know more about the application process. Eligibility Criteria # To join the NDA you need to fulfil the following requirements: # Age :16 ½ to 19 years* #Nationality:Indian #Gender: This is applicable only to men. #Educational Qualifications:You should have passed your 10+2 with Physics and Mathematics. Final year students can also apply. #Advertisemetn Schedule:March and October every year. ( Advertisement released by UPSC)
2.After Graduation • You surely fly high after joining the Flying branch of the Indian Air Force. You are trained either as a Fighter pilot, or a Helicopter pilot, or a Transport pilot and are a part of various peace and wartime missions. • As a graduate, you enter the Flying branch through the Air Force Academy. • The following are the three modes of entry for graduates to join the Flying branch: • Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE) You can take the Combined Defence Services Examination (written test conducted by UPSC) to join the Flying branch of the Indian Air Force. Men can join the Air Force through this mode of entry and will be given a Permanent Commission. • For applying through any of the entry points mentioned above, you must fulfil the following eligibility criteria: • Age :19 to 23 years* • Marital Status:Single • Nationality:Indian • Gender:for men only. • Educational Qualifications • Graduate (Three Year Course ) in any discipline from a recognised university (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level) / BE / B Tech (Four Year Course) . • Final Year students can also apply, provided thay do not have any backlogs. • No Percentage Bar for CDSE entry.Advertisement Schedule:April and September Every Year
For more details logon to:- http://careerairforce.nic.in/
For more details logon to:- http://nausena-bharti.nic.in/index.php
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