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Suggested Ground Rules. Fully participate Listen and show respect Set electronic devices to mute/vibrate Laptop screens down – until we ask you to login No irrelevant side conversations Be specific and give examples in questions Keep to the point
Suggested Ground Rules • Fully participate • Listen and show respect • Set electronic devices to mute/vibrate • Laptop screens down – until we ask you to login • No irrelevant side conversations • Be specific and give examples in questions • Keep to the point • Accept that constructive disagreements are okay • Work to create decisions your team can support
Data Requirements Subject Areas– This is the 2 digit code representing the subject area for the course in which the student is participating. From the SCED table for secondary level courses, and the NEW – Prior-to-Secondary SCED CODES list for elementary and non assigned middle school courses REQUIRED FIELD • For students in grade or setting 00-05 or 30: Must be a valid Prior To Secondary SCED Code • For students in grade or setting 06-08 or 14: Must be a valid Prior to Secondary SCED Code OR Secondary SCED Code • For students in grades 09-12: Must be a valid Secondary SCED code or “00” for approved CTE Courses, with no Course Identifier Code • If Subject Area Code = 01-22, then Final Grade is Required • If Subject Area Code = 01-22, then Credit Granted is Required
Special Education ORIGINALY WE CODED THEM WITH THE FOLLOWING: • Code “99” for those students reported in Special Education Elementary or Special Education Ungraded – Grade 14 NOW • If you have difficulty identifying Teacher/Student Data Link course codes for transition students, grade 14 students, those with significant disabilities who do not participate in traditional courses and other students whose cognitive abilities may be within the average range, but they cannot meet the basic expectations of courses the district offers in at least one content area. For instance, this might be a student who has a very significant learning disability that makes is impossible to meet basic expectations in one typically required class, even with accommodations—or a students with a severe emotional impairment who cannot meet basic expectations because of his/her disability. In order to comply with USED requirements, Michigan must link each student through age 21 with at least one teacher through a course code. Using the Prior to Secondary Book For students participating in a self-contained classroom all day, we recommend the following: 73039 Prior-to-Secondary Education (p. 75) Code 73039, representing prior-to-secondary education courses that are not grade-differentiated, should be used when a state or locality does not differentiate courses by either grade level or subject area or when standards apply to a range of consecutive grades (e.g., “by third grade, students should know and be able to do…”) and a multiplicity of subject-area content. SEE HANDOUT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
Data Requirements Course Identifier Code– This 3 digit course identifier code is for the course in which the student is participating. From the SCED table for secondary level courses, from the NEW – Prior-to-Secondary SCED CODES list for elementary level courses and some middle school courses– OPTIONAL FIELD FOR 2010-2011 and REQUIRED FIELD FOR 2011-2012 • Must be valid NCES Course ID when the Subject Area Code is reported = 01-22 • Must be the NEW Prior-to-Secondary SCED Course ID’s when the Subject Area = 51-73 REMINDER • For Subject Area Code “00” for CTE State Approved Programs you would leave this blank.
Data Requirements Local Course ID– The course identification code assigned by the educating entity. The purpose is to allow the district to send student record updates for specific courses. (i.e. interim grade followed by final grade) – REQUIRED FIELD Local Course Section Number– The course section number assigned by the educating entity – REQUIRED FIELD Local Course Title– The course name assigned by the educating entity – REQUIRED FIELD
Data Requirements Course Type– The code best representing the level and rigor of the instruction provided throughout the reported course – REQUIRED FIELD May be reported by students in all grades: 01 – Regular (Default) 06 – Non Applicable 00 – Other May only be reported by students in grades 7-12: 03 – Pre-Advanced (course in prep to AP program) May only be reported by students in grades 9-12: 02 – Honors 04 – Advanced Placement 05 – International Baccalaureate 07 – Dual Enrollment and Middle College 08 – Concurrent Enrollment – NEW .
Data Requirements Academic Year– The academic year in which the student last attended the course (e.g. 2004-2005) – OPTIONAL FIELD BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Even though the field is optional – Why use the Academic Year? If the grade is changed for a student in a subsequent year because of a local appeal process, the updated grade is not required to be reported BUT if the district chooses to report the updated grade, they may do so by ensuring that the correct Academic Year is selected.
Data Requirements Credits Granted– The amount of credits granted to the student in Carnegie units for the course or a section of a course (eg., 1.0, .50, etc) – CONDITIONAL FIELD • Required when Subject Area Code = 01-22 Secondary SCED with the following exceptions: Grade or Setting = 14 (Special Education) Completion Status = “AU” Audited Completion Status = “OE” Ongoing Enrolled
Data Requirements Course Grade– The grade the student received for completing the course – REQUIRED FOR SECONDARY AND OPTIONAL FOR ELEMENTARY NEW • These should be board approved grades, what would be on a high school transcript • Required when subject area code = 01-22 • Not required for elementary subject area codes = 51-71 • Not required for students reported in grade 14 (special education) • Not required for completion status of “AU” Audit • If the student did not receive a grade for the course, course and student information is not required
Data Requirements Completion Status– The students standing for this course when the student is NO longer a participant – REQUIRED FIELD Valid Codes: AU – Audit TO – Tested Out OE – Ongoing Enrolled CP – Completed/Passed CF – Completed/Failed WE – Withdrawn/Exited WF – Withdrawn/Failed WP – Withdrawn/Passed CS – Completed When students are reported as Grade 14 special education ONLY I - Incomplete • Must not be “OE” when District Exit Status <> 19
Data Requirements Teacher ID– The Personnel Identification Code (PIC), as assigned in the Registry of Educational Personnel (REP), for each teacher responsible for some or all of the instruction for this course – REQUIRED FIELD • Must be a Valid PIC. The PIC will be validated to the REP to ensure that the PIC exists. Additional checks will be done post-collection to analyze the relationship of the PIC to the reporting entity. • At least one PIC per student with the exceptions of Early Childhood, Adult Education, Home Schooled, Non Public School Students. • REP will be modified to provide a PIC lookup feature outside of normal collection windows. This will be available to REP authorized users ONLY. REMINDER • Do not report if the Subject Area Code is “00” State Approved CTE Program • Do not report if Course Type = 07 Dual Enrollment/Early Middle College • The teacher responsible for the STUDENT outcomes should be the one reported. You can report multiple teachers for one Course. It is a locals decision as to which teacher(s) will be held accountable for the student’s performance
Data Requirements Virtual Delivery- A Yes/No field indicating whether the student is receiving instruction via a virtual delivery method. This method could be virtual learning, E2020, distance learning, computer-based or internet courses provided at the school – OPTIONAL FIELD Mentor Teacher - A Yes/No field that indicates the instructor of this virtual course is serving in a Mentor capacity. Mentor teachers must be certified –OPTIONAL FIELD
Required MSDS Components and Characteristics to be Reported Submitting Entity Entity Type Code, Entity Code Personal Core UIC, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Date of Birth, Multiple Birth Order, Gender Student Course All the TSDL Fields we already discussed earlier School Demographics Operating ISD, Operating District, School/Facility Number, Local Student ID, Grade or Setting – * If the student is Alternative you would also include Program Participation
Who and What do we Report? All courses taken during the current school year. Unless otherwise exempted, all students enrolled for any period of time during the school year are expected to be reported with at least one course and teacher of record. • Students who meet one or more of the following criteria may be exempted: • Student enrolled in a district for a short period of time, resulting in no grade(s) being posted to his/her academic record • Students only enrolled in Early Childhood Education Programs • Adult Education Participants • Students with active IEP’s who are 22 years of age or older as of September 1 of the current year • Homeschooled and non-public school students participating in non-essential curriculum or advanced placement courses
REP and PIC Connection TO TSDL • The PIC numbers are used in TSDL to identify teachers • REP contains PIC numbers used to identify teachers • REP has the information on teacher certifications • REP has the ability to look up PIC numbers using the new PIC Service Application 24/7 • MDE/CEPI will be matching teacher PIC numbers between TSDL and REP to guarantee that teachers are teaching within their certifications • Assessment growth data will be linked to the individual teachers through the use of the PIC number and use in the evaluation process
The New REP PIC Service The REP PIC service is an online application that allows authorized users to obtain PICs for staff at any time 24/7. The REP PIC service will include the following data: • First and Last Name (Middle Name when available) • Gender • Date of Birth • Social Security Number • Michigan Credential License Number (when available) • Personnel Identification Code NOTE: Districts will want to be sure to limit the personnel that will have the capability of looking up PIC numbers for the district
REP Assignment Code Crosswalk MDE has set up the REP Assignment Code Crosswalk manual The purpose is to: • Aligns school codes for the exchange of data • Double Check the REP Assignments • Verify Teacher Certification Endorsements • Enter in the Teacher Student Data Link
Powerschool Information Please take this time and log in to the computer, in Powerschool • Under District Store Code • Under Building Courses Subject Area Code Course Identifier Code Course Type Exclude from TSDL Sections Mentor Teacher Virtual Delivery Co-Teaching (PICS) Exclude from TSDL Staff PIC Special Education Instructor Student Completion Status Virtual Delivery Exclude from TSDL
Today’s Assignment and Homework • Continue to crosswalk your course files to the SCED numbers and double check those that have already been loaded in to Powerschool • Elementary and Middle schools need to double check course codes against the Prior to Secondary SCED Code Manual and those in Powerschool • Verify you have all PIC numbers on your Teachers • Crosswalk your PIC numbers and SCED codes to the REP Assignment Code Crosswalk • Work on setting Completion Statuses to those classes that have already completed for the school year
Next Meeting Dates Wednesday May 11, 2011 in Room 220 at ISD This will consist of any final TSDL updates, learn about verification reports in Powerschool, store codes, and work on finalization of fields • High Schools - 8:30 – 11:30 • Middle and Elementary - 12:30 – 3:30 For those that will be doing the MSDS Transmission of the TSDL Information a Hands on Training will be scheduled – late June or early July *Question to those that think they might be the ones doing this - do you have any ideas on when the best time to schedule this would be? SEE NEXT SCREEN - given to Superintendents - waiting on feedback
TSDL/MSDS Reporting District: ________________________________________________ Staff assigned to TSDL and MSDS Reporting: Contact Information: Name: __________________________ Phone: __________________________ Email: __________________________ Contact Information: Name: __________________________ Phone: __________________________ Email: __________________________ RETURN TO KATHY OTT, by MAY 2, 2011 at the JCISD, Delivery Code D-4 or Fax # 768-5213.