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Using Random Forests Language Models in IBM RT-04 CTS. Peng Xu 1 and Lidia Mangu 2 1. CLSP, the Johns Hopkins University 2. IBM T.J. Waston Research Center March 24, 2005. n-gram Smoothing. Smoothing: take out some probability mass from seen n-grams and distribute among unseen n-grams
Using Random Forests Language Models in IBM RT-04 CTS Peng Xu1 and Lidia Mangu2 1. CLSP, the Johns Hopkins University 2. IBM T.J. Waston Research Center March 24, 2005 CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
n-gram Smoothing • Smoothing: take out some probability mass from seen n-grams and distribute among unseen n-grams • Over 10 different smoothing techniques were proposed in the literature. • Interpolated Kneser-Ney: consistently the best performance [Chen & Goodman, 1998] CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
More Data… • There’s no data like more data • [Berger & Miller, 1998] Just-in-time language model. • [Zhu & Rosenfeld, 2001] Estimate n-gram counts from web. • [Banko & Brill, 2001] Efforts should be directed toward data collection, instead of learning algorithms. • [Keller et. al., 2002] n-gram counts from the web correlates reasonably well with BNC data. • [Bulyko et. al., 2003] Web text sources are used for language modeling. • [RT-04] U. of Washington web data for language modeling. CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
More Data • more data solution to data sparseness • The web has “everything”: web data is noisy. • The web does NOT have everything: language models using web data still have data sparseness problem. • [Zhu & Rosenfeld, 2001] In 24 random web news sentences, 46 out of 453 trigrams were not covered by Altavista. • In domain training data is not always easy to get. • Do better smoothing techniques matter when training data is of millions of words? CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Outline • Motivation • Random Forests for Language Modeling • Decision Tree Language Models • Random Forests Language Models • Experiments • Perplexity • Speech Recognition: IBM RT-04 CTS • Limitations • Conclusions CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Dealing With Sparseness inn-gram • Clustering: combine words into groups of words • All components need to use smoothing. [Goodman, 2001] • Decision trees: cluster histories into equivalence classes • Appealing idea, but negative results were reported. [Potamianos & Jelinek, 1997] • Maximum entropy: use n-grams as features in an exponential model • There is almost no difference in performance from interpolated Kneser-Ney models. [Chen & Rosenfeld, 1999] • Neural networks: represent words with real vectors • The models rely on interpolation with Kneser-Ney models in order to get superior performance. [Bengio, 1999] CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Our Motivation • Better smoothing technique is desirable. • Better use of available data is often important! • Improvements in smoothing should help other means of dealing with data sparseness problem. CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Our Approach • Extend the appealing idea of history clustering from decision trees. • Overcome problems in decision tree construction …by using Random Forests! CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Decision Trees Language Models • Decision trees: equivalence classification of histories • Each leaf is specified by the answers to a series of questions which lead to the leaf from the root. • Each leaf corresponds to a subset of the histories. Thus histories are partitioned (i.e.,classified). CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Construction of Decision Trees • Data Driven: decision trees are constructed on the basis of training data • The construction requires: • The set of possible questions • A criterion evaluating the desirability of questions • A construction stopping rule or post-pruning rule CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Decision Tree Language Models: An Example • Example: trigrams (w-2,w-1,w0) • Questions about positions: “Is w-i2S?” and “Is w-i2Sc?” There are two positions for trigram. • Each pair, S and Sc, defines a possible split of a node, and therefore, training data. • S and Sc are complements with respect to training data • A node gets less data than its ancestors. • (S, Sc) are obtained by an exchange algorithm. CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
{ab,ac,bc,bb,ad} a:3 b:2 {ab,ac,ad} a:3 b:0 {bc,bb} a:0 b:2 Decision Tree Language Models: An Example Training data: aba, aca, bcb, bbb, ada New event ‘cba’ in test: Stuck! Is the first word in {a}? Is the first word in {b}? New event ‘adb’ in test New event ‘bdb’ in test CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Construction of Decision Trees: Our Approach • Grow a decision tree until maximum depth using training data • Questions are automatically obtained as a tree is constructed • Use training data likelihood to evaluate questions • Perform no smoothing during growing • Prune fully grown decision tree to maximize heldout data likelihood • Incorporate KN smoothing during pruning CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Smoothing Decision Trees • Using similar ideas as interpolated Kneser-Ney smoothing: • Note: • All histories in one node are not smoothed in the same way. • Only leaves are used as equivalence classes. CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Problems with Decision Trees • Training data fragmentation: • As tree is developed, the questions are selected on the basis of less and less data. • Optimality: • The exchange algorithm is a greedy algorithm. • So is the tree growing algorithm. • Overtraining and undertraining: • Deep trees: fit the training data well, will not generalize well to new test data. • Shallow trees: not sufficiently refined. CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Amelioration: Random Forests • Breiman applied the idea of random forests to relatively small problems. [Breiman 2001] • Using different random samples of data and randomly chosen subsets of questions, construct K decision trees. • Apply test datum x to all the different decision trees. • Produce classes y1,y2,…,yK. • Accept plurality decision: CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Example of a Random Forest T1 T2 T3 a a a a a a An example x will be classified as a according to this random forest. CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Random Forests for Language Modeling • Two kinds of randomness: • Selection of positions to ask about • Alternatives: position 1 or 2 or the better of the two. • Random initialization of the exchange algorithm • 100 decision trees: ithtree estimates • PDT(i)(w0|w-2,w-1) • The final estimate is the average of all trees CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Experiments • Perplexity (PPL): • UPenn Treebank part of WSJ: about 1 million words for training and heldout (90%/10%), 82 thousand words for test • Normalized text CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Experiments: Aggregating • Considerable improvement already with 10 trees! CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Embedded Random Forests • Smoothing a decision tree: • Better smoothing: embedding! CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Speech Recognition Experiments • Word Error Rate by Lattice Rescoring • IBM 2004 Conversational Telephony System for Rich Transcription • Fisher data: 22 million words • WEB data: 525 million words, using frequent Fisher n-grams as queries • Other data: Switchboard, Broadcast News, etc. • Lattice language model: 4-gram with interpolated Kneser-Ney smoothing, pruned to have 3.2 million unique n-grams • Test set: DEV04 CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Speech Recognition Experiments Baseline: KN 4-gram 110 random DTs Sampling data without replacement Fisher+WEB: linear interpolation Embedding in Fisher RF, no embedding in WEB RF CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Practical Limitations of the RF Approach • Memory: • Decision tree construction uses much more memory. • It is not easy to realize performance gain when training data is really large. • Because we have over 100 trees, the final model becomes too large to fit into memory. • Computing probabilities in parallel incurs extra cost in online computation. • Effective language model compression or pruning remains an open question. CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Conclusions: Random Forests New RF language modeling approach More general LM: RF DT n-gram Randomized history clustering Good generalization: better n-gram coverage, less biased to training data Significant improvements in IBM RT-04 CTS on DEV04 CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University
Thank you! CLSP, The Johns Hopkins University