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6/8 那加利利人耶穌 (1) The Stranger of Galilee Mrs. C.H. Morris 5ie. d e q w e4 r 3 s sq.7k q 2 t59=.05 在美麗平靜加利利海邊 , 我站在海岸上默 想 re. d e q w e4 r e s sq. 7k q 3 w29=.02 我見群眾擁擠路上爭看 , 那位加 利利人耶 穌 In fancy I stood by the shore one day, Of the beautiful murm’ring sea,
6/8 那加利利人耶穌(1)The Stranger of Galilee Mrs. C.H. Morris 5i\e. d e q w e\4 r 3 s s\q.7k q 2 t\59=.05 在美麗平靜加利利海邊, 我站在海岸上默 想 r\e. d e q w e\4 r e s s\q. 7k q 3 w\29=.02 我見群眾擁擠路上爭看,那位加 利利人耶 穌 In fancy I stood by the shore one day, Of the beautiful murm’ring sea, I saw the great crowds as they thronged the way Of the Stranger of Galilee.
6/8 那加利利人耶穌(1)The Stranger of Galilee Mrs. C.H. Morris w\r r r e e e\2 w 6i 6k 7k\q.7k q 2 t\59=.05 我見那個生來瞎眼的人,一剎那 就重見光 明 t\y y y t q q\4 r e d d\t q r 3 w\19=.01 祂奇妙大能使跛子能行, 那 加利利 人耶 穌 I saw how the man who was blind from birth, In a moment was made to see, The lame was made whole by the matchless skill Of the Stranger of Galilee.
6/8 那加利利人耶穌(副歌)The Stranger of Galilee (Chorus) g g\t.h t t.h t\!.6 y\t. d e q 7i q\29=.02 我已經定意要永遠愛祂,祂是 何等溫柔慈 祥t\t.f e e w e\4.6 y\t q r 3 w\19=.01| 我接受祂為我的 救主,那加利利人耶 穌 And I felt I could love Him forever, So gracious and tender was He! I claimed Him that day as my Saviour, This Stranger of Galilee.
6/8 那加利利人耶穌(2)The Stranger of Galilee Mrs. C.H. Morris 5i\e. d e q w e\4 r 3 s s\q.7k q 2 t\59=.05 祂同情的面容慈愛言詞,使我永遠不能忘 記 r\e. d e q w e\4 r e s s\q. 7k q 3 w\29=.02祂見我在罪中無人相助,那位加 利利人耶 穌 His look of compassion, His words of love, They shall never forgotten be, When sin-sick and helpless He saw me there, This Stranger of Galilee.
6/8 那加利利人耶穌(2)The Stranger of Galilee Mrs. C.H. Morris w\r r r e e e\2 w 6i 6k 7k\q.7k q 2 t\59=.05 祂將手痕肋旁向我顯示 微聲對我說:是為 你 t\y y y t q q\4 r e d d\t q r 3 w\19=.01 在祂的足前我罪擔拋棄, 那 加利利人耶 穌 He show’d me His hand and His riven side, And He whispered “It was for thee!” My burden fell off at the pierced feet Of the Stranger of Galilee.
6/8 那加利利人耶穌(副歌)The Stranger of Galilee (Chorus) g g\t.h t t.h t\!.6 y\t. d e q 7i q\29=.02 我已經定意要永遠愛祂,祂是 何等溫柔慈 祥t\t.f e e w e\4.6 y\t q r 3 w\19=.01| 我接受祂為我的 救主,那加利利人耶 穌 And I felt I could love Him forever, So gracious and tender was He! I claimed Him that day as my Saviour, This Stranger of Galilee.
6/8 那加利利人耶穌(3)The Stranger of Galilee Mrs. C.H. Morris 5i\e. d e q w e\4 r 3 s s\q.7k q 2 t\59=.05 我聽見祂向風浪發號令,風和海就立時平 靜 r\e. d e q w e\4 r e s s\q. 7k q 3 w\29=.02 狂風聽祂話怒浪聽祂命,那位加 利利人耶 穌 I heard Him speak peace to the angry waves, Of that turbulent, raging sea, and lo! At His word are the waters stilled, This Stranger of Galilee.
6/8 那加利利人耶穌(3)The Stranger of Galilee Mrs. C.H. Morris w\r r r e e e\2 w 6i 6k 7k\q.7k q 2 t\59=.05 永遠享受內心安詳寧靜,是何等 聖潔的心 境t\y y y t q q\4 r e d d\t q r 3 w\19=.01 祂保守我在祂大能手裡, 那 加利利人耶 穌 A peaceful, a quiet, and holy calm, Now and ever abides with me, He hold-eth my life in His mighty hands, This Stranger of Galilee.
6/8 那加利利人耶穌(副歌)The Stranger of Galilee (Chorus) g g\t.h t t.h t\!.6 y\t. d e q 7i q\29=.02 我已經定意要永遠愛祂,祂是 何等溫柔慈 祥t\t.f e e w e\4.6 y\t q r 3 w\19=.01| 我接受祂為我的 救主,那加利利人耶 穌 And I felt I could love Him forever, So gracious and tender was He! I claimed Him that day as my Saviour, This Stranger of Galilee.
G ¾ 遵主恩言(Acccording to Thy Gracious Word) (3) qw\3/2\1/78\78/68\68/ 怎 能 忘 記 客 西 馬 尼, we\4/3\2/1\19=/=/=\078/ 主 心 爭 戰 不 已, 58\3/2\4/3\6/3\5904 受 盡 痛 苦 汗 如 血 滴, 2\1/58\3/2\19=/=/=\01/? 怎 能 不 紀 念 祢. Gethsemane can I forget? Or there Thy conflict see, Thine agony and bloody sweat, And not remember Thee. 生命圣诗237
G ¾ 遵主恩言(Acccording to Thy Gracious Word) (4) qw\3/2\1/78\78/68\68/ 當 我 轉 眼 仰 望 十 架, we\4/3\2/1\19=/=/=\078/ 定 睛 在 各 各 他, 58\3/2\4/3\6/3\5904 上 主 羔 羊 為 我 捨 己, 2\1/58\3/2\19=/=/=\01/? 我 必 永 紀 念 祢. When to the cross I turn mine eyes, And rest on Calvary, O Lamb of God, my sacrifice, I must remember Thee. 生命圣诗237
F 4/4主在十架At the Cross(1) t8\1.gf 3.t8\58.y8 58.; gk\ 1. w 78 58\68// 我主為何 流出寶 血, 願意 忍 受 死亡? Alas,anddid my Savior bleedAnd did my Sovereign die? gk\58. q 1. w\ 2.e 3.; a \4. e 2()q w\2/ 甘 願 代替卑微 的我, 遍 歷 痛苦 悲 愴? Would He devote that sacred head For such a worm as I?
F 4/4主在十架At the Cross (1) gk\ 1.gkfk 38. t8 \5.y8 58. gk\ 1. ; a 78 58\ 6/ 我主 是否 為 我 罪 愆被 釘 十架受害? Was itfor sins that I had done He groaned upon the tree? gk\58.q1.w\ 2. e 3. ; a\ 4. e 2.p\a a1/ 無限慈憐無限 恩典 無 窮 無邊 的 愛. Amazingpity,grace unknown And love beyond degree.
F 4/4主在十架(副歌)At the Cross q\ 5. t 5. e\ 1. w 1. e\4/r e wq\w 2/ 哦主 阿 祢 為 何 竟 來 流 出 聖潔 寶 血 My God, why would You shed Your blood, So pure and un- defiled, a \5. t 5.e\ 1. w 1. e\4 3 2. q\q q() 1// 揀選 我這不 配 罪 人,成 為寶 貴 兒 女? To make a sinfulone like meYour chosen, precious child?
F 4/4 主在十架At the Cross (2) t8\ 1. gf 3. t8\58.y8 58.; gk\ 1. w 78 58\68/ 當 創 造 主 耶 穌基 督, 為 眾 罪人 殉 亡, Well might the sunin darkness hideAnd shut His glories in gk\58. q 1.w\2.e 3.; a \4.e. s()q 1\2/ 太 陽 隱藏不 忍觀看, 天 地 昏 暗 無光. When Christ, the mighty Maker, died, For man, the creature’s, sin.
F 4/4主在十架At the Cross (2) gk\ 1. gkfk 38. t8 \5.y8 58. gk\ 1.; a 78 58\6// 當 主 十架顯 現 於前我面羞 愧 難當, Thus might I hide my blushing face while His dear cross appears, gk\58. q1.w\2. e 3. ; a\ 4. e 2.p\a a1 // 我眼 流 淚 我靈 破 碎 感恩 溶 化 我心. Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, and melt my eyes to tears.
F 4/4主在十架(副歌)At the Cross q\ 5. t 5. e\ 1. w 1. e\4/r e wq\w 2/ 哦主 阿 祢 為 何 竟 來 流 出 聖潔 寶 血 My God, why would You shed Your blood, So pure and un- defiled, a \5. t 5.e\ 1. w 1. e\ 4 3 2. q\ q q() 1// 揀選 我這不 配 罪 人, 成 為寶 貴 兒 女? To make a sinfulone like meYour chosen, precious child?
G ¾ 遵主恩言(Acccording to Thy Gracious Word) (1) qw\3/2\1/78\78/68\68/ 我今 遵 照 救 主 恩 言, we\4/3\2/1\19=/=/=\078/ 謙恭 到 主 面 前, 58\3/2\4/3\6/3\5904 思 念 恩主 為 我 受 死, 2\1/58\3/2\19=/=/=\01/? 我 願 常 紀 念 祢. According to Thy gracious word, In meek humility, This will I do, my dying Lord, I will remember Thee. 生命圣诗237
G ¾ 遵主恩言(Acccording to Thy Gracious Word) (2) qw\3/2\1/78\78/68\68/ 基 督 身 體 為 我 受 傷, we\4/3\2/1\19=/=/=\078/ 使 我 得 生 命 糧, 58\3/2\4/3\6/3\5904 立 約 之 杯 我 今 舉 起, 2\1/58\3/2\19=/=/=\01/? 如 此 為 紀 念 祢. Thy body, broken for my sake, My bread from heav’n shall be; Thy testamental cup I take, And thus remember Thee. 生命圣诗237
Eb4/4 為我受傷 Wounded for Me(1) 5 P45|6‑‑5478|1‑‑135|!‑uQ|776|5‑‑ 為我復活, 為我復活, 從墳墓裡 主已為我復活; !76|543|2 P12|6‑‑|!•u6|543|2178|1‑‑|死亡毒鉤今後不能害我, 皆因救主耶穌為我復活. Risen for me, risen for me, Up from the grave He has risen for me; Now evermore from death’s sting I am free, All because Jesus has risen for me. 生命124 3/4
Eb4/4 為我受傷 Wounded for Me(2) 5 P45|6‑‑5478|1‑‑135|!‑uQ|776|5‑‑ 為我再來, 為我再來, 必有一天 主要為我再來; ! 7 6|5 4 3|2 P1 2|6‑‑|!• u 6|5 4 3|2 1 78|1‑‑| 見主慈顏何等喜樂暢快,滿心讚美主,祂為我再來. Coming for me, coming for me, One day to earth, He is coming for me; Then with what joy His dear face I shall see, O how I praise Him! He’s coming for me. 生命124 4/4