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Current Status of Travel Information Delivery & Technologies I-95 Corridor Coalition

Current Status of Travel Information Delivery & Technologies I-95 Corridor Coalition. Bibiana McHugh, IT Manager GIS and Location-Based Services. Future of Traveler Information & how we can prepare Location-Based Services Web Services Systems Integration GIS & IT Integration

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Current Status of Travel Information Delivery & Technologies I-95 Corridor Coalition

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  1. Current Status ofTravel InformationDelivery & TechnologiesI-95 Corridor Coalition Bibiana McHugh, IT Manager GIS and Location-Based Services

  2. Future of Traveler Information & how we can prepare • Location-Based Services • Web Services • Systems Integration • GIS & IT Integration • TriMet’s Mobile Computing Project • Objectives • Challenges • Implementation Strategy • Project Components

  3. thefuture get everything you need via wireless devices including maps en-route trip planning real-time traveler information anywhere anytime fast

  4. bendable displays that feature low power consumption that can be supplied by battery and could have info transferred electronically

  5. Portland city council approves free Wi-Fi The Portland City Council Wednesday voted to blanket all 134 square miles of Portland in a wireless web. It will be free for anyone to access and will cost taxpayers nothing. Just a few "pockets" of the city won't get service, according to officials, but that will account for only about 5% of the entire coverage area. The city council awarded Metro-Fi, a Silicon Valley-based company,the exclusive contract to develop Portland’s Wi-Fi network. Initially, the wireless coverage will include downtown and the inner eastside of the city but full city coverage should come within one to two years, officials said. The free service will be financed through advertising dollars. However, if viewers don’t want ads to appear on their computers, they can opt to pay $20 a month to use the service banner-free. The download speed won’t be quite as fast as DSL or cable – only 1 megabit/sec, compared with the four to eight megs of standard high speed. “I think that would be incredible. I think that would be great. As long as it's a secure, stable network, I think that would be fantastic,” said Internet user Derryck Rosalez. The new Wi-Fi system will also benefit the city government itself. Now, employees working in the field will be able to use the network to download and upload reports and documents instantly, saving them time and potentially making them more efficient with tax dollars. Metro-Fi will use its own capital to build and maintain the network. This means Portland will become the only municipality in the country that has brokered this kind of deal, according to city officials. But, Portland is not the only city working on a free Wi-Fi network. Spokane, Wash. already has one, along with Santa Clara, Calif. San Francisco, Chicago, Denver and Miami are also currently working to create wireless networks.

  6. How do wePrepare?

  7. Mobile Trip Planning I’m downtown searching the web for something interesting to do, and LBS tells me how to get there. Trip Planner Current GPS Location, Current Time, Requested Event/Place Web Service LBS Formatted Request En Route Planned Itinerary To Event/Place Formatted Return Location-Based Applications RequireWeb Services

  8. Location-Based Applications RequireSystems Integration • Find the real-time location of a vehicle by: • - Route • - Operator ID • - Train # • - Vehicle ID • - Geographic Area • Real-Time Bus Mapper • Query to Oracle RDBMS: • 13 tables • Integrated Systems: • - HR System • - Scheduling • - GIS • - Operations • - AVL

  9. Location-Based Applications RequireGIS and IT Integration • Share IT Resources (DBAs, Developers, IT Managers, Infrastructure, Database) • Follow same Systems Engineering Approach to application development • Follow same Standards for application development • Follow same Database Design Review Process • Align Goals both short and long term with IT and Agency • Incorporate GIS in IT Plan and Adopt IT Business Policies

  10. “Spatial data should be treated • like any other data… • Break the link between the • applications and the data.” • Mark Zangari, CTO • SPATIALinfo Inc.

  11. TriMet Field Crews • Problem • Need in field for operational efficiencies & accurate/timely info • Increase in number of requests for laptops and handheld devices • Failure of small-scaled handheld projects • Recognition of need to consolidate efforts and take a strategic approach from an agency-wide perspective

  12. TriMet Field Crews • Solution • Develop Agency-Wide Mobile Computing Strategy • Process: • Shadow Stakeholders (10 business units) • Document Business Requirements • Identify Project Objectives (ROI) • Identify Device Requirements (RFI) • Technology & Application Development Strategies • Investigated similar projects to identify challenges

  13. Data Requirements

  14. Current Access to Information in Field Radio or Page 43% Hard-copy 57% Potential to Access Information with Mobile Device Dispatch- Control (Audio, Page) 6% Internet or Intranet 28% Static/PDF 31% Client-Server Applications 35% Data Analysis

  15. Level of RT Static Information Importance Data Data Field Personnel Location (GPS) 92% 100% AVL 60% 100% Accidents & Incidents 54% 100% Maps 52% 100% Administration 45% 25% 75% Bus Route Information 43% 25% 75% Work Orders 43% 100% TVM Status 41% 100% Locations & Amenities 36% 100% Schedule Information 29% 25% 75% Citations 25% 100% Findings

  16. Critical Device Requirements • Minimum 8-hour battery life • Ability to seamlessly use wifi & cellular • Enough horsepower to run mapping apps • Ability to send GPS location to remote server • Must have ability to run full browser • Security Requirements • Desired Device Requirements • Ability to transmit both voice & data • Durable & waterproof • Built-in camera, printer, scanner

  17. Project Objectives • Improve • field communications • accurate and timely information in field • system management with fewer resources • employee productivity • customer satisfaction • Reduce • radio air traffic • time spent in office • data entry • amount of things personnel must carry • Increase safety and security

  18. Return on Investment • Reduce number of devices, including 3-4 year cycle replacement costs (Nextels, pagers, cell phones) • Use wifi to save monthly service fees on voice & data • Strategic enterprise solution & minimizing types of devices – technical support, application development, bulk purchase & plans • Operational Costs and Efficiencies • Expected increases in: customer satisfaction, response time, safety & security

  19. Project Challenges • Security • Data syncing and updates • Limited wifi and spotty, low bandwidth cell coverage • Requires IT Resources, infrastructure, development • Requires creative application design & development • Device requirements - battery life, horsepower, durable • Manage project expectations - union involvement and communication with all stakeholders is critical • Training

  20. Implementation Strategy • Staggered deployments Jan 09 (Green Line Start-up) • Apps will be web-based written on a web server • App design must be user friendly, intuitive, and the info accessed quickly via location-based services • Applications need prioritization and detailed requirements to schedule sufficient IT resources • Need Maintenance Plan and Communications Plan

  21. Implementation Strategy • Dedicated time for devices analysis, application design & development, testing, training, field pilot projects • Push device procurement out - expect decrease in device costs, wider range of devices • Greater wifi expansion in the regional area & at TCs • Network connectivity must be tested in critical areas and addressed • Align/Integrate with BDS Replacement Project/Budget

  22. Project Components • Super Users – Laptop w/vehicle mount • Limited Users - Small Handheld Device • GPS Location of Field Crews • Voice Communications in Field • Budget and Resource Management • Business Policies and Procedures • Mobile Computing Phase II

  23. Super UsersVehicle access Will benefit most w/full access to TriMet Network • 57 Rail and Road Field Supervisors, 25 vehicles • 16 MOW Managers & Sups, 12 vehicles • Laptops & Vehicle Mounts • 3 semi-rugged laptops • Sprint Broadband Card $50/month

  24. Limited UsersNo vehicle access: on-foot or using system • Customer Service Reps • Trainers • Safety & Security • Schedulers • Users not conducive to carrying a laptop • Small devices not conducive to full TriMet network access, or data entry w/out application design • Access to active Email, Real-Time Info, Bus/Rail Schedule

  25. Accident People Location Vehicle TVM Find It • Web Interface or • Text Message to: • FindIt@TriMet.org* • TT 3495 • Sends back mess with next arrival times for StopId 3495 • TT N • Sends back mess with next arrival times for Nearest Stops • T 1258 • Sends back mess with Train info (Op ID, Vehicle ID, etc.) • T N • Sends back mess with Nearest Train info • *Currently working on prototype for Transit Tracker Map It Me (Default) Nearest Use It Email Trip Planner TriNet Google Get It Train Order SOP Work Order Daily Logs

  26. Text Messaging • SMS is costly at 2 cents each for over 1 million/month (future estimate) or 3 cents each for under 1 million. • An email service, similar to SMS, has too slow of a return time, anywhere from 10-20 seconds to over 10 minutes. • Free SMS messaging services have character limitations, a slow response time, and include advertisements that create issues for a govt agency.

  27. Field CrewLocation • Vehicle Locations • Recommend to include in BDS Replacement Project and equip vehicles separately • Field Personnel • On Foot w/ Handheld Device • GPS readings eat battery, so maybe used only in special situations or emergencies, or when sending a location-based request for info

  28. Voice Communications • Potential to consolidate devices (radio, nextel, cell, pager, handheld) • Need communication between all workgroups • Handheld device may or may not meet this requirement, and personnel in vehicles will not have handhelds

  29. Budget and Resource Management • Initial Purchases: • Laptops, Keyfobs • Vehicle Mounts, Installations • Handhelds, accessories (otterbox, batteries) • Monthly service fees • Continued h/w maintenance and replacement cycles • Training & cont. technical support for users • Application development and maintenance • TriNet support and resources for new method of information sharing

  30. Business Policies and Procedures • New SOPs Required • For AVL of vehicles and personnel • For proper use of devices • Identification of Process & Policy Changes • Must be incorporated into Training Program

  31. Phase II • Fare Inspection Mobile Plan for Digital Citations • Facilities Maintenance Work Order Application • Maintenance

  32. Thank you • Mchughb@trimet.org

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