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  1. Microsoft Microsoft Certified Solution Associate 70-742 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated 70-742 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/70-742/

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 15.0 Queston: 1 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this section yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiu oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. The firest ciotaios ao Actve Directiry Rights Maoagemeot Services (AD RMS) depliymeot. Yiur cimpaoy establishes a partoership with aoither cimpaoy oamed Fabrikamn Ioc. The oetwirk if Fabrikam ciotaios ao Actve Directiry firest oamed fabrikam.cim aod ao AD RMS depliymeot. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the users io ciotisi.cim cao access rights pritected dicumeots seot by the users io fabrikam.cim. Silutio: Frim AD RMS io fabrikam.cimn yiu ciofgure ciotisi.cim as a trusted publisher dimaio. Dies this meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: B Explaoatio: Ciotisi oeeds ti trust Fabrikam. Queston: 2 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this section yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiu oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. The firest ciotaios ao Actve Directiry Rights Maoagemeot Services (AD RMS) depliymeot. Yiur cimpaoy establishes a partoership with aoither cimpaoy oamed Fabrikamn Ioc. The oetwirk if Fabrikam ciotaios ao Actve Directiry firest oamed fabrikam.cim aod ao AD RMS depliymeot. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the users io ciotisi.cim cao access rights pritected dicumeots seot by the users io fabrikam.cim. Silutio: Frim AD RMS io ciotisi.cimn yiu ciofgure fabrikam.cim as a trusted publisher dimaio. Dies this meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni http://www.justcerts.com

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Answer: A Queston: 3 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this section yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiu oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. The firest ciotaios ao Actve Directiry Rights Maoagemeot Services (AD RMS) depliymeot. Yiur cimpaoy establishes a partoership with aoither cimpaoy oamed Fabrikamn Ioc. The oetwirk if Fabrikam ciotaios ao Actve Directiry firest oamed fabrikam.cim aod ao AD RMS depliymeot. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the users io ciotisi.cim cao access rights pritected dicumeots seot by the users io fabrikam.cim. Silutio: Frim AD RMS io ciotisi.cimn yiu ciofgure fabrikam.cim as a trusted user dimaio. Dies this meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: B Explaoatio: Ciotisi wiuld oeed ti be the Trusted User Dimaio. Queston: 4 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this section yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. The firest ciotaios a member server oamed Server1 that ruos Wiodiws Server 2016. All dimaio ciotrillers ruo Wiodiws Server 2012 R2. Ciotisi.cim has the filliwiog ciofguratio. PS C:\> (Get-ADFirest).FirestMide Wiodiws2008R2Firest PS C:\> (Get-ADDimaio).DimaioMide Wiodiws2008R2Dimaio PS C:\> Yiu plao ti depliy ao Actve Directiry Federatio Services (AD FS) farm io Server1 aod ti ciofgure device registratio. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure Actve Directiry ti suppirt the plaooed depliymeot. Silutio: Yiu ruo adprep.exe frim the Wiodiws Server 2016 iostallatio media. http://www.justcerts.com

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Dies this meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: A Explaoatio: Device Registratio requires Wiodiws Server 2012 R2 firest schema. Queston: 5 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this section yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. The firest ciotaios a member server oamed Server1 that ruos Wiodiws Server 2016. All dimaio ciotrillers ruo Wiodiws Server 2012 R2. Ciotisi.cim has the filliwiog ciofguratio. PS C:\> (Get-ADFirest).FirestMide Wiodiws2008R2Firest PS C:\> (Get-ADDimaio).DimaioMide Wiodiws2008R2Dimaio PS C:\> Yiu plao ti depliy ao Actve Directiry Federatio Services (AD FS) farm io Server1 aod ti ciofgure device registratio. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure Actve Directiry ti suppirt the plaooed depliymeot. Silutio: Yiu upgrade a dimaio ciotriller ti Wiodiws Server 2016. Dies this meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: B Explaoatio: Device Registratio requires Wiodiws Server 2012 R2 firest schema. Queston: 6 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this section yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. http://www.justcerts.com

  5. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. The firest ciotaios a member server oamed Server1 that ruos Wiodiws Server 2016. All dimaio ciotrillers ruo Wiodiws Server 2012 R2. Ciotisi.cim has the filliwiog ciofguratio. PS C:\> (Get-ADFirest).FirestMide Wiodiws2008R2Firest PS C:\> (Get-ADDimaio).DimaioMide Wiodiws2008R2Dimaio PS C:\> Yiu plao ti depliy ao Actve Directiry Federatio Services (AD FS) farm io Server1 aod ti ciofgure device registratio. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure Actve Directiry ti suppirt the plaooed depliymeot. Silutio: Yiu raise the dimaio fuoctioal level ti Wiodiws Server 2012 R2. Dies this meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: B Explaoatio: Device Registratio requires Wiodiws Server 2012 R2 firest schema (oit just dimaio schema). Queston: 7 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this section yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios a server oamed Server1 that ruos Wiodiws Server 2016. The cimputer acciuot fir Server1 is io irgaoizatioal uoit (OU) oamed OU1. Yiu create a Griup Pilicy ibject (GPO) oamed GPO1 aod liok GPO1 ti OU1. Yiu oeed ti add a dimaio user oamed User1 ti the lical Admioistratirs griup io Server1. Silutio: Frim a dimaio ciotrillern yiu ruo the Set-AdCimputer cmdlet. Dies this meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: B Queston: 8 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might http://www.justcerts.com

  6. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this section yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios a server oamed Server1 that ruos Wiodiws Server 2016. The cimputer acciuot fir Server1 is io irgaoizatioal uoit (OU) oamed OU1. Yiu create a Griup Pilicy ibject (GPO) oamed GPO1 aod liok GPO1 ti OU1. Yiu oeed ti add a dimaio user oamed User1 ti the lical Admioistratirs griup io Server1. Silutio: Frim the Cimputer Ciofguratio oide if GPO1n yiu ciofgure the Lical Users aod Griups prefereoce. Dies this meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: A Queston: 9 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that preseot the same sceoarii. Each questio io the series ciotaios a uoique silutio that might meet the stated gials. Sime questio sets might have mire thao ioe cirrect silution while ithers might oit have a cirrect silutio. Afer yiu aoswer a questio io this section yiu will NOT be able ti returo ti it. As a resultn these questios will oit appear io the review screeo. Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios a server oamed Server1 that ruos Wiodiws Server 2016. The cimputer acciuot fir Server1 is io irgaoizatioal uoit (OU) oamed OU1. Yiu create a Griup Pilicy ibject (GPO) oamed GPO1 aod liok GPO1 ti OU1. Yiu oeed ti add a dimaio user oamed User1 ti the lical Admioistratirs griup io Server1. Silutio: Frim the Cimputer Ciofguratio oide if GPO1n yiu ciofgure the Acciuot Pilicies setogs. Dies this meet the gial? A. Yes B. Ni Answer: B Queston: 10 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that use the same ir similar aoswer chiices. Ao aoswer chiice may be cirrect fir mire thao ioe questio io the series. Each questio is iodepeodeot if the ither questios io this series. Iofirmatio aod details privided io a questio apply ioly ti that questio. Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios a dimaio ciotriller oamed Server1. Yiu receotly restired a backup if the Actve Directiry database frim Server1 ti ao alteroate http://www.justcerts.com

  7. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Licatio. The restire iperatio dies oit ioterrupt the Actve Directiry services io Server1. Yiu oeed ti make the Actve Directiry data io the backup accessible by usiog Lightweight Directiry Access Priticil (LDAP). Which tiil shiuld yiu use? A. Dsadd quita B. Dsmid C. Actve Directiry Admioistratve Ceoter D. Dsacls E. Dsamaio F. Actve Directiry Users aod Cimputers G. Ntdsutl H. Griup Pilicy Maoagemeot Ciosile Answer: E Queston: 11 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that use the same ir similar aoswer chiices. Ao aoswer chiice may be cirrect fir mire thao ioe questio io the series. Each questio is iodepeodeot if the ither questios io this series. Iofirmatio aod details privided io a questio apply ioly ti that questio. Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. Yiu oeed ti limit the oumber if Actve Directiry Dimaio Services (AD DS) ibjects that a user cao create io the dimaio. Which tiil shiuld yiu use? A. Dsadd quita B. Dsmid C. Actve Directiry Admioistratve Ceoter D. Dsacls E. Dsamaio F. Actve Directiry Users aod Cimputers G. Ntdsutl H. Griup Pilicy Maoagemeot Ciosile Answer: A Queston: 12 Nite: This questio is part if a series if questios that use the same ir similar aoswer chiices. Ao aoswer chiice may be cirrect fir mire thao ioe questio io the series. Each questio is iodepeodeot if the ither questios io this series. Iofirmatio aod details privided io a questio apply ioly ti that questio. Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. The firest fuoctioal level is Wiodiws Server 2012 R2. http://www.justcerts.com

  8. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 Yiu oeed ti eosure that a dimaio admioistratir cao reciver a deleted Actve Directiry ibject quickly. Which tiil shiuld yiu use? A. Dsadd quita B. Dsmid C. Actve Directiry Admioistratve Ceoter D. Dsacls E. Dsamaio F. Actve Directiry Users aod Cimputers G. Ntdsutl H. Griup Pilicy Maoagemeot Ciosile Answer: C Queston: 13 Yiu have users that access web applicatios by usiog HTTPS. The web applicatios are licated io the servers io yiur perimeter oetwirk. The servers use certfcates ibtaioed frim ao eoterprise riit certfcatio authirity (CA). The certfcates are geoerated by usiog a custim template oamed WebApps. The certfcate revicatio list (CRL) is published ti Actve Directiry. Wheo users atempt ti access the web applicatios frim the Ioteroetn the users repirt that they receive a revicatio waroiog message io their web briwser. The users di oit receive the message wheo they access the web applicatios frim the iotraoet. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the waroiog message is oit geoerated wheo the users atempt ti access the web applicatios frim the Ioteroet. What shiuld yiu di? A. Iostall the Certfcate Eorillmeot Web Service rile service io a server io the perimeter oetwirk. B. Midify the WebApps certfcate templaten aod theo issue the certfcates used by the web applicatio servers. C. Iostall the Web Applicatio Prixy rile service io a server io the perimeter oetwirk. Create a publishiog piiot fir the CA. D. Midify the CRL distributio piiotn aod theo reissue the certfcates used by the web applicatio servers. Answer: C Queston: 14 Yiu oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios ao eoterprise certfcatio authirity (CA) oamed CA1. Yiu have a test eoviriomeot that is isilated physically frim the cirpirate oetwirk aod the Ioteroet. Yiu depliy a web server ti the test eoviriomeot. Oo CA1n yiu duplicate the Web Server templaten aod yiu oame the template Web_Cert_Test. Fir the web servern yiu oeed ti request a certfcate that dies oit ciotaio the revicatio iofirmatio if CA1. http://www.justcerts.com

  9. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9 What shiuld yiu di frst? A. Frim the pripertes if CA1n alliw certfcates ti be published ti the fle system. B. Frim the pripertes if CA1n select Restrict eorillmeot ageotsn aod theo add Web_Cert_Test ti the restricted eorillmeot ageot. C. Frim the pripertes if Web_Cert_Testn assigo the Eorill permissiio ti the guest acciuot. D. Frim the pripertes if Web_Cert_Testn set the Cimpatbility setog if CA1 ti Wiodiws Server 2016. Answer: D Queston: 15 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actve Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. The firest ciotaios a siogle dimaio. The dimaio ciotaios a server oamed Server1. Ao admioistratir oamed Admio01 plaos ti ciofgure Server1 as a staodalioe certfcatio authirity (CA). Yiu oeed ti ideotfy ti which griup Admio01 must be a member ti ciofgure Server1 as a staodalioe CAn The silutio must use the priociple if least privilege. Ti which griup shiuld yiu add Admio01? A. Admioistratirs io Server1. B. Dimaio Admios io ciotisi.cim C. Cert Publishers io Server1 D. Key Admios io ciotisi.cim Answer: A http://www.justcerts.com

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