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First Shots. The Sudentenland and Czechoslovakian Invasion. Sudentenland: Part of Czechoslovakia. Hitler wanted more “Lebensraum”. German speakers lived in this region. Hitler used propaganda to enrage Germans about treatment of Sudenten Germans. Hitler’s “last demand”.
The Sudentenland and Czechoslovakian Invasion. • Sudentenland: • Part of Czechoslovakia. • Hitler wanted more “Lebensraum”. • German speakers lived in this region. • Hitler used propaganda to enrage Germans about treatment of Sudenten Germans. • Hitler’s “last demand”. • Munich Agreement 1938: Turned the Sudentenland over to Germany. • Appeasement.
Hitler takes Poland, 1939 • Uses same emotional ploy: Germans in Poland were in trouble. • No one thought he would do it because of Poland’s proximity to the USSR. • Britain and France committed to Poland’s safety. • Stalin signs “non-aggression pact” with Hitler. • Soviets sign a deal with Germany to split Poland. • Germans invade using Blitzkrieg tactics. • Fighting was over in 3 weeks.
The Phony War, 1940 • Maginot Line: Series of fortifications protecting France. • Stalin annexes the Baltic States: • Estonia • Latvia • Lithuania • Hitler goes around the Maginot Line through the Ardennes, takes Paris. • Hitler uses “Anschluss” tactics to take over Denmark, Holland, Norway and Luxembourg.
Dunkirk and the Battle of Britain • Dunkirk: 330,000 troops evacuated. • Germans take control of north France, Vichy Government, led by Marhsal Petain, in control of the south. • Gen. Charles de Gaulle flees to England. • 1940, Battle of Britain: German air offensive against Britain. • A new technology, radar, is used to beat the Germans.
Ditching Neutrality • 1939: “Cash and Carry” policy. Roosevelt allows nations to buy arms from US. This contravenes the earlier Neutrality Acts. • The argument was, that arming Britain and France would prevent the need for the US to come into the war.
The Axis • Germany, Italy and Japan sign Tripartite Pact which is a mutual defense agreement. They become known as the Axis Powers. • The pact was meant to be a deterrent to the US. If the US declared war on one actor, it would have to fight all of them. • 1940: US sends Britain thousands of machine guns, rifles and 50 destroyers.
Ramping Up • US boosts defense spending. • US passes “peacetime draft”: The Selective Training and Service Act for men between 21-35. • 1940: FDR runs for 3rd Presidential term: There is no law preventing this. • He and his opponent, Wendell Wilkie (R), both support aiding Britain. Voters chose FDR.
FDR and Hitler • FDR did not believe in appeasement. • Lend-Lease Act 1941: Britain was broke, FDR decided to lend them weapons and equipment. • Used the metaphor of a “burning house”. • 1941: Germany invades Soviet Union. • US sends aid to USSR.
The Wolf Packs • Massive German submarine attacks on merchant convoys. • Tactics were like the Blitzkrieg, radios were used to link air and sea assets. • Radio was also a problem. • Allies had HF/DF for finding radio transmissions and “ASDIC” (sonar), also a new technology.
FDR: Foreign Policy • The Atlantic Charter: FDR and Churchill meet secretly to work out a defense agreement. FDR promises to try to provoke an incident. • The charter is the basis for the following document, “The Declaration of the United Nations”, which is signed by 26 nations.
USS Greer and the Pink Star • USS Greer becomes the first US naval vessel to be fired on by an Axis power (Germany), three months before Pearl Harbor.
The USS Reuben James (DD-245) • The USS Reuben James is sunk by the Germans in October, 1941. (Similar to the USS Cole in Oct. 2000)
Pearl Harbor • US knew that the Japanese were going to attack us somewhere. • FDR signaled military commanders across the western Pacific that Japan needed to strike the first blow. • Why would he do that?