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Slants: Collaborative Research Tool for Public Policy and ICT Standards

Slants is a research tool focused on public policy and ICT standards, leveraging Delicious RSS feeds to harvest, organize, and retrieve bookmarks and tags for collaborative research. Addressing the gap in standards' consideration of public policy issues, Slants aggregates resources from diverse users for early insights. By normalizing tag discrepancies and indexing bookmarks, Slants offers a seamless information retrieval system applicable to any domain. The tool streamlines research efforts through automated tag harvesting and expansive searches, ensuring easy browsing and topic organization. With low cognitive costs and advanced features like resource scoring and custom searches, Slants augments traditional research methods. Future developments include a term recommender system and thesaurus building tools for enhanced usability.

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Slants: Collaborative Research Tool for Public Policy and ICT Standards

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  1. ty A Tool for Collaborative Research James Miller UC Berkeley School of Information May 2009

  2. What is Slants? • “Standardsland Tagging Service” • A research tool • Focused on a specific domain:Public policy and ICT standards • But any domain is possible • Requests Delicious RSS feeds from many users • Harvests bookmarks and tags • Organizes them for retrieval

  3. About Delicious • A social bookmarking website • Easy tagging as you browse • Share bookmarks with others

  4. About Delicious

  5. About Delicious

  6. How Slants Uses Delicious

  7. How Slants Uses Delicious

  8. The Problem That Slants Addresses • Technical standards have public policy consequences1: • Identity • User/content discrimination • Content censorship and control • User consent, etc • Often unaddressed in standards • Best to find out early in the standards process 1 Morris,J, A. Davidson."Public Policy Considerations for Internet Design Decisions," Center for Democracy and Technology, 2003.

  9. More Easily Said Than Done • There are now more than 400 ICT standards consortia active globally • Thousands of standards • Consumer and watchdog groups are unlikely to be represented • Therefore, specifications may not take due account of their needs

  10. Semantic Gap

  11. Semantic Gap: IPv6 (RFC-2464) “Under IPv4, the predecessor to IPv6, Internet addressing allowed a reasonable amount of privacy and anonymity, because a numeric address was typically not tied to any particular machine or user.  With IPv6, however, the standard provided that in many cases a user’s address would be derived from the unique MAC (Medium Access Control) address embedded in the user’s Ethernet network card.”2 2Davidson, Alan, John Morris, Rob Courtney. “Strangers in a Strange Land: Public Interest Advocacy and Internet Standards.: Washington, D.C.: Center for Democracy and Technology, 2002. <www.cdt.org/publications/piais.pdf>

  12. Focus on Identity • Information privacy • Information security • Authentication • Access • Online tracking • Datamining • Profiling • Third-party use • Anonymous speech • Etc.

  13. The Slants Approach • Recruit or select Delicious users interested in ICT/public policy issues • Harvest their Delicious bookmarks, based on their tagging • Harvest other bookmarks from the wider Delicious network • Aggregate and organize the bookmarks on the Slants website

  14. Tag Harvesting • Slants requests bookmarks from Delicious • For specific users • For specific resources • With specific sets of tags • Delicious returns an RSS feed of bookmarks

  15. Tag Harvesting • An automated process • Search terms are based on thesaurus relationships: • BT/NT : identity + authentication + OpenID • SA: RFID_tags + vicinity_cards • UF: surveillance + eavesdropping • RT: key_generation + key_distribution • Expansive: smart card OR chip card

  16. Expansive Searches GSM CDMA smartphone iPhone cellphone phone android smart cell_phone …or… mobile Find bookmarks tagged: + surveillance …or… eavesdropping location_tracking track tracking intercept eavesdrop monitor covert monitoring Interception

  17. Normalized Results GSM CDMA smartphone iPhone cellphone phone android smart cell_phone mobile Organize tags under: + surveillance eavesdropping location_tracking track tracking intercept eavesdrop monitor covert monitoring Interception

  18. Processing Bookmarks • Database stores individual bookmarks • Bookmark tags are checked against the thesaurus • Matching tags are normalized against the controlled vocabulary; e.g., eavesdropping becomes surveillance • Nonmatching tags are discarded:

  19. Accessing Bookmarks • Tags are organized to create an index according to rules in the thesaurus • Index is refreshed whenever new bookmarks are harvested • The index allows users to sort bookmarks by topic

  20. Why Use Slants? • Leverages the researching skills of many users in a single area of interest • Automatically searches the entire Delicious network (over 5 million users) • Normalizes disparate tagging into a consistent system • Organizes bookmarks by topic

  21. Low Cognitive Cost • No extra work involved, just tagging as usual • Gathers domain-relevant resources in one place • Provides easy browsing and finding

  22. Additional Features • Identifies Delicious users that have the same interest • Scores resources by times bookmarked • Enables users to create custom searches

  23. Future Work • Term recommender system • Thesaurus building tool

  24. Summary • A collaborative research tool • Leverages social bookmarking that users would do anyway • Performs expansive searches • Normalizes search results for easy retrieval • Built for the public policy domain but can be applied to any domain

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