Tawheed:OneGod Belief in oneGod, Allah in Arabic, constitutestheveryfoundation of Islam. There is nodeityexcept Allah. He is indivisibleandabsolutelytranscendent. God is theAlmighty, theCreatorandtheSustainer of theuniverse, Who is similartonothingandnothing is comparabletoHim.
Thebasicmessage of Islam is thatGod (Allah in Arabic) and His creationaredistinctlydifferententities. Neither is Allah His creationor a part of it, nor is His creationHimor a part of Him. Thismightseemobvious, but, man'sworship of creationinstead of theCreator is to a largedegreebased on ignorance of thisconcept. It is thebeliefthattheessence of Allah is everywhere in His creation… Tawheed is theessence of Islam
However, themessage of Islam as broughtbytheprophets of Allah is toworshiponly Allah andtoavoidtheworship of his creationeitherdirectlyorindirectly.
God is He, thanWhomthere is noothergod;- Whoknows (allthings) bothsecretandopen; He, MostGracious, MostMerciful. God is He, thanWhomthere is noothergod;- theSovereign, theHolyOne, the Source of Peace (andPerfection), theGuardian of Faith, thePreserver of Safety, theExalted in Might, theIrresistible, theSupreme: GlorytoGod! (High is He) abovethepartnerstheyattributetoHim. Tawheed is theessence of Islam
He is God, theCreator, theEvolver, theBestower of Forms (orColors). ToHimbelongtheMostBeautifulNames: whatever is in theheavensand on earth, dothdeclare His PraisesandGlory: and He is theExalted in Might, the Wise. (59:22-24) Tawheed is theessence of Islam
Prophet Abraham builttheKaabaforpeopletoworshipGod. While pagan Arabsadmittedthisfactandevenkeptthestonewhere he usedtostandtobuildtheKaaba (Abraham'sstation), theybroughtidolstotheKaabaandworshipedthemtogetclosertoAbraham'sLord, Allah, God of gods. ProphetMuhammad (P.B.U.H.) camewiththemonotheisticmessage of Islam. Arabsdefendedtheseidolsandrefusedtogiveupthereligion of theirfathersandgrandfathers. TheyofferedtoMuhammad a deal, that is toworshiptheirgodsforoneyear, andtheyworship Allah aloneforoneyear. Tawheed is theessence of Islam
[Say : O ye thatrejectFaith! I worship not thatwhich ye worship, Norwill ye worshipthatwhich I worship. And I will not worshipthatwhich ye havebeenwonttoworship, Norwill ye worshipthatwhich I worship. Toyou be yourWay, andto me mine. ]109:1-6 Tawheed is theessence of Islam
Later on, theQuranstartedcalling Allah byothernames. One of thoseholynameswas Al-Rahman (theGracious). Arabswondered:"is this a newGod?" TheQuranrespondedagain: • [Say: "Call upon Allah, orcallupon Rahman: bywhatever name ye calluponHim, (it is well): fortoHimbelongtheMostBeautifulNames. ]17:110 Tawheed is theessence of Islam
It is not a newgod; it is a new name forthesameGod. Allah has ninety nine names in Islam; all of themareholyandspeakaboutdifferentattributes of thesamecreator, almighty Allah. As an example, readtheseverses of theQuran: • [Allah is He, thanWhomthere is noothergod; Whoknows (allthings) bothsecretandopen; He, MostGracious, MostMerciful tawheed
Allah is He, thanWhomthere is noothergod; theSovereign, theHolyOne, the Source of Peace (andPerfection), theGuardian of Faith, thePreserver of Safety, theExalted in Might, theIrresistible, theSupreme: Gloryto Allah! (High is He) abovethepartnerstheyattributetoHim. • He is Allah, theCreator, theEvolver, theBestower of Forms (orColours). ToHimbelongtheMostBeautifulNames: whatever is in theheavensand on earth, dothdeclare His PraisesandGlory; and He is theExalted in Might, the Wise.]59:22-24 • ASMA-AL HUSNA Tawheed is theessence of Islam
Islambelieves in ‘Tawheed’ which is not merelymonotheismi.e. belief in oneGod, but muchmore. Tawheedliterallymeans ‘unification’ i.e. ‘assertingoneness’ and is derivedfromtheArabicverb ‘Wahhada’ whichmeanstounite, unifyorconsolidate. • Tawheed can be dividedintothreecategories. • 1. Tawheed ar-Ruboobeeyah • 2. Tawheed al-Asmaa-was-Sifaat • 3. Tawheed al-Ibaadah. Tawheed is theessence of Islam
‘Tawheed-ar-Ruboobeeyah’ meansmaintainingtheunity of Lordship. Thiscategory is based on thefundamentalconceptthat Allah (swt) alonecausedallthingstoexistwhentherewasnothing. Tawheed is theessence of Islam
Thesecondcategory is ‘Tawheed al AsmaawasSifaat’ whichmeansmaintainingtheunity of Allah’s name andattributes. • Tawheed al-Ibaadah’ meansmaintainingtheunity of worshipor ‘Ibaadah’. Ibaadah is derivedfromArabicword ‘Abd’ meaningslaveorservant. ThusIbaadahmeansservitudeandworship. Tawheed is theessence of Islam
Shirk is thegreatest sin that Allah willneverforgive • ‘Shirk’ literallymeanssharingorassociatingpartners. InIslamicterms it meansassociatingpartnerswith Allah and is equivalenttoidolatry. Shirk is thebiggest sin
TheQur’andescribesthegreatest sin in Surah Al-Nisa’: • "Allah forgives not • Thatpartnersshould be set up • WithHim; but He forgives • Anything else, towhom • He pleases; to set up • Partnerswith Allah • Is todevise a sin • Mostheinousindeed." • [Al-Qur’an 4:48] Shirk is thebiggest sin