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Raspberry Pi and Arduino | Robocraze

Raspberry Pi and Arduino are quite different boards. Each board has its own advantages and disadvantages. For more details: https://robocraze.com/collections/kits or Contact on: 91 8123057137

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Raspberry Pi and Arduino | Robocraze

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  1. RaspberryPiandArduinoarequitedifferentboards. Eachboardhasitsown advantagesanddisadvantages.And selectingtherightboarddependsonthe application.Inessence, Arduinoisahardware-orientedboard madetorunasingle programwiththeconnectedhardwareinaloop,themomentitturnson.RaspberryPi, ontheotherhand,ismorelikeamini-computerthatrunsRaspbianOS (a Linuxdistro) andcan do mostthingsaverylow-endPCcan.RaspberryPishould be usedin applicationswhere software andprocessingalsohaveamajorrole. RaspberryPiandArduino

  2. Let's take a lookatsomeofthekey differencesbetween these twoboards: Arduino is better suitedforapplicationsthatrequirerepetitivetasks or simple computationswhereasRaspberryPiisbetterequippedtohandle more complex tasksthat requireheaviercomputations.absentmindedlytappingyourfootwhilewaitingfor a long computation tofinish on yourRaspberryPi would befrustrating becauseitcan'tdo much else simultaneously.Incontrast,sinceArduino'sprimarypurposeisrunning a single programin a loop,itcanperformitstaskevenwhileotherprocesses aregoingoninthe background.BuyRaspberryPiKitat affordable price atRobocraze. Thekeydifferencesbetweenthesetwoboards:

  3. Ingeneral,Arduinoisbettersuitedfor hardware-orientedprojectswherethe boardwillbe running asingleprogramin a loop. The Arduino board is simple to useandcan be easily connectedto a varietyofexternal hardwaredevices. Raspberry Pi, on the other hand,ismore like a mini-computer.Itrunsthe RaspbianOS(aLinuxdistro)andis capable of much more complex programming.Forprojectswhere softwareand processing playa major role, RaspberryPi isthe betterchoice.


  5. Thankyou

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