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KISS – Genesis, Relevance and Impact

KISS – Genesis, Relevance and Impact. Prof. (Dr) Satyendra Patnaik Rector KIIT University, Bhubaneswar (India). KISS.

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KISS – Genesis, Relevance and Impact

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  1. KISS – Genesis, Relevance and Impact Prof. (Dr) SatyendraPatnaik Rector KIIT University, Bhubaneswar (India)

  2. KISS KISS expresses sentiments of love, passion, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, good luck and many other things. KISS is thus a universal expression of feeling of affection, love and veneration. The KISS, about which, I attempt to discuss is an acronym for Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences born out of love, passion and affection of one person AchyutaSamanta, the Founder of the University KIIT, I represent here.

  3. KISS is the expression of feeling of affection, love and veneration, through the simple and straight forward means to give a voice to the voiceless, to empower millions of under privileged aborigines and to provide sustainable livelihood to thousands living beyond the ‘horizon of civilization’. • As the Rector of KIIT University, it is my pleasure to inform the world about KISS – Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences but more than the information, my talks would aim at throwing considerable light on the necessity of an institution like KISS, its genesis, the relevance and what has been the impact of KISS, which has remained the most successful projects in KIIT and in our administration.

  4. Genesis • The struggle of a small boy who lost his father at the age of 4. • The poverty experienced. • Turning adversities into advantages. • Establishment of KIIT in 1993 with US $ 100. • The present status of the University.

  5. Relevance • The World Education Forum held in April 2000 in Dakar, Senegal - need to eradicate extreme poverty and gave commitment to work towards this aim through education. • World Summit for Social Development held earlier in Copenhagen in 1995 considered poverty as a severe injustice and an abuse of Human Rights. • United Nations General Assembly declared the period 1997 to 2006 as the first UN decade for the eradication of poverty. • [UNESCO Paper on Education & Poverty Eradication, 2001] – urged to promote EFA.

  6. Link between Poverty and Education • Education and poverty inter related. • Global Monitoring Report (GMR) • Estimated 77 million children without access to education • Education as a right of the child declared by UN in 1989. • Constitution of India accepts Right to Education as a Fundamental Right.

  7. Education considered as a holistic approach to development. • Emphasized intrinsic value of education, an opportunity, entitlement and a means for improving life. • Scholars view education as a Means while others mean it as an End. • Some even think it is both Means and End. • Poverty eradication or reduction through education can not be achieved without right mix policy and strategy.

  8. In Indian Context • No discussion on poverty can be complete without a study of the tribes. • Government of India describes tribe as having. • Primitive Traits • Distinctive Culture • Shyness of contacts • Geographical Isolation • Backwardness – social and economic

  9. They constitute 8% of population living in 15% of the area. • Infant mortality rate per 1000 stands at 84.2 under 5 mortality rate 26.6 and under weight 55.0%. • Literacy rate 51.48% for the male and 23.37% for the female • Gross enrolment ratio in the elementary stage 88% in 2001 on dropout more than 50%. • Human Development Index (HDI) is much lower.

  10. Several provisions and constitution guarantee have not done much. But the expenditure during 2007 and 2008 for their development stands at more than 12 billion US$. • Why • Children are not sent to the school • Lack of confidence • Low literacy rate • Debt trap

  11. Education for poverty eradication a note prepared by UNICEF emphasizes that the poor do not have choice over many things. • Poverty has been equated with subsistence and powerless existence. • But poor have much to offer in terms of human capital • Tribal scenario in Orissa. • In 1992 it started as a small tool to fight against poverty.

  12. Birth of KISS • Establishment of a small school for 125 children in 1993. • Present status – 16,500 students with free food, accommodation, healthcare and education from KG to PG absolutely free. • Excellence in studies, sports, etc. • Transformation of liabilities in to assets.

  13. Mission • To eradicate poverty and hunger through education • To empower through education • To transform ‘liability’ into ‘asset’ through education • To bring tribal children to mainstream, at par with others in the society • To enable them to lead and decent life and avail facilities and opportunities of 21st Century • To preserve tribal heritage, culture and values • To nurture tribal children as ‘change agents’ for their community • To enable them to afford a better quality of life for their children and save them from hardships that their parents and forefathers had to undergo.

  14. COMPOSITION OF KISS • Class I to X : 15,450 • Under Graduation & Post Graduation: 1,500 • KG to PG free residential institute • Programmes: BA, BSc, MSc, B.Com, M.Com, BBA, BCA,

  15. Unique Features • Focuses on tribal education • Empowerment through education • Earn while you learn • Vocational training • Zero dropout • Green initiative • Right to education • Transformation • Creating ‘Change Agents’

  16. Impact • World attention drawn: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UNICEF, UNFPA and UNESCO have come forward to partner and support KISS. • Fulfills most of the MDG • Attracts attentions of distinguished thinkers and policy makers of the world • Replicated in many states • Recognized as a very practical model • Prevents youth to join the ultras • Recognition to KISS and its Founder – Dr. AchyutaSamanta • World press hails it. • Universities confer Doctorate Degrees • Various forums hail it

  17. Visitors • President of India – Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam (2007) • Prime Minister of India – Dr. Manmohan Singh (2011 & 12) – KIIT • President of Mauritious – Sir AneroodJugnauth (2010) • Prime Minister of Bhutan – HE Jigmi Y. Thinley (2012) • Education Minister of Afghanistan –Mr. FarooqWardak (2012) • Nobel Laureate – Prof. Richard R. Earnst, Prof. Rolf. M. Zinkernagel, • Chief Justice of UK – Lord. N. Phillip • US Ambassador – Mr. R. Timothy • Chief Justice of India • President of UNESCO • Cabinet Minister (Social Development) South Africa Ms Edna BomoMolewa • President – Dr. Ham Kee Sun, Hanseo University, Korea • Magsaysay Awardees • And many others

  18. Appeal • Help and support – KISS to eradicate poverty through education because giving education is like giving sight to the blind. • Recognise the efforts done by KIIT & Replicating this model to eradicate poverty and empower the underprivileged through education


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