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KLEIN OAK HIGH SCHOOL. Discipline meetings. ADMINISTRATION. Principal Kelly Schumacher Associate Principal Ron Webster Associate Principal Joyce Wells Associate Principal Cathy Arellano Assistant Principal Brian Greeney Assistant Principal James Dristas
KLEIN OAK HIGH SCHOOL Discipline meetings
ADMINISTRATION • Principal Kelly Schumacher • Associate Principal Ron Webster • Associate Principal Joyce Wells • Associate Principal Cathy Arellano • Assistant Principal Brian Greeney • Assistant Principal James Dristas • Assistant Principal Chris Ruggerio • Assistant Principal Heather Cook • Assistant Principal Frances Ditta • Assistant Principal Brian Marr
Ms. Arellano A – Bur Mr. Dristas Bus-Far Mr. Marr Fas-H Mr. Ruggerio I-Maq Mr. Greeney Mar-Pi Ms. Wells Pl-S Ms. Ditta T-Z
DENIAL OF CREDIT • If you are absent for more than 9 days that are not covered by medical notes, you will lose credit in the classes where the excessive absences occurred. • Only principals can deny you credit. If you feel there are extenuating circumstances that caused you to miss more than 9 days, see your principal. An attendance committee reviews these cases and may possibly restore credit. • If you have been denied credit in any of your classes, you will not be given a proof of enrollment (VOE), which you need to obtain your driver’s license.
ATTENDANCE • Whenyou are absent, have your parent call the attendance office and tell them. • If you miss more than 15 minutes of class, you are absent. • If you are more than 15 minutes late for 1st period, or if you come in during any other period, you must go to the attendance office and sign in before going to class.
ATTENDANCE NOTES • If you are absent, bring a written note the following day from your parent or from a doctor and give it to the attendance office. • Absences accompanied by a doctor’s note will not count against your nine absences per semester, but they do count against exam exemptions. This should be turned in within 5 days.
DISMISSAL NOTES • If you need to leave school early, you must bring a note from your parent with a phone # on it. • Go to the attendance office before school and drop it off. • You may return to the attendance office after 1st period to pick it up.
ATTENDANCE & EXEMPTIONS • All absences count against exam exemptions EXCEPT: • HCP- If you miss part of a school day and you turn your doctor’s note in IMMEDIATELY when you return • School Activity • Religious Holiday • Death in the immediate family
ATTENDANCE & NON TAKS CLASSES • 1st Semester/2nd Semester=No more than 4 absences • 1st Semester Passing Grade/2nd Semester 80 average in that class • No ‘P’s or ‘U’s in conduct • No ISS/OSS/DAEP or Sat. detention for tardies assignment. • Classes that are TAKS tested will be handled differently
TARDIES • If you are tardy, you most report to the tardy station in the commons to receive a pass for class. • You must have your school ID when you report to the tardy station. • If you do not have your ID you will receive 1 hour of d-hall. • You will receive 2 warnings per six weeks. Every tardy after that will result in one hour of Saturday Detention. • Do not use up your warnings; they are there for unforeseen circumstances. • Failure to attend Saturday Detention will result in 1 day of ISS.
Discipline Issues • The next issues warrant discipline – Remember………actions result in Consequences !!
DISCIPLINE • In-School Suspension—for more serious infractions and is sometimes combined with other discipline. Work is sent to you from teachers. You must see them before or after school if you have questions about assignments. • Out-of-School Suspension—10% grade deduction on class assignments. You may not get assignments early and you can’t attend after school functions. • Alternative School—for very serious infractions. If you are assigned to the AEP, it is possible that you may lose credits. All AEP students are required to wear standardized dress.
DISCIPLINE • Detentions—usually 1 to 2 hours after school in the ISS room. You must have your student ID to enter detention. • If you miss detention, it will be doubled once. Any time you miss after, you are subject to OSS.
Know the Facts • Tobacco/Tobacco Products—Minimum of 3 days ISS and citation is issued if found in possession of products in school or at any school function. • Fighting—if someone is bothering you, you must report it to an administrator. If you fight, you will receive ISS/OSS, police action may be taken/ alternative school depending on severity. • If someone pushes/hits you and you walk away, it is an assault. That person will be subject to disciplinary consequences/police action may be taken/alternative school.
BULLYING • Bullying will not be tolerated. • Bullying is defined as hitting, kicking, teasing, threatening, taunting, assaulting, or any other form of verbal or physical harassment toward another student. • If you feel like you are victims of bullying, you need to tell a teacher, counselor or administrator immediately.
DISCIPLINE IN REGARD TO MEDICATION • Drugs/pills—If you are found in possession of any drugs/pills that are not prescribed to you, or if you are distributing any type of drugs/pills • You will be subject to being placed in alternative school or expelled depending on what you have. • Parents are the only ones who should bring prescription drugs to the clinic. • Do not accept any medication from anyone. • You may have over-the-counter medication for colds and allergies in your possession as long as it is in the original container.
OFFICE PROCEDURES • Any time you are called down to or visit any office, make sure you sign in and out of that office. • You must have a pass whenever you leave a classroom during a class period. • If there is ever a question about where you were during a certain time, school personnel refer to those sign-in sheets to verify your whereabouts. • If you are somewhere you are not supposed to be, you could be subjected to a routine search.
TRESPASSING • Klein Oak is a closed campus; you may not have friends visit you during school hours. Trespassers are subject to receiving a police citation. • If a student is suspended off campus or is assigned to the AEP and returns without permission, he/she is subject to receiving a police citation. • A student who has been suspended off campus or has been placed in the AEP must receive permission to return to school and must be accompanied by a parent.
Leaving Campus.... • No student is allowed to leave campus without proper check out. • That includes the lunch periods… No one should leave the campus for lunch !!! The commons and back behind the commons up to the Memorial Garden are the areas that are designated for lunches.
HONOR CODE • Penalties for Violating the KO Honor Code: • All cheating incidents will result in a discipline referral. • The teacher assigns the “0.” • The AP will determine the conduct grade and consequence • For a daily grade, the usual consequence is After School Detention. • For a major grade, the usual consequence is In School Suspension. • These consequences are in addition to the “0” for the work and the lowered conduct grade. • You could be dismissed from other organizations for violations of the honor code.
LOCKS • Locks are sold in the commons during lunch for $6. You may turn them back in at the end of the year for a $1 refund. • You must have a lock on your locker, and it must be school issued. If it is not, it will be cut off. • If there is no lock on your locker, your books may be stolen. If we can’t find who took them, you will have to pay for them.
SEARCHES • Extended searches in the parking lot--These are random, and we will ask you to pull your car over while an Interquest dog examines it. • Metal detectors—We will visit different classrooms at various times and wand you and your belongings. If it goes off, we will search you. • Out of area—Anywhere you are not supposed to be. If you are out of are, you open yourself to a possible search and school discipline.
HAIR STYLES No unnatural hair colors Unnatural or distracting hair colors or styles are not permitted. You will be asked to wash it out/correct it.
Gentleman need to be clean-shaven. Sideburns should be no longer than your earlobe. In other words………..
Males-no sleeveless athletic shirtsor chains hanging on pants
NO MOHAWKS No visible tatoos!
Tattoos No visible tattoos or body piercings of ANY kind
Facts about them ------ • Serious risks • They said piercings increase the risk of contracting a range of serious diseases and can also be potentially life threatening if the tongue becomes infected, swells up and blocks the airway. • It can also lead to teeth being chipped, infection and pain.
Skirts and shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh All tops must have 2”+ straps
There are many stores thathave great skirts that arein dress code………
Pants should be on the body Come on…do we really have to explain THIS??
ELECTRONIC DEVICES No cell phones, i-pods, or other electronic devices But if you do – be prepared ………….
CELL PHONES AND IPODS • Phones- $15 fine will have to be paid before they are returned. • Students may pay this fine and pick up their phone after school until 3:00PM in the downstairs AP Office. • Other Electronic Devices—1st time they will be returned to parent. If it is repeated times—kept longer and discipline issued.