SNO CrIS Validation CRTM Validation Metop-B launched on Sep, 2012, verification of instrument performance is an essential step before the L1 data distributed operationally. Verification performance including: BlackBody temperature, channel noises, radiance data assessment, Geo-location evaluation, ICVS trending, et al. NEdN of all IR channels and NEdA of VIS channel meet specification. HIRS L1B data are evaluated with CRTM model simulation and NPP/CrIS observation and reached coincident conclusion, biases are within 1K for all IR channels except ch1 and ch16. Trend of instruments parameters and NEdN also discussed. The error characteristics for two Methods agreed , bias of channel 1 is about 2K, bias of channel 16 is about 1.5K for SNO method and 2.5K for model Validation, and within 1K for all other channels. Metop-B HIRS instrument On-orbit status and performanceChengli Qi1 (qicl@cma.gov.cn), Changyong Cao2(Changyong.cao@noaa.gov),Tiejun Chang3(Tiejun.chang@noaa.gov), Fuzhong Weng2(Fuzhong.Weng@noaa.gov), 1 UMD/ESSIC/CICS ,2NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, 3 Earth Resource Technology, Inc 1) The std error characteristics of HIRS onboard Metop-A and B are very close, std error of Metop-B is slightly less than Metop-A. 2) Bias of Metop-A/HIRS are within 0.5K for all 19 infrared channels, that of Metop-B/HIRS are within 1K for all 19 channels except channel 1 and 16 that are with bias of out of 1.5K. Tasks Performed at STAR Analysis of BB radiance versus detector output delta count(count minus mean space count) shows smooth variation curse, verified no obvious stray light. Using Blackbody view orbit data (19 Oct, 09:56Z) to analyse stray light, channel delta counts changed consistently with BB temperature, verified there is no evident signal of stray light. Resync noise observed in the ch1 period monitor data Noise pattern similar to prelaunch test results. • Instrument performance and temperature trending and monitoring • (http://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/icvs/M1/ipm_telemetry_m1_hirx.php) • Metop-B/HIRS ICVS system aim to monitoring of important instrument performance and status, includes NEΔN, slope, blackbody and cold space view counts which can reveal the measurement quality and calibration accuracy as well as stability. Temperature of instrument components is also monitored which can reflect the instrument healthy and telemetry status. • Metop-B/HIRS NEdN of long-wave channels 1 to 7 displayed upward trend since launch and channel 5,6,7 NEdN out of specification after Jan, 2013. Also there is an upward trend for filter wheel housing temperature and filter wheel motor temperature which went up by about 1K and 0.5K respectively . By comparison, the temperature changes for the filter wheel housing and motor of MetOp-A HIRS are within 0.2K in the past 4 months. NEdN Noise in all 19 infrared channels meet specification except ch14 which is near the specification. On-orbit NEdN for all infrared channels are slightly larger than pre-launch test results. Orbital variation of BB temperature is in reasonable range of 2~3K, temperature variation std between 5 PRTs within 0.006~0.117K. • Visible channel measurement assessment Solar zenith B>A Solar zenith B<A Model from AVHRR Team : Ch20 Albedo ratio of Metop-B to A : Ch20 Albedo ratio of Metop-B to A after Correction of solar and sensor zenith angle After Solar zenith angle correction