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!!!!!. !!!!!. Super Moshi! I received an SOS letter from Snozzle Wobbleson . Head over to Main Street to find out what he wants!. Ok. Exit Mission. !!!!!. !!!!!. !!!!!. !!!!. !!!!!. Oh thank Goodness you’re here, Super Moshi, t hat tree is growing every minute! Find some things to
!!!!! !!!!!
Super Moshi! I received an SOS letter from SnozzleWobbleson. Head over to Main Street to find out what he wants! Ok
Exit Mission !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!! !!!!!
Oh thank Goodness you’re here, Super Moshi, that tree is growing every minute! Find some things to chop it down before it falls down itself and destroys Monstro City! Ok
Exit Mission It’s growing! Go to my shop or Moe Yucky’sand see what you can find! Go inside Go inside
Store Room Go inside
Exit Mission Quick, chop down the tree! Chop down
Exit Mission It’s stopped growing, but isn’t fully chopped! Talk to Judder. !!!!! !!!!
I can chop that tree for you! Click the tree to chop it down. Ok
Exit Mission WOW!!!!! An Underground Disco shortcut! Well done, you can go inside now.
Exit Mission !!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!
Exit Mission !!!!!!!! Hey! What you doing here?
VIP’s only, Super Moshi! I’m not letting you in! OK
Exit Mission Over here, Super Moshi! Go inside
Exit Mission !!!!! !!!!!
I can get you in! But first can you find my shades? OK
Well, thank you! Now I’ll help you! OK
Exit Mission !!!!!! !!!!!! Hey Bubba! That Super Moshi is my sidekick! Let him in!
Exit Mission Sorry! I didn’t know! Go inside !!!!! !!!!
!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!
And the winner of this month is…. Oh, hi Super Moshi, I’m trying to announce the Winner of the moshling’s have talent so can you leave me! Oh I see, your Judder moshling has talent, Well then, get him on the dance floor! Ok
Exit Mission !!!!!
Exit Mission !!!!!
!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
Well done! Your work will not go unnoticed! Becoming a Super Moshi is a great advantage! Ok
You saved the day again Super Moshi! I wish I was a Super Moshi like you! Well done! Ok
Hi again Super Moshi! This place is ROARSOME! Who knew Underground Tunnels could be so Goopendous! Ok
What a nice day to have a Picnic! How about you talk to snozzle he’s been worrying a lot for the past few minutes! OK
I’ve got a joke! What stays in the corner and goes around the world? A stamp! OK
WOW you got in! It’s a moshling dance today ,where monsters bring talented moshlings To dance at the disco. I’ll be your moshling seeing as you haven’t brought one. OK
Hi Super Moshi! Do you want my autograph? You do? Ok here it is! OK
Welcome to the Underground disco! Want my autograph? OK
!!!! !!!!!
Hi Super Moshi! Oh! You want an Axe! Here ya go! OK
ZZZZZZZZZZZ! What are YOU looking at? I’m having a nap. OK
Exit Mission !!!!!