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African Americans Substance Use/Abuse. Implications for Counseling. Substance Use in African American Adults National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2010.
African Americans Substance Use/Abuse Implications for Counseling
Substance Use in African American AdultsNational Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2010 • Past month alcohol use/bingeing were lower among black adults aged 18 or older than the national average for adults (44.3 vs. 55.2% and 21.7 vs. 24.5%, respectively). • The rate of past month illicit drug use, however, was higher among black adults than the national average (9.5 vs. 7.9%).
Substance Use in Adolescents • Compared with the national average for adolescents ages 12 to 17, black teens had lower rates of past month of past month use of: • Cigarette use (5.8 vs. 10.2%) • Alcohol use (10.5 vs. 16%) • Marijuana use (6.5 vs. 6.9%) • Nonmedical use of prescription-type drugs (2.9 vs. 3.3%). • The rate of marijuana use among black teens increased from 5.9% in 2008 to 7.5% in 2010.
Risk Factors for Youth • Low self-esteem • Low levels of family pride • Deviant peer associations • Family history of substance use/abuse • Pervasive stress unique to minority status: pressure to reconcile cultural values with those of mainstream American culture • Racism
Risk Factors Con. • Drug dealing: Among adolescent males in particular. Some reasons for dealing include: • Limited alternatives for financial success • Following in the steps of a family member • Positive view of drug dealers • Less likely to view arrest as a deterrent; view “bust” as rite of passage
Consequences of Substance Use/Abuse Africans Americans have more involvement in the criminal justice system • Men make up more than 40% of nations prison population • 60% of those incarcerated on drug-related charges • Black inmates are less likely to receive substance abuse treatment than White inmates • Homicide is the leading cause of death among African American males aged 15-34. Research shows strong evidence between drug use, drug dealing, and these homicide.
African Americans in Treatment • One in seven (14.2%) black adults in need of alcohol treatment in 2009 and 24.2% of those in need of illicit drug treatment received treatment at a specialty facility; both of these rates were higher than the national averages for adults. The rate of need for treatment for an alcohol abuse problem in 2009 among black adults was similar to that of the national average among adults (7.7 and 8.1%); however the rate of need for an illicit drug abuse problem was higher among blacks than the national average (4.4 vs. 2.9%).
Cultural Issues • Avoid bureaucratic services; solve their own problems • Represents the legacy of self-help and reflects ongoing struggle with self-identity/self-determination/anti-psychiatry • Negative experiences with society leads to resistance to/distrust of society • Different beliefs/attitudes/behaviors
Black Cultural Norms • Don’t separate mind, body and spirit • May be healed through prayer • May distrust individuals from other cultures • Expectations of discrimination
African American Proverbs • The truth will out. • Don’t sign no checks with your mouth that your ass can’t cash. • Hard head make a soft behind. • You better be yourself or you gonna be by yourself. • One monkey don’t stop no show. • Only a fool plays the golden rule in a crowd that don’t play fair. • If you lay down with dogs you gonna come up with fleas. • What goes around, comes around. • You better learn how to work before work works you. • You don’t git to be old being no fool.