UCAS: Personal Statement
In my opinion education is a fundamental part of life. If we didn't have education we wouldn't be able to pass down information across generations, or increase our knowledge. Education is a valuable tool in everyone's lives as you may need to pass instructions onto a friend, or teach a child how to do a task and even managerial skills in their job. This is why I want to learn more about education and teaching, as I believe that it will help me in a career and in life in general. I have a significant interest in the sciences, as I am doing A level Physics, Chemistry and Biology. I hope to achieve good grades in those subjects as I thoroughly enjoy them, this will then give me the opportunity to undertake a teaching course. I have always enjoyed teaching new skills or activities, for example last year I tutored someone in GCSE mathematics. The student previously obtained an E grade, so she decided to re sit and with my help obtained a C grade which is the maximum in foundation tier. I tried different techniques and ways of explaining methods, which I feel broadened my experience in teaching and showed me how different people can learn in varied ways. I like the challenge that teaching offers me, and the satisfaction when the realisation that a person can do what they never thought they could achieve.
Palimpsest. Coruscate. Tranquil. Susurration. Words foster emotion in a way that, in myopinion, is unrivalled by any other human construct. My captivation with English literature stems from my awe at the effect that can be created by simply the right words in the right order, an effect which is evident in all genres of literature. Oscar Wilde's 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' uses such persuasive epigrams that the reader is enticed to live more hedonistically, and Emily Dickinson makes readers feel the same depth of feeling that she is describing in her poetry, such is the strength of her imagery. Such writers combine words to produce a piece greater than the sum of its parts and this makes their work fascinating to analyse… …I especially enjoy critiquing fiction dealing with moral questions as it can challengefundamental 'truths' through characters who make choices abhorred by the conventional mind; in 'Dorian Gray' Wilde allows Dorian to deviate from contemporary values and thus challenges the idea of 'sinful homosexuality' by replacing it with the Ancient Greek antecedent of pederasty. I am also interested in exploring the social effect of depravity and sin. In 'The Wasp Factory' the father's deception of Frank corrupts both of his sons and it could be interpreted that the inclination to degeneracy is hereditary.
What is the personal statement for? • The personal statement is your chance to: • Explain why you have chosen a course • Say why you are suited to that course • Give a positive impression • Sell yourself
A blank piece of paper is scary How do I start?
Decide which course or courses you are interested in applying for. • Look at prospectuses • Look at University Websites • Talk to Careers advisor • UCAS website – Course Finder
You may be able to start with a general course and then look at similar or related courses. English Literature American and Canadian Studies Creative Writing Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic Use the UCAS course finder to look up alternatives that you would not have thought of yourself.
Read the entry profiles [EP] for the courses that you are interested in. • Make notes on: • What the course is about • What skills you would be expected to use on the course • What attributes they are looking for in the people applying for the course
Once you have a good idea about the course(s) you need to put pen to paper. Start by jotting down your characteristics, achievements, skills, interests hobbies… …anything about yourself that may be relevant.
You can do this as a list, or a mind map or just as random words on a piece of paper. • You can use the following headings as a guide: • Skills • Hobbies/Interests • Work Experience • Future plans • Personal character traits (what are you like as person) • Focus on your strengths and recent achievements. • Now get a friend or relative to check, add or amend it.
It may be useful to look at examples of good personal statements: School network, shared area. Websites (e.g.studential.com) DO NOT BE TEMPTED TO COPY
Start your first draft (hand written or typed?) Block into five or six paragraphs: Why have you chosen the course? Your current courses – Why these ones? How are they relevant to your University course? What are your strengths and interests? Work experience – link to the skills and qualities looked for in your course Responsibilities – what skills have you acquired and why are these appropriate for your course? Your personality and attitudes – link extra curricular activities to your course – provide context Conclusion – be positive, what can you give? What plans do you have?
Then Wait!! Later read what you have written and make changes.
Repeat this process until you are happy with your personal statement. Does it says what you want it to and it is the right length (4000 characters) The final stage is to get someone you trust to proof read your statement. Grammerand spelinghas to be spot on!! Otherwise you will look foolish and risk rejection