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APARSEN - WP2200 Identifiers and Citability Interoperability Framework for PI systems Webinar on PI - 15 February 2013 Maurizio Lunghi. WP 22, IDENTIFIERS AND CITABILITY: OBJECTIVES AND TASK RELATIONS. Digital Preservation policy - I.
APARSEN - WP2200 Identifiers and Citability Interoperability Framework for PI systems Webinar on PI - 15 February 2013 Maurizio Lunghi
Digital Preservation policy - I Explicit declaration of interest by a user comunity to use some content in long term Select what we want to preserve and why and for what use and under what conditions and for how long, assign responsibilities & roles, allocate resources. Develop basic services needed for the preservation of the main info and its significant properties Basic services needed for any type of user community are some trusted digital repositories collectively available to the users and a unique, standard, global and stable identification system for resources & actors.
Digital Preservation policy - II Periodic regeneration and duplication of content Digital content must be refreshed and duplicate in different sites, technology migration must be foreseen. Tools for rendering are needed. Preserve its significant properties Descriptive metadata and context info are needed, tools to check identification, authenticity, provenience and integrity. Preserve other related info Information is never ‘atomic’, objects have some relations with other objects and resource and with some actorsc who generated or modified the content.
Persistent Identifiers what’s that ?? Persistent Identifier is not only a number, it’s a servicebased on a contract between user community or content holders and service-providers responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the PI-service and the functionality of the system. In addition to access for a resource we need to check other significant properties: stable identification (PI) … multiple too authenticity + integrity provenance + author owner + rights + relations with other resources & with actors
Persistent Identifiers systems The PI technologies help make stable the reference to digital resources, even if it is well-known that persistency is not only a technical issue, no technology can exist indefinitely or guarantee services without a trusted organization behind and a clearly defined policy. PI systems are meant as: a) available technology b) trusted organization c) precise policiesfor digital preservation, implemented by the managers of the related user community
A Trusted NBN-IT IETF URN based identifiers, NBN namespace IETF RFC 3188 responsibility cleared assigned to National Libraries NBN:IT:BNCF-12345 NBN:IT is a service of the legal deposit and supports 3 types of persistence: 1) Persistence of the identifier 2) Persistence of the associationURNs and URLs 3) Persistence of the resource referenced by NBN (backup) The community is represented by all institutions that want to deposit contents to the National Library after the signing of an official agreement (contract)
INTEROPERABILITY FRAMEWORK (IF) • GOAL: to set the foundations and identify the basic concepts within the universe of PI systems, for developing appropriate interoperability solutions and services. • MAIN ASSUMPTIONS: • In the IF we consider onlyentities identified by at least one PI • Only PI Domains (PIDs) that meet some criteria are eligible to be considered in the IF: trusted PI systems • We delegate the responsibility to define relations among resources and actors to the trusted PIDs • We don’t address digital preservation issues directly
TRUSTED PI SYSTEM: CRITERIA Having at least one Registration Agency. Having one Resolver accessible on the Internet. Uniqueness of the assigned PIs within the PI domain. Guaranteeing the persistence of the assigned PIs. User communities of the PID should implement policies for digital preservation (e.g. trusted digital repositories) Reliable resolution. Uncoupling the PIs from the resolver. Managing the relations between the PIs within the domain.
Activity 2012 • Validation of the IF model through the HLEG a user group with 30 experts on PI. [May-October 2012] • Definition and set up of ademonstratorwith data from different PI domains and for objects, people and bodies [November-December 2012] • Refinement of the IF model and ontology, new proposal presented at the workshop in Florence on 13 Dec
INTEROPERABILITY FRAMEWORK (IF) Contents from all PI domains now are accessible in the same way ISNI VIAF INTEROPERABILITY FRAMEWORK CERN ORCID New services cross-domains for users requirements NBN FRD DNB DANS Handle DOI ARK STM GLOBIT CERN
Action Plan 2013 • Validation of the new IF model and ontology through the HLEG with new experts [February-May 2013] • Expansion of the demonstrator on a distributed environment with content providers on LOD[March-May 2013] • Proposal of fewservicesand development on a cross PI Domains (PIDs) basis [June-September 2013] • Check user satisfaction on services [October-December 2013]
INTEROPERABILITY FRAMEWORK (IF) Contents from all PI domains expose on LOD in the same way Ring of Trust IF on LOD CERN New services cross-domains for users requirements DNB FRD DANS