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2. 1st Jan 01. 3. 1st Jan 01. Course Outline. Basic InstrumentFront Panel ConnectionsRear Panel ConnectionsNavigationRF Generator ScreenZoomingMeter FunctionsReceiver ScreenDuplex OperationScopeSpectrum AnalyzerTracking Generator Applications. Stored SetupsStored Frequency ListMemory Sy
1. IFR COM-120B Training Program
Student Manual
Student Manual
2. 2 1st Jan 01
3. 3 1st Jan 01 Course Outline Basic Instrument
Front Panel Connections
Rear Panel Connections
RF Generator Screen
Meter Functions
Receiver Screen
Duplex Operation
Spectrum Analyzer
Tracking Generator Applications
4. 4 1st Jan 01 COM-120B Basic Instrument 250 kHz to 1 GHz Full Featured Service Monitor
RF Signal Generator
Sensitive 2 uV Receiver
Cross Band Duplex
High Speed Digitized Spectrum Analyzer
High Speed Digitized Scope
Generate and Demod FM, AM, PM
AC, Battery and Ext. DC operation
38.5 lbs.
5. 5 1st Jan 01 COM-120B Standard Features RF Signal Generator
Output Level +13 to -130
2 uV Receiver with 15, 30 and 300 kHz IF filters
50 kHz Scope
Full band / Dual Mode Spectrum Analyzer
Digital Voltmeter
Audio Level Meter
Dual Audio Function Generators
Data Generator DCS, DCS INV
DTMF Generator ______________________________________________________________
6. 6 1st Jan 01 Options and Accessories 0.01 PPM OCXO (120B-xTx)
Internal Rechargeable Battery (AC3001)
Tracking Generator (AC3012)
Return Loss Bridge (AC4105)
EasySweep Software (AC1019)
EasySpan for Windows (AC1009W)
Digital / Analog Signaling (AC3011)
RCC Signaling (AC3009)
Tone Remote, IMTS, MTS, 10 PS, 20 PS
Data Generator / BER Meter (AC3007)
MPT-1327 Trunking (AC9161)
Clear Channel LTR Trunking (AC3014) ______________________________________________________________
7. 7 1st Jan 01 RF Input and Outputs ______________________________________________________________
8. 8 1st Jan 01 Audio Input and Outputs ______________________________________________________________
9. 9 1st Jan 01 Rear Panel ______________________________________________________________
10. 10 1st Jan 01 Navigation ______________________________________________________________
11. 11 1st Jan 01 Receiver Distortion
Receiver Sensitivity
Receiver BW
Audio BW
Selectivity RF Generator (Receiver Testing) ______________________________________________________________
12. 12 1st Jan 01 RF Generator (Receiver Testing) RF Field allows frequency entry options for easy channel selection. Pre-programmed frequencies are configured for Cellular and Trunking Forward and Reverse channels.
DELTA function allows frequency increment in user definable steps.
SET REF function sets a 0 reference to allow adjusting the frequency above and below the center frequency to measure receiver IF Bandwidth and centering.
Lock function allows frequencies to be coupled or uncoupled with the Receiver and Spectrum Analyzer screens.
FL Field allows access to a user definable list of up to 100 frequency pairs / offsets which can be labeled. This list is available for both Receive and Generate functions.
Level Field allows changing of output level and has a built in function to find defined SINAD levels for Receiver Sensitivity measurements.
T/R Selects the T/R Connector as output. RF Output is constant
AUX Selects AUX RF Out Connector. RF Output is constant
T/R Gate Selects T/R Connector as the output. Output is only active when a microphone is attached to the MIC/ACC Connector and Keyed.
AUX Gate Selects AUX RF OUT Connector as the output. Output is only active when microphone is attached to the MIC/ACC connector and Keyed.
Output is selectable T/R or AUX.
T/R output Level -130 to -20 dBm.
AUX output Level -130 to +13 dBm.
RF Field allows frequency entry options for easy channel selection. Pre-programmed frequencies are configured for Cellular and Trunking Forward and Reverse channels.
DELTA function allows frequency increment in user definable steps.
SET REF function sets a 0 reference to allow adjusting the frequency above and below the center frequency to measure receiver IF Bandwidth and centering.
Lock function allows frequencies to be coupled or uncoupled with the Receiver and Spectrum Analyzer screens.
FL Field allows access to a user definable list of up to 100 frequency pairs / offsets which can be labeled. This list is available for both Receive and Generate functions.
Level Field allows changing of output level and has a built in function to find defined SINAD levels for Receiver Sensitivity measurements.
T/R Selects the T/R Connector as output. RF Output is constant
AUX Selects AUX RF Out Connector. RF Output is constant
T/R Gate Selects T/R Connector as the output. Output is only active when a microphone is attached to the MIC/ACC Connector and Keyed.
AUX Gate Selects AUX RF OUT Connector as the output. Output is only active when microphone is attached to the MIC/ACC connector and Keyed.
Output is selectable T/R or AUX.
T/R output Level -130 to -20 dBm.
AUX output Level -130 to +13 dBm.
13. 13 1st Jan 01 Stored Frequency List ______________________________________________________________
14. 14 1st Jan 01 Modulation Sources The Mod Src Field allows selection of a Modulation Source or combination of Sources to modulate the carrier.
Settings for the selected source will be displayed below this field.
Note: Only one source can be displayed at a time.
Modulation sources can be set to FM, AM or Phase modulation.
Both AM and FM can be used simultaneously with separate sources.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Mod Src Field allows selection of a Modulation Source or combination of Sources to modulate the carrier.
Settings for the selected source will be displayed below this field.
Note: Only one source can be displayed at a time.
Modulation sources can be set to FM, AM or Phase modulation.
Both AM and FM can be used simultaneously with separate sources.
15. 15 1st Jan 01 SINAD Meter Filtering ______________________________________________________________
16. 16 1st Jan 01 Zooming Placing the cursor on the SCOPE / ANALYZER field allows switching from between SCOPE and ANALYZER or Zooming in on the selected function to access additional controls of that device.
Zooming is available in both Receive and Generate modes.
Zooming on the Scope or Analyzer from the Rec. or Gen. screens will maintain current settings.
Entering the stand alone Scope or Spectrum Analyzer through the Front Panel keys will not maintain settings made in the Rec. or Gen. Screens.
Placing the cursor on a meter field allows zooming in on that meter.
Zooming allows access to additional controls of the selected meter.
Placing the cursor on the SCOPE / ANALYZER field allows switching from between SCOPE and ANALYZER or Zooming in on the selected function to access additional controls of that device.
Zooming is available in both Receive and Generate modes.
Zooming on the Scope or Analyzer from the Rec. or Gen. screens will maintain current settings.
Entering the stand alone Scope or Spectrum Analyzer through the Front Panel keys will not maintain settings made in the Rec. or Gen. Screens.
Placing the cursor on a meter field allows zooming in on that meter.
Zooming allows access to additional controls of the selected meter.
17. 17 1st Jan 01 Meter Functions Zooming is allowed on most meters to allow more control of the meter. Placing the cursor on a meter label and pressing the ENTER key will zoom to the selected meter.
In the Zoom mode, Upper and Lower limits may be entered to evaluate pass / fail criteria. An alarm function can be enabled to sound a beep when the preset limit has been exceeded.
Meters can be placed in auto-range mode or set to a specific setting.
Meter screens allow selection of a Scope or Spectrum Analyzer display as well as a Bar graph of the selected meter.
A peak hold function allows the maximum reading to be maintained along with the current reading.
Meter specific controls are also available.
Functionality depends on the particular meter that is being zoomed.
Zooming is allowed on most meters to allow more control of the meter. Placing the cursor on a meter label and pressing the ENTER key will zoom to the selected meter.
In the Zoom mode, Upper and Lower limits may be entered to evaluate pass / fail criteria. An alarm function can be enabled to sound a beep when the preset limit has been exceeded.
Meters can be placed in auto-range mode or set to a specific setting.
Meter screens allow selection of a Scope or Spectrum Analyzer display as well as a Bar graph of the selected meter.
A peak hold function allows the maximum reading to be maintained along with the current reading.
Meter specific controls are also available.
Functionality depends on the particular meter that is being zoomed.
18. 18 1st Jan 01 Generate - AF Level Meter Adjust volume or audio to specific levels prior to Distortion or SINAD measurements.
Measure Vrms
Measure dBm (user enters desired load value)
Measure dB relative ______________________________________________________________
19. 19 1st Jan 01 Testing Receiver Audio BW ______________________________________________________________
20. 20 1st Jan 01 Generate - SINAD Meter ______________________________________________________________
21. 21 1st Jan 01 Testing Receiver Sensitivity ______________________________________________________________
22. 22 1st Jan 01 Testing Receiver Distortion ______________________________________________________________
23. 23 1st Jan 01 Generate - Spectrum Analyzer ______________________________________________________________
24. 24 1st Jan 01 Questions? ______________________________________________________________
25. 25 1st Jan 01 Receiver (Transmitter Testing)
26. 26 1st Jan 01 AFGEN Out ______________________________________________________________
27. 27 1st Jan 01 Post Detection Filters Each LINE item can have a different filter Selection.
The Audio counter can be configured to have a 300 Hz Low pass filter for measuring CTCSS tone frequencies while at the same time the modulation meter can be configured with a C-MSG Band Pass filter to measure the transmitter deviation minus the sub audible tone.
After configurations have been made, press the EXEC key to enable the filter selections. Pressing the RETURN key without pressing the EXEC will abort the configuration changes.
Each LINE item can have a different filter Selection.
The Audio counter can be configured to have a 300 Hz Low pass filter for measuring CTCSS tone frequencies while at the same time the modulation meter can be configured with a C-MSG Band Pass filter to measure the transmitter deviation minus the sub audible tone.
After configurations have been made, press the EXEC key to enable the filter selections. Pressing the RETURN key without pressing the EXEC will abort the configuration changes.
28. 28 1st Jan 01 Tone Decoding ______________________________________________________________
29. 29 1st Jan 01 RF Frequency Error Meter ______________________________________________________________
30. 30 1st Jan 01 Audio Frequency Counter ______________________________________________________________
31. 31 1st Jan 01 RF Power Meter ______________________________________________________________
32. 32 1st Jan 01 RF Level Meter ______________________________________________________________
33. 33 1st Jan 01 Deviation Meter ______________________________________________________________
34. 34 1st Jan 01 Duplex Operation Duplex operation allows the instrument to receive and generate simultaneously.
The Generate frequency can be set to any offset from the Receive frequency to provide full cross-band duplex operation.
The Duplex screen provides access to primary controls for both the generator and the receiver.
Full access to generator or receiver controls is available by placing the cursor on either the RECEIVE or GENERATE labels and pressing the ENTER key.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Duplex operation allows the instrument to receive and generate simultaneously.
The Generate frequency can be set to any offset from the Receive frequency to provide full cross-band duplex operation.
The Duplex screen provides access to primary controls for both the generator and the receiver.
Full access to generator or receiver controls is available by placing the cursor on either the RECEIVE or GENERATE labels and pressing the ENTER key.
35. 35 1st Jan 01 Questions? ______________________________________________________________
36. 36 1st Jan 01 Oscilloscope ______________________________________________________________
37. 37 1st Jan 01 Scope Input Selections ______________________________________________________________
38. 38 1st Jan 01 Peak Hold Feature The scope PK and MIN Hold feature allows monitoring of maximum and minimum modulation variations.
Monitor FM or AM Broadcast
Monitor Transmitter Deviation ______________________________________________________________
39. 39 1st Jan 01 Spectrum Analyzer A special feature in the COM-120B allows for dual mode operations where two spectrum analyzers can be viewed with separate frequency and span controls.
This is a great tool for tuning duplexers as well as identifying causes of interference.
The optional tracking generator can be frequency offset to allow a receiver to be swept at it’s channel frequency while the Spectrum Analyzer is monitoring the receivers IF Output.
A Set Ref function allows for optimum level calibration at the frequency of interest.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A special feature in the COM-120B allows for dual mode operations where two spectrum analyzers can be viewed with separate frequency and span controls.
This is a great tool for tuning duplexers as well as identifying causes of interference.
The optional tracking generator can be frequency offset to allow a receiver to be swept at it’s channel frequency while the Spectrum Analyzer is monitoring the receivers IF Output.
A Set Ref function allows for optimum level calibration at the frequency of interest.
40. 40 1st Jan 01 Spectrum Analyzer Demodulated Audio from the Receiver can be heard through the speaker in the Spectrum Analyzer mode.
Demodulation characteristics must be set in the Receiver mode prior to entering the Spectrum Analyzer screen.
The Spectrum Analyzer vertical scale can be set to either 10 or 2 dB / Div. 2 dB / Div allows minor changes in signal strength to be more easily seen.
Placing the cursor on the Ref field allows the scale to be offset by up to 20 dB in 2 dB steps to allow the signal to be conveniently displayed on the screen.
Sweep time and Resolution Bandwidth are interlocked with the Scan width control but can be changed independently after the Scan width has been set.
A marker is available to identify both frequency and level of any signal on the display.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Demodulated Audio from the Receiver can be heard through the speaker in the Spectrum Analyzer mode.
Demodulation characteristics must be set in the Receiver mode prior to entering the Spectrum Analyzer screen.
The Spectrum Analyzer vertical scale can be set to either 10 or 2 dB / Div. 2 dB / Div allows minor changes in signal strength to be more easily seen.
Placing the cursor on the Ref field allows the scale to be offset by up to 20 dB in 2 dB steps to allow the signal to be conveniently displayed on the screen.
Sweep time and Resolution Bandwidth are interlocked with the Scan width control but can be changed independently after the Scan width has been set.
A marker is available to identify both frequency and level of any signal on the display.
41. 41 1st Jan 01 Peak and Min Hold Like the scope, the Spectrum Analyzer supports a Peak and Min hold feature.
Verify signal amplitude does not vary
Verify that a channel does not go off the air.
Verify presence of spuratic interference signals.
Identify the frequency of pulsed or short duration signals. ______________________________________________________________
42. 42 1st Jan 01 Using the Tracking Generator for Antenna Isolation ______________________________________________________________
43. 43 1st Jan 01 The Return Loss Bridge (AC4105) ______________________________________________________________
44. 44 1st Jan 01 Antenna Measurements using a Return Loss Bridge (AC4105) ______________________________________________________________
45. 45 1st Jan 01 Conversion Charts
46. 46 1st Jan 01 Using the Tracking Generator for Cable Fault This image shows a series of nulls due to an open at the end of a cable
Specialized software allows calculation of distance ______________________________________________________________
47. 47 1st Jan 01 Using the Tracking Generator for Filter Tuning This image indicates the characteristics of a filter
Notch depth of 86.78 dB
Frequency tuned to 461.8358 MHz
3 dB Bandwidth of 198.4 kHz
Notch Depth
Insertion Loss at Passband ______________________________________________________________
48. 48 1st Jan 01 Duplexer Tuning Split screen mode makes Duplexer tuning easy.
Set a 0 dBm reference with cables.
Switch between 0 and 30 dB input attenuation to tune for insertion loss or notch depth. ______________________________________________________________
49. Store and Recall Up to 50 Storage Locations are available. Storage Locations are labeled 0 - 49. Screen settings that are saved are:
Generator, Receiver, Duplex Generator ______________________________________________________________
50. 50 1st Jan 01 Stored Setups ______________________________________________________________
51. 51 1st Jan 01 2.5 MB Internal File System ______________________________________________________________
52. 52 1st Jan 01 Stored Screen images ______________________________________________________________
53. 53 1st Jan 01 Stored Screen images ______________________________________________________________
54. 54 1st Jan 01 Storing Screen Images ______________________________________________________________
55. 55 1st Jan 01 Retrieving Screen Images Screen Images may be extracted from the COM-120B internal File system with a standard terminal program using XMODEM and a pin-to-pin RS-232 connection.
Setup the COM-120B RS-232
Host, 9600, 8 Data Bits 1, Stop Bit, Parity None, CTS/RTS Handshake, RCI Echo OFF, RCI Control ON
Setup Hyperterminal for Direct connection
Mode Direct
Baud 9600, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit, Parity None, Hardware Handshake
In Hyperterminal type the following command
mmem:down:xmode “filename.pcx”
filename.pcx would be substituted with a valid filename that appears in the COM-120B file directory.
In Hyperterminal select File Transfer via XModem ______________________________________________________________
56. 56 1st Jan 01 File Download Example ______________________________________________________________
57. 57 1st Jan 01 PCMCIA Card Slot Standard Computer PC Type 1 or type 2 card interface.
Will accept either Flash or Static RAM Memory Cards.
Can be configured to use Hays Compatible PCMCIA Modem or a Serial card. Use to connect to a remote computer running EasySpan for Windows.
Can be used to Load the Test Set Operating System or transfer screen images to a PC. ______________________________________________________________
58. 58 1st Jan 01 Executing the EDACS Option The EDACS option is accessed by pressing the “SPCL” key and selecting Item 4 for EDACS Trunking ______________________________________________________________
59. 59 1st Jan 01 EDACS Option Auto-test
Radio or Repeater
Repeater Simulator
Manual test for Radio
Radio Simulator
Manual test for Repeater
Setup Screen
Required for both Manual and Automatic tests
Configure system parameters
Configure Frequency list
Store and Label Setups ______________________________________________________________
60. 60 1st Jan 01 Setup - System Configuration Information in this screen is used by all other EDACS test modes and must be configured correctly for proper operation ______________________________________________________________
61. 61 1st Jan 01 Entering the frequency list The channel frequencies are set to the Standard FCC frequency list by default pressing either the 800 or 900 MHz keys
User defined frequencies may be entered by selecting USER
If USER is selected, the operator may enter any frequency that he wishes for both the Mobile RX and the Mobile TX
Only Two channel frequencies are required to enable radio testing
62. 62 1st Jan 01 Test setup for Radio Test Connect Transmitter Output to COM-120B TR Type N jack
Connect Radio Receive Audio Output to the COM-120B Audio / Data SINAD Input
Connect COM-120B Audio / Data GEN OUT to Radio TX Audio ______________________________________________________________
63. 63 1st Jan 01 Manual Test for Radio To test a radio, select the Repeater Simulator
Enter the Working Channel number
Select the input port to TR
Select the 30 kHz IF filter
Set Output level to -40 dBm
Set Output port to TR
Adjust the COM-120B’s receiver Squelch control until the audio is squelched off
Key the Radio
The Group ID, Logical ID and Call Type will be decoded
64. 64 1st Jan 01 Manual Radio Tests (Radio initiated call) With the Transmitter keyed, the following measurements can be made
Low Speed Data
AF Frequency
Distortion ______________________________________________________________
65. 65 1st Jan 01 Manual Tests (Radio Initiated Call) High Speed Data Deviation can be measured with the Extended Measurement Scope mode
Configure the scope as shown
Key the Transmitter and press the HOLD SCRN button when the waveform appears ______________________________________________________________
66. 66 1st Jan 01 High Speed Data Capture High Speed data burst should be approximately 3 kHz Deviation
Low Speed Data should be approximately 750 Hz Deviation
The DETECT selection for Scope Coupling allows the data to be unfiltered ______________________________________________________________
67. 67 1st Jan 01 Manual Tests (Repeater Initiated Call) Configure Function Generator 1 for a 1000 Hz tone with 3 kHz deviation.
Move the Cursor to the Call Type field and press the CALL function key.
The radio squelch should open and a 1 kHz tone should be heard. ______________________________________________________________
68. 68 1st Jan 01 After placing a call, the demodulated audio can be analyzed with a Distortion, SINAD or Audio Level meter.
The COM-120B RF Output level can be adjusted to find the 12 dB SINAD sensitivity of the radio’s receiver.
Manual Tests (Repeater Initiated Call) ______________________________________________________________
69. 69 1st Jan 01 Store setups Now would be a good time to save the setups
Select the STORE key
A label name and location can be entered
The setups and frequency list that have been entered will be stored under this label name after pressing the SAVE key. ______________________________________________________________
70. 70 1st Jan 01 The COM-120B can test the radio automatically
The Registration test requires that the radio be configured for automatic login registration
The Radio Test requires only an RF connection from the Transmitter Output to the COM-120B TR connector Automatic Test Feature ______________________________________________________________
71. 71 1st Jan 01 Automatic Test Feature The Audio test requires audio connections to the Audio/Data GEN Out and the Audio/ Data SINAD IN connectors
Any test feature may be Enabled or Disabled as required ______________________________________________________________
72. 72 1st Jan 01 Printing / Capturing Test Results Print Directly to an RS-232 Printer
Print to a Standard Terminal Program
Allows storage of test results ______________________________________________________________
73. 73 1st Jan 01 BER Meter ______________________________________________________________
74. 74 1st Jan 01 EasySpan for Windows
75. 75 1st Jan 01 Applications Library
76. 76 1st Jan 01 EasySweep
77. 77 1st Jan 01 Common Operator Problems Unit will not Decode tone formats
Improper filter settings for the AF Counter
The Squelch is not set correctly
The Analyzer display does not look correct
The COUPLE function needs to be selected for the SCAN width selected
The SET REF function was activated with a signal connected
Nothing shows up when I turn on the Tracking Generator
An offset has been entered into the Tracking Generator
The RF Signal Generator has no output
Output port is set to TR Gate or AUX Gate
The Function generator is turned on but has no output
The Function generator is set to Burst mode ______________________________________________________________
78. 78 1st Jan 01 Common Operator Problems The Power meter reading is not correct
The Frequency is not entered
The cable loss was not compensated for
The cable loss was compensated as negative value instead of positive
The SINAD meter is too unstable to use
Averaging has not been turned on
The Deviation meter is not accurate
They have not taken residual FM into account
The Scope Demod is not centered
The Deviation meter is DC coupled and needs to have an FMZ operation performed
The Scope vertical position needs to be adjust with the receiver squelched off
79. 79 1st Jan 01 Questions? ______________________________________________________________