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The Study and Creation of Buddhist Resources in Taiwan and the Integration of the International Buddhist Archives Aming Tu Dharma Drum Buddhist College. Outlines. 1. Introduction and Background 2. Materials and Methods TELDAP/DDBC Buddhist projects
The Study and Creation of Buddhist Resources in Taiwan and the Integration of the International Buddhist ArchivesAming TuDharma Drum Buddhist College
Outlines 1.Introduction and Background 2. Materials and Methods TELDAP/DDBC Buddhist projects 1) Digital Database of Buddhist Tripitaka Catalogues 2) Buddhist Lexicographical Resources 3) The Chinese Buddhist Tripiṭaka Electronic Text Collection, Taipei Edition 3. Results The Integration of the International Buddhist Archives 4. Conclusion 5. Discussion
1. Introduction With the support of Taiwan Digital Archives Expansion Project, Taiwan e-Learning & Digital Archives Program (TELDAP) and Buddhist Digital Archives Group, Dharma Drum Buddhist College (DDBC), there are now various Buddhist digital archive projects established and working towards the goal of the Integration of International Buddhist Archives.
2. TELDAP/DDBC Buddhist projects In this presentation, the following TELDAP/DDBC Buddhist projects will be introduced: 1. Digital Database of Buddhist Tripitaka Catalogues 2. Buddhist Lexicographical Resources 3. The Chinese Buddhist Tripiṭaka Electronic Text Collection, Taipei Edition
Materials and MethodsCBETA Chinese Electronic Tripiṭaka CollectionVersion 2009 • Taishō Tripiṭaka(Vols. 1-55 & 85)大正藏1~55, 85冊 • Shinsan Zokuzōkyō (Xuzangjing) (Vols. 1-88)卍續藏1~88冊+ • Selected texts from the Jiaxing Canon 嘉興藏選輯 • Du Doucheng, Passages concerning Buddhism from the official histories 杜斗城正史佛教資料類編 • Fang Guangchang, Buddhist Texts Not Contained in the Tripiṭaka(Vols.1-3) 方廣錩 藏外佛教文獻1-3輯
The CBETA Collection《電子佛典集成》 Total: 3,602 sutras in 14,042 fascicles Every year the CD has a 10,000 circulation averagely
XML file as the main source file of the CBETA Collection It consists of 56 volumes of the Taisho Tripitaka and 88 volumes of the Xuzangjing and more…In these Electronic texts there are various of makeup , ex.: • 新收一切藏經音義序<lb n="0311a03"/><div1 type="xu"><mulu type="序" level="1" label="新收一切藏經音義序"/><head><note n="0311001" resp="Taisho" type="orig" place="foot text">【原】麗本,【甲】頻伽精舍本</note>新收一切藏經音義序</head> • <lb n="0311a03"/>, means the Page Reference number of the〈新收一切藏經音義序〉, i. e. page 311, column a, line 3. <div1 type="xu"><mulu type="序" level="1" label="新收一切藏經音義序"/>, means this is a Preface (type="xu"), and it located in the first level (level="1") of the XML markup.<head>, to explain the title of this preface.<note>, the attribute (n、resp、type、place) explains this is the first critical note appeared in page 331 of the Taisho Tripitaka.
Catalogs, Biographies, Lexicographical Resources and GIS • A. Buddhist Tripitaka Catalogs (經錄) • B. Biographies of Eminent Monks (高僧傳) • C.Buddhist Lexicographical Resources(辭彙) Biographies of Eminent Monks and Buddhist Lexical Resources Buddhist Tripitaka Catalogs GIS System Buddhist Text Source (CBETA), Taipei Edition
1) Digital Database of Buddhist Tripitaka Catalogues (http://jinglu.cbeta.org/) The purpose of this database is to provide search and retrieval functions across multi-lingual Buddhist Tripitaka catalogs. The site employs the standards for hypertext and metadata, such as XML/TEI markup, to build a knowledge management system of Buddhist text catalogues. Its database already contains Buddhist Tripitaka catalogues in Chinese, Tibetan, Pali, Manchu, and Western languages (translated from Chinese).
Buddhist Tripitakacatalogs Reorganization of Tripitaka catalogs of different dynasties and multi-lingual editons. More information can be seen at: http://jinglu.cbeta.org
2) Buddhist Lexicographical Resources(http://sites.google.com/site/buddhistreferencetools/Home) The goal of this project is to construct a large-scale digital database of Buddhist vocabularies and books. In addition to using Information Technology to sort and integrate related digital literature, the project aims to establish free tools and platforms for academic services. Its website will provide resources for downloading digital collections of Buddhist literature, search and retrieval tools, a Comparative Edition Database, and research platform services.
Term Extraction and Concordance+GIS display environment 跨語翻譯 Cross-Lang. 詞條 Term 時空資訊 Time and Spatial 各種辭典解釋 Dictionaries 語用索引 Concordance 相關詞彙 Correlation Terms 16
4. 增加欲搭配的可直接輸入的字 5. 點選 Range or Concordance 將詞條送出並取得結果 • 輸入檢索字 • 列出部分符合組字式內容的所有 EXT.B 以上的字供使用者選擇 • 點選欲檢索的字前方的 Add http://dev.ddbc.edu.tw/cbetalexicon/
3) The Chinese Buddhist Tripitaka Electronic Text Collection, Taipei Edition(http://taipei.ddbc.edu.tw/) This project is aimed at constructing the largest digital archive of Chinese Buddhist content in existence, and at facilitating knowledge sharing and knowledge creation. Digitizing the Jiaxing Tripitaka(嘉興藏) collection is the main task of this project. The Jiaxing Tripitaka is collection of rich Buddhist resources from the Ming and Qing periods, and as a result of this digitization, most of what is not contained in the Tripitaka (大正藏) and the Zokuzōkyō (卍續藏) may now be found in our database.
Spatial-Temporal Information Systems The above mentioned projects, mainly from Chinese Buddhist Tripitaka sources, provide valuable insights into the potential applications of Spatial-Temporal Information Systems. From the database of Chinese Buddhist catalogs, we construct unique IDs, such as titles, dates, translators, authors, locations etc. These unique IDs conform to the standards established in TimeMap Geographic Information Technology.
3. The Integration of the International Buddhist Archives Although we are blessed now with a wide range of projects that have constructed valuable data repositories, these data-sources tend to function as isolated monoliths, and the lack of connections between them limits their value to end-users. For this reason, a group of scholars around the world has convened to promote ideas connected with “Integrated/International Buddhist Archives” (IBA), the goal being to integrate existing digital Buddhist resources and to provide a framework to support future work.
Integrated Buddhist Archives (IBA) - Taiwan On the 15th of April 2009, with the support of Taiwan Digital Archives Expansion Project and Dharma Drum Buddhist College, the “Integrated Buddhist Archives (IBA) - Taiwan” conference was held at the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica.
Integrated Buddhist Archives (IBA) - Taiwan • This conference provided the opportunity for the presentation of a number of projects with great potential. Organized around the central theme of “integration”, it also provided the opportunity to work on a new direction in our thinking about how our resources can best be used. • It's ultimate goal is the development of ever better and more integrated services for end-users, thereby to make the Buddhadharma ever more accessible and available in new, innovative and powerful ways.
United Nations Day of Vesak The United Nations Day of Vesak workshop in Bangkok on May 5, 2009. To outline some definite ideas to create a digital unified catalog of the Buddhist canons and other projects: (1) “Canonic Text Input and Cataloging” (2) “Future Needs for Canonic Text Input and Cataloging” (3) "Construction of a Union digital catalogue of Canonic texts" (4) "Technology and Sharing Distributed Data"
Union Catalogues • The Interim Organizing Group (IOG) of the Union Catalog of Buddhist Texts (UCBT) and the CBETA projects: • (1) a member of each of the four Language Working Groups (Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese, and Tibetan), (2) a number of technical and scholarly experts
4. Conclusion • In this way, the projects introduced above are aimed at the development of an IBA platform that can enable the convenient searching of Buddhist resources scattered around the information world, and at offering scholars undertaking digitization work in Buddhist studies a space in which to exchange ideas and share their experiences of digitization. • The development of Buddhist archives which serve scholars across the word is an important cultural achievement created in Taiwan for the Information Age.